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reaper is fun

you are onry human

it's time

is 2.0 k/d ok?

>tfw you like hanzo and genji but don't want to be associated with weebs

To all of you disgusting Mcree players know that I hope you fuckers continue to enjoy playing him and find continued success with him despite the nerfs.

>chinese knockoff overwatch


Good to see this game already has its very own Final Combat.

>tfw autistically trying to aim at the middle of the door and just stand there because symmetrical ocd
>team keeps pushing me around

how mad are windowlicker/ mcCrutch mains right now?

>widowmaker can still spam shots like a machine gun

>tfw no naked invisible male pregnancy baby hugging hero

>no d.va buff
what happened

Stillborn players are getting delusional.


Post your faces when McGree is kill

>I felt like the loss was deserved and we didnt get totally stomped


>that dumb fucking look on mei's face when she freezes you to death.
it's the only reason I don't play heroes without oh-shit buttons.


Good McCrees were always LMB users, but at least im not getting double fan'd even without a flashbang anymore. He's still great, easily B tier usage imo.

Oh I will, nothing is more satisfying than clicking on Tracer heads

Are you playing on NA servers?

Good McCree should still do well

I'm gonna enjoy watching all the shitters visibly get frustrated when their ability to fan twice with the aim of a retarded inbred chimpanzee doesn't get them kills when two of the 12 bullets manage to hit something through sheer luck





New brawl when?

Post Torbjörn

>get boydshotted for 120 dmg + 3 smg shots to Elim
Too bad he's still shit.

The best games are where both teams are equally good. It makes the wins and loses feel more deserved.

"gg ez" - Can we not?

I really wish this wasn't a thing. I have no idea where this has sprung from, nor why people think it's a great idea to type this at the end of a match they've just won, but there's literally no good that can come from gloating after a win.

People say it when they steamroll another team. People say it when they've barely won a game. People say it when teams seemed fairly balanced. Sometimes, people even say it when they've lost!

Sure, there are some players who say it ironically, or just for fun, but a lot of observers don't get the joke and just parrot the term when they next win a match.

All it does (and is designed to do) is to infuriate the other team, and creates a shitty atmosphere for all involved. Even exploiters, name-callers, ninja-quitters and angst-ridden shouty teammates are less cancerous than the "gg ez" crowd.

Can we just... Not?

>People keep telling me Pharah is a counter to Junkrat
>My face when jump+throwing concussion mines in that bitches face while she's in the air
>My face when mineboosting myself into the air to connect a grenade straight to her face

The same people who say this probably actually play Junkrat defensively LOL

where is this from? neofag?

just tried widow. the dmg nerfs are fine but the scope animation fix makes her almost unplayable.



I've never had a game like this where people make it all the way until the end without blaming each other


So let me get this straight, Widow can now only do max 120 damage with a full 100% body shot or is the max different now?

He's not. fth is still pretty powerful but not extreme overkill like it was before



He's still usable though
This pasta encourages me to type "gg ez" even more

Close, the blizzard forums

You mean this one?

>correct intro
you please me

Bonus points for actually running down and collecting the scrap while protected by your turrets line of fire instead of standing near a wall smacking a full hp turret

it's ok I queue with a hot monkey friendo



>Widowmakers have to actually get headshots to kill any class in one hit
>McCrees have to actually aim, use left click, and time shit properly to take down tanks

These shitters have to actually git gud for fast kills now and I fucking love it.

Playing D.Va is so frustrating. Her bullets literally tickle the opponent

4 fucking minutes.

4 minutes here

Tracer a cute !




7 hours





In motion.


No support nerfs until Sombra

Also, just make a different support with a speed boost. Give Lucio competition before you nerf.

Mercy Ult, Another nerf to Fth

>be Toblerone
>Junkrat hits me head on with his knock thing
>get launched into low orbit
>end up landing somewhere Torb is not supposed to be and has no right building a turret on
>spend the rest of the match keking at the broken turret location making things impossible for the enemy team

How do I see all the players I've avoided/blocked? With the upcoming Widow nerf those hopefully won't be necessary anymore.

how much cancer am i


I don't know why but people who say shit like "2ez" in this game piss me the fuck off. I don't care about BM in any other games but for some reason it gets to me in this one. Maybe it's because most heroes require little to no skill, and you know the guy saying it is the one who was playing McCree or Winston the entire game.

Mercy's ult, then Widow will probably get another. As people get better with Genji he'll probably get a little slap too.

>the change of facial expression from "damage taken" to "freezing dude" to "cap a nigga"

So good.


>Win first round of KOTH
>Friendly S76 says "gg easy"
>Friendly Mercy says "Don't be mean like that"

I'm afraid ocean of mainer tears will flow on forum/twatter and they will revert these changes

Only a shitter would think that he's bad now. If all six bullets hit a fan the hammer will still kill most classes.

>instead of nerfing a really powerful hero let's make one that's even stronger
gr8 idea

Looks like you just play easy mode.

What is a ninja-quitter? Someone who quits when they have a bad Genji on their team?

there's my chippy

come here chip chip

>implying mercy ult is op
stop stacking your ultis like little shitters

who /thinksthesearegoodnerfs/ here?

I was afraid that they were just going to delete these characters from the game

No Mei, Widow or McCree? You're only stage 2 cancer. Treatable since we caught it early.

Did the Junkrat realize what he did?

bastion and torb, all the kiddies are really going to be mad when the true no skill classes gets to shine due to todays nerfs.

prepare your angus, the age of the turret classes are upon us.

Well, that was a waste of time. Guess I can finally start playing McReee though.

>lose every point because of big mercy ults
>get to the last point
>team still targets mercy last

why tho

EU update when

I'm gonna roleplay now desu
but only slightly

mercy's ult is like top 3 with zarya and lucio

*raises paw*

Both make it harder for shit players to just smash buttons and contribute, while not really hurting the players who can click heads. A+ Riot, will buy your next champ

it charges too fast, I play Mercy and I get it way too frequently

I always have an ult for every fight ever

I cant stop picking mercy, nobody ever goes support in my games and i have to, reeee
I want to get out of it, I want to junkrat it up

which map, which location?

>no DVA buffs

>no accelerator

You don't love her.

can't get headshots buddy?

>genji annoys me all game
>switch to mei and start to bully him

Holy shit, this is great. Noone told me Mei was fun.

I don't think so, right after launching me he got swarmed by two guys on my team. I also spent about 8 seconds up there figuring out what the fuck just happened


We already knew her buffs weren't coming until after these nerfs.