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Inb4 squats

Anyone else feel like XV is going to get bad reviews?

Would you help this true Lucian remove filthy foreigners?

FFXV will release and sell based on hype, but ultimately receive the same reception as XIII from the fanbase in the long run.

Within about a year of it's release, a spin-off will be made, most likely a prequel but possibly a sequel depending on how the story goes, that features the Kingsglaive as the main characters and may relate to its founding, or re-founding depending on prequel/sequel, and it will sell based on the fact that people finally get to play as the characters they wanted to play all along, including waifus.

Screencap this post for future reference. It will happen.

Would you fuck a young Matoya?

>kingdom hearts not even mentioned at e3
feels bad

Because this game has been in development for 10+ years and people want an amazing game
We're getting cinematic garbage with a boyband and more than likely an empty Open world with nothing to do outside the story


I doubt that because XIII cured most of the fanbase from being blind consumers. There's been a LOT more coverage of XV than XIII as well.

And I doubt they'll continue to invest in the series seeing how much they're doing already.
>movie, anime, game, and more

I doubt it will all pay off.

The journos that got to play it even liked the VR thing, so nah.

I don't think at this point anyone cares about reviews from "journalists".

so when is that Brave Exvius presentation starting?

But everybody cares about Random Whiny Faggot No.23, am I right?

Nah, I think what you should be looking at is more consistently brought up issues among a significant part of the playerbase to see what worked and what didn't, or what rubs some people wrong, or what features they really enjoyed.

At this point the amount of lone individuals someone trusts with an accurate review should be very small and very close to their own social circle. The rest you can better glean from the reaction of a sufficiently large enough audience to be significant.

I'd be surprised if BE gets much support for much longer, considering how insanely profitable RK is to the point of Square trying to steal its audience by making WoFF so they have a title they fully control with the same promise.

It's amazing how stupid they are if they didn't realize the appeal of playing with all your waifus from across all FFs before RK took off.

I honestly just want to see more of FemProtag

>I'd be surprised if BE gets much support for much longer
Completely different companies make RK and BE - they're just using Final Fantasy licencing.

BE is by design a pretty good game so if they don't fuck it up with support(say barely readable english emails from them) it could go for quite a while, but again, when's the presentation? And is there any place that will livestream it?

dead on arrival

Pretty sure SE is the one paying for shit like presentations and would have to approve most big PR campaigns using their IP.

Half of these fags keep deluding themselves or only ever saw screenshots from 4/5/6, I mean for fucks sake in VII you had a car, and one of these fags complains about fire weapons(I guess he means firearms) so ENTIRE FFVII

Literally not a single person commenting there is older than 14

That puts them right into SEs target audience for the game by the time it actually comes out though

I like Edea's tits. I don't think she's wearing a bra, how naughty.

>tfw never touched a FF game until I was in my 20s
It's always weird to me when people start accusing the series of being shonen and for teenagers. I rarely get that feel

If you're making console videogames your primary audience is males between the ages of 14 and 30 really.

Girls play games too.

Yes, but girls are not the primary audience for home consoles, because home console libraries generally feature shooters, wrestling games, stuff like that, whereas the most popular genres with women are primarily located on PC or mobile.

She's one of the more underrated FF girls

whatever is going on with the side of her head looks gross

Can you really call it Edea in those and not Ultimecia?

It's Ultimecia's possession. After she's cured the vein things go away.

It's Ultimecia in those, but the regular Edea looks the same.

My final Job set up is White Mage, Mystic Knight, Bard and Dragoon. Seems like a balanced FJF run

Mine's white mage/summoner/red mage/dragoon. I have like no job synergy except for dualcast summons.

I think you're in a better position than I am. That's a pretty strong setup overall

Thing is, this "significant part of the playerbase" can be completely skewed because of the echo chamber effect. Take Witcher 3 for example: according to /v/ and Neofaggots it has the worst gameplay known to man, completely unplayable. Meanwhile in the real world, it's one of the most critically appreciated games ever that shipped 10 million copies.

What is portrayed as bad reception is often just a tiny minority whining. And this is something you can't really avoid if your audience is large and diverse enough.

Black, summoner, Geo, Dragoon.


Dragoons suck though


Show me your genitals, genitalia-chan.

KH is the actual SE shounen for teenagers. A few years ago I remembered I'd liked KH1 and 2 and figured I'd play BBS. Let's just say I didn't get very far.

They're definitely the weakest Earth job. But they're not that bad honestly. Jump is a good evasion ability and hits hard

At least your Geo can act as a mini Black Mage

>TFW Got a geomancer for my first job
>TFW Playing an Upgrade Chaos run
>TFW Freelancer for 3/4 of the first world.

>BE is by design a pretty good game
top kek

Have you tried to play it, it's utter shit.

>one of the few people who genuinely adored FFXIII and Lightning herself
I don't feel bad for having this taste, but it makes me feel quite lonely.

A maxed out Geo is pretty entertaining. Not very reliable, but unexpectedly fun. Wish i could manipulate what moves he could use

I'm with you, friend

have you?

Don't worry, I'm the same.

I don't care for Lightning but I grew to genuinely like the XIII trilogy. XIII and XIII-2 are legitimately good to great games.

Geo is shockingly versatile,

Problem is you have to memorize ~30 different abilities to know whether or not it's actually good against a mob at a particular area.

13 was meh. 13-2's main enemy (caius) sounds retarded. 13-3 sounds the most interesting desu

yup and I'm very close to uninstalling it. I just log on to get dailies and send FP

face it, it's a shit game that people will stop playing after 2 months

People said the exact same thing about RK.

I remember how the same was said about RK actually

And why do you think this?
The only problem I see is lag and gapcha rates, and currently lack of content (which is fine since it isn't even released)
large ability selection
decent graphics
decent music

Red Dragons are nice fuck you enemies. Even as a seasoned FF5 player I still got pasted by one.

I can respect this guy's opinion since he gave it a chance
Please play the game before discussing it

I don't need to eat shit to know it won't taste good.

>food analogy
top kek

Fine desu. Give me the games.

the abilities are pretty same face for character. character drop rates are utter shit, story is very blande (but at least it has one) and the game is basically auto-battle the game

Yeah. It's already saved my ass a couple times cause of my lack of ethers.

>game is basically auto-battle the game
Games tend to be auto-battle in the beginning.
Have you tried the harder bosses currently in the game like Ifrit 2* or S-5 arena boss?

How about XIII-2 and LR: FFXIII since you want to discuss them so much? I don't have a problem with you or your taste but people discussing games without giving them a chance drives me up the fucking wall

You know, FF5 is probably the only final fantasy where going Freelancer is the best option.

The ability to use every weapon/armor/accessory in the game cannot be beat.

After mastering some other jobs yes

That was me until last year.
>bought XIII like 3 months after release because it didn't appeal to me much
>got butthurt about muh linearity, muh Lightning and muh anime
>shitposted about it and the sequels for years
>last year decided to replay it for the Platinum trophy
>it was actually pretty good as far as JRPGs go
Moral of the story: don't be a jaded faggot.

FFT was kinda like that I suppose. Though Squire was only for Ramza.

I fairly adored XIII, but hated Lightning.
Fang, Vanille, and Sazh carried it for me.

That's cause Fang and Vanille are the only characters important to the story (and Vanille only as accessory to Fang), and Sazh is the only relatable, human character that acts like most people would in their situation with visible motivations and emotions (Dajh) most people can relate to.

Is yesterday's kingsglaive trailer up on youtube yet?


The new zelda looks like a better open world game than XV desu

Sahz would have been a great character if SE hadn't tokenized him to hell and back

It's in the OP.

Yes. Ill play them. I just graduated anyway.

I was looking around, and to get 100% in this FF I wanna play for the first time, it would take 200hrs.

I would think that to have the best experience first you would go fully blind and then you would 100% with a walkthrough to get all the shit you missed, but even the minimum time for it is 50hrs. If I'm going to spend 50hrs on it, might as well go for the 200 already and get it all over with.

Do you guys think this is the wrong way to go about it? I don't plan to replay, that's why I ask, it would be pretty sad to miss nice/cool or maybe even important stuff and never see it again.

And that combat isn't as slow.

No kidding

Zelda also sticks to their established iconic mounts, whereas Chocobos are now replaced by cars, apparently.

It looks good, the problem is the platform. What the fuck am I doing with a WiiU? Playing one of the maybe 4 games they'll have in its lifetime?

XV might be worse than zelda, but there are a hell of a lot of other games to turn to when I get over XV. and that spiderman game looks baller af desu

ded general, ded fantasy

Hopefully the NX is good, cause it's also for that.

>FF has had cars for 20 years
Back in my day shitposting meant something.

XV is gonna be on PC soon enough though. Zelda? Never.

Yes it's had cars, but they never really replaced chocobos, they just existed as a marginally featured thing. They never took the center stage away from airships either, for example.

Besides, people fucking love dressing up their chocobos in XIV and all, so I don't know why they didn't see an opportunity there.

Yeah, I remember that iconic part in FF7 where you have to rent a car to drive over the swamp so the Midgar Zolom doesn't get you.

Oh wait.

Please, I would love the input of those that have gone through the experience, since you can best inform me of how good/stupid of idea this may be.
The FF in question is FFX/X-2

i don't know
something feels off

100 percenting games is for jerks and will make you never want to look at it again

Stay calm, user. Everything will be better once the squats have been posted.

Must suck to have Alzheimer's.

Just in case you're serious: you do realize that XV has chocobos everywhere, with racing and everything?

>Rune Knight

I hope that FF15 does bad enough it makes Square wake up and go back to a more traditional FF, but good enough that it doesn't kill the franchise.
FF14 is proof people would like a more traditional FF game

Could you give me a brief idea, without/with little spoilers about what I would be losing by not 100%ing it?

Because if it's just some items that don't do anything to story, or some strong weapon that make things easier, I could pass on that.

FF14 is an mmo, you fuck.

The guy forgot the buggy existed, but calling out any one vehicle or mode of transportation as iconic or representative from 7 of all games is really a bad choice, since 7 basically let you drive everything under the sun at one point.

Motorcycle, chocobo, buggy, snowboard, submarine, personal airplane, spaceshuttle, personal airplane used as a boat, airship. Technically there's even a robot in your party riding another, larger robot.

I dont recommend using a walkthrough for your first experience. It really ruins the experience. Oddly it ruins your experience of the story as well, i assume that us because you pay more attention to the min naxing than the story.

There is no real reason to 100% games anyways unless you have an obsessive compulsive thing about games, like me.