my bbygrl Chika
lights up my day like the sun in the summer sky
shes like dove chocolates, i like her in my mouth
to quote the goat king of pop "You're the one that I've been lookin' for"
ilu bae
Reppin' best football striker!
I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
Yohane-sama a best.
I hope she wins the Riko.
I want to comfily sit on a veranda with her while we drink tea and talk about pengins.
Don't mind me, just posting deer.
Don't we have a picture of Yoshiko in a wedding dress?
I'm still surprised that she can fit in a bag
yes, but i love girly sora-chan
You'll have to fight me for her
Sure, say when and where.
I'll protect her smile.
>muh hagfags and Aqwhoresfags, summerfaggotry, stalker threads and other kinds of shitposting
Oh boy.
>3D posting
welp, I'll be back in 6 hours
Stalker threads will be the most disgusting kind of shitposting and I'll religiously partake on it whenever I can
Yes, I want to marry one of the seiyuu.
Can I just stay in this general, I don't like LL threads on /a/
And yet you'll stay here regardless
Don't worry, I'll man the fort while you guys are on /a/.
the most possible one is (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
It will probably be the same minus stalker shitposting.
Don't lie, you know you want to have fun with this.
Yeah, I'd fuck her, but only in the honker
Why do you guys like shitposting?
That's like asking why someone likes breathing
Can someone explain this meme?
Someone is trying to force it. Just ignore and report.
Lately the umifag tantrums have been especially bad
Isn't that just one guy? Arguably a shitposter at that
does pana smell ready for mating??
is she in heat??
perhaps maki is in perpetual heat...
Are you trying to call her a slut?
No, Ron, go hump a toy or something.
Does anyone have any guess what the cutoff for tier 3 will be?
800000000000000 probs desu senpai
not enough guiltiness of elopement from their legit wives
What is this move called?
I want Riko-chan to take care of me too.
Why is this ship so popular?
This is a no bully zone. Please do not bully Ruby zura~.
that dude who most likely has a folder of random baby images
If Yoshiko is not on the next OP I'm seriously going to kill everyone of you guys.
>asking this all over again
How cute, Anons are so curious.
Nips are browsing this general to get ideas for fanart.
>user you are very nice person
>but I heard you prefer aqours
>is it true?
Don't be ridiculous Umi-chan.
I prefer A-Rise.
It's actually supposed to be Nozotoddlers but they don't like being called that and are trying to force the meme onto Umifags instead.
>h-have you exercised for b-best girl today
Ruby a shit, but I'd pork her
I'd like to perform criminal activities with child Umi
>making fun of successful people as if being so was a bad thing
Rinfag everyone
I bet you drink carbonated drinks
Who else is going for Tier 1 in JP? I'm going to go for 57,000 points, but will it be enough? I hope so.
Yeah that'd be nice, I need new wheels. Then we'd have non-consensual commemoration sex
I prefer to download them
What kind of movies would Kotori like?
How will KLab handle aqours titles? Will they add 15 aqours songs(9 for single girls, 6 for subunits) right after the update?
The individual titles most likely won't be released until the solos come out. Subunits will probably come first.
Are they going to add Strawberry Trapper to the B-Sides after the event on JP?