Low-budget general edition
/rsg/ - Runescape General
1st for extremely dead thread
So how fucked is the economy gonna be with the mining/smithing rework? Or can we trust jagdad to not fuck it up L O L
we're fucked
Zamorak is a nigger
>mining/smithing rework
I haven't had access to the internet for the past 3 days
what's happening?
go google it
>Not Bandos
Miningspan and smithingspan
next is agilityspan
> mfw this thread again
>smithing span and mining span with STACKABLE COAL?!!!?
>Rune is dead (lol tier 50 garbage)
>can now smith barrows esque armor with Necroite ore
>tons of armor can now be smashed into one big SUPER ARMOR aka "Masterwork"
>Its still better to buy stuff than it is to smith stuff. (smithed rune stuff is T43 instead of T50 like normal rune pl8's so as not to devalue bossing and whatnot)
>you can now create your own set effects and shit
>"Aethirium"?? is the new T90 armor thats gonna be the bees knees .
>smithing stuff is going to be geared towards PvM with maybe looking into PvP later down the line
>unsafe DnD that rewards you with better ores and shit but is filled with lots of monsters and traps
>Mining is basically a minigame sorta like Shooting Star but now with CRITICAL STRIKES! based on pickaxe levels and stuff
>update to Artisians workshop coming too
btw Shattered worlds is basically Canned as noone gave a fuck about it in the pols anyway
All the new smithable shit is DOA because it's tank armor
Smith+ Minefag here - Should I keep increasing my level in both skills (70 atm) in hopes of cashing off the new armors while they're still fresh?
>in hopes of cashing off the new armors while they're still fresh
They won't be f2p so good luck with that
Also they wont be very profitable because people associate smithing products with being dirt cheap and easily made by the thousands
Unless the new ores are obnoxiously rare you'll see every scrub walking around in Aether like it's rune
>They won't be f2p so good luck with that
Why on earth would you expect otherwise?
Items past rune have never been f2p barring those shitty corrupt pvp armors
Memex really wants me to buy those fucking bonds, don't they?
I'm 3 million in and I'm already feeling my grasp on sanity loosening.
It's been a useless husk of a demo since 2006
I haven't started playing "seriously" until maybe three days ago; I'm really trying to escape this restricted nightmare.
And atm I'm also fucking anxious that I won't be able to make another 12m before my first bond-membership ends.
the prices can't go much lower if they don't change the alch price
if they do then yes we're fucked
just pay with cash,save your gp for herblore
they will be changing the alch prices
why the fuck can't we make power armour anyway?
because in Runescape, defence (since the beginning of time) has been absolutely useless
people have always valued offense over defence so smithable power armor devalues armor drops from bosses
>just pay with cash
enjoy f2p hell my friend
Can't I just do slaying instead of herblore? Sounds like it's more down my alley.
You'll eventually do everything
but you need 94-96 herblore for overloads, untradable potions essential for high level PVM (including slayer)
Can I beat around that bush for a while though?
rip coal bag
what is all this bullshit
where is dragon
Right before necrite?
Go play OSRS if you cant read.
the smithing rework didn't mention it at all
it literally did.
Watch the mining rework then you pleb.
Orikalk ore and before you get in a tizzy over this name it's been called this for years
it literally did not get fucked
I already knew it was gonna be called orikalkum since rune dragons were released
Well it was definitely mentioned
so far the only thing I've seen that actually sounds retarded is dual wielding pickaxes
it's not like they could make smithing and mining any worse anyway though
Yeah that sounds stupid
Instead of that they should just make craftable pickaxes tie into the masterwork smithing (and maybe require some harmonic dust)
can have one type of pick for harvesting more ore and another that sacrifices ore for xp
And only bossing autists would complain
Pkers and bossers truly are the cancer of Runescape
i hope the higher level pickaxes require a crystal pickaxe to forge
Everyone who plays Runescape is the cancer of Runescape tbqh
>people willing get on their knees for Goldberg's viswax
>os players
>they will be changing the alch prices
and probably not the drop tables.
they'll have to change the drop tables eventually
shud de fug up and buy de bonds :------DD
>smithing rework gets news
>runite ore isn't buying for 10k
They said they would adjust drop tables.
They're not that retarded, just mostly. The economy is still going to be in the toilet for a while.
panic sell ores
panic sell bars
panic sell coal, pickaxes, and hope
>have absolutely terrible luck on th
>never buy keys
>this is the one good thing I get
>it's coding is jagex spaghetti
>no chance in hell they'd fix it
I did something today gamers!
you better have gotten quest cape before you even got one 99
>my spring cleaner will never reach 9000 before the update
You fucking shitter
>99 inv
>no 120 dg
When will this meme end?
>b-but muh max cape
No, it's retarded.
>access to MAX guild
>access to MAX cape
>all skills MAXED (120 is called TRUE MAX)
>120 is called TRUE MAX
no it isnt
dead thread
you should have left it to die
I already did that once today
just like slayer
>mfw i just did a mahogany bookcase challenge and got paid back in fucking rune ores
>10% exp bonus from aura overrides double exp from goldsmithing gloves
jagex quality
it is actually
Can someone explain this combat triangle shit to me so I can be 100% clear on how things work
Is melee armor still what you use to defend against melee attacks or am I supposed to be using mage armor?
mage beats melee which beats ranged
they're all neutral to themselves
this couldn't be any simpler, it's just rock paper scissors
melee > ranged > magic > melee
you have bonus accuracy on things you are strong against, no change on things neutral, and a penalty to things you are weak against.
I understand the basics of the combat triangle; it's been like that since the beginning of time
But back before eoc, mage armor gave next to no defenses. I'm wondering if that's changed now and if mage armor is better than melee armor when facing melee enemies because right now it makes sense to me that if melee armor is strong against ranged then mage armor should provide more defense against melee attacks than the melee armor
Is that correct, or is melee armor what you should be wearing when killing melee oriented enemies?
Note, you also get an accuracy penalty if you are using a weapon that doesn't match your armor style.
There's also hybrid armor which is not aligned to any style, so you don't get a penalty when switching weapon styles, but your opponent doesn't get an accuracy loss based on their style.
>But back before eoc, mage armor gave next to no defenses. I'm wondering if that's changed now and if mage armor is better than melee armor when facing melee enemies because right now it makes sense to me that if melee armor is strong against ranged then mage armor should provide more defense against melee attacks than the melee armor
>Is that correct, or is melee armor what you should be wearing when killing melee oriented enemies?
mage and ranged armor gives the same armor bonus as melee armor that's the same tier as it.
>I'm wondering if that's changed now and if mage armor is better than melee armor when facing melee enemies
it is
also using armour that is not the same style as your weapon gives you an accuracy penalty
like the other user said all armour in the same tier has the same defense but keep in mind that armour is now split in power armour and tank armour, the former increasing your damage bonus and the latter having slightly higher armour rating
there's also hybrid armour which doesn't penalize any attack styles and defends equally against all of them but has low armour rating compared to other armours of the same tier and no damage bonus
>New Daily Challenge: Runecrafting - Law Runes (0 / 788)
>scavenging procs
>it's finally a rare component
>culinary components
Alright, thanks for helping me be less retarded anons
Why is Jagex so terrible at balancing things?
>cade heal other becomes found out at vorago
>jagex says what a great display of teamwork and cooperation we will keep this in the game
>becomes used regularly at snek
>instead of nerfing it they just straight out delete it
>it was too powerful and carried bad teams t. jagex
>dreadnips are ok
>have to jump through rings of fire to get them
>lmoa get deleted
>kiln is too easy
>lets make it take 10 minutes longer and make the monsters inside print damage like the zimbabwe banks print money
Should have changed the reward to 2 onyx
Should have updated the xp/hour from it so it's not a total waste.
good luck on your adventures user
Who wants 2 fug
do you get any benefit out of sharing skill training dummies with other people?
it goes down faster
how much you pay
>Meg is back
>yfw /rsg/ has literally become Ash
>tfw glacor task and equilibrium on cooldown
like blowing a penis
get it?
pray for me to get a good reward from this elite
kill yourself
reminder to change your miscellania management to mahogany and herbs
wow u fucken whore.... 10m
mahogany = less birds nests
it's less profit on average than maples
>Piss easy challenge
>New Daily Challenge: Delve into Daemonheim (0 / 1)
Just like every other day
Look at this faggot without 200m dg over here