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daily reminder that MEMES are not REAL and SUPPORTS are not your SLAVES

>Balance and release the game against human nature
>Wonder why it's not working

Team games are a meme. It will never ever work, because that's not what humans are and want.

You can try and force it by making all other courses of action impossible, but then you just get the slot machine games we have right now. People don't want to play like Blizzard wants them to and they won't change. If they close out all other options they will rather quit than play it as the team game they had in mind..

>Need Support
>Pick Symmetra

Post balances you think need to be made

>Hard mode: No Remove X from the game

Nth for D.va's soles

>reinhardt's hammer can now randomly critically strike
someone hire me

>need support
>pick a third hanzo

>high MMR
>quick play

are you retarded? what even counts as "high mmr" in the pure autism MMing that is quick play? the blatant no life virgins that rushed to lvl 200?

>Zarya in every game
>Sometimes multiple per team


Just shut up and heal me you fucking slut

I love putting trap + concussion mine traps for tracers

threadly reminder to never trust potg/replays/highlights/spectating

>Our in-game camera system does not always play back footage at the same fidelity as real-time gameplay (this loss in fidelity applies to the killcam, Plays of the Game, Highlights, and—to a lesser extent—the spectator camera as well). This can sometimes result in a player’s aim appearing more snappy or less fluid in playback than it did in-game.

I swear it's always the Tracer and Genji players that beg for someone to support

when you start to see good players and don't see bastions every game? are you retarded?

>need tank
>pick D.va ;)

I like playing zarya but god damn every time I pick her now someone on the enemy team picks her as well which is the least fun matchup in the game.

Propose some changes to the game that would allow for aCTF maps

HARD MODE: Can't remove any heroes

who the fuck would post narutard shit on this board

>overwatch bumped down to second row on twitch views


As a Tracer I never ask for healing. If I get caught I'm going to die anyway.

Please post cute Pharah x Mercy art.

you stop seeing bastions every game after lvl 10 user.

>34,024 Viewers on Twitch, down from 60K+ average
>8th place now down from 2nd-3rd


It seems like the honeymoon period is over..

>tfw no gf

Post some salt thrown your way

fuck off back to twitch

>Please post cute Pharah x Mercy art.

>while holding the flag, abilities are disabled

Halo's competitive scene around 2004 was completely centered around teams and was successful in executing team combat.

No, that would be Winston duel

What does party time look like when she's out of the mech?

theres a naruto shippuden general

This is cute, right?

based widow nerf

ITT: we give blizz ideas for next brawls

Torb should start with no scrap, so he can't shit out a Turret rank two without first gathering some scrap.

i wonder if she can press the bottom of each feet against each ass cheek.

thick dva is best dva.

No Snipers

Nothing makes my dick harder than to sneak around the enemy team and kill the Symmetra so it fucks up her ult gain and we get the first point before it finishes charging.

That's what you get for doing this pointless busywork meme on point A with the teleporter

Is the patch live yet?

that's stupid and would make him almost worthless

>mfw that thumbnail was a trap

Torb doesn't need scrap to hit his turret to rank 2. In fact the only thing he uses scrap for is making armor

am I being b8ed?

Who /below 50/ here

A friendly Lucio could just escort the flag carrier with a speed boost I'd imagine.

pls rate

>that McCree supernerf


Why do people keep reposting this unless they haven't seen her face

Re-add Widow's quickscoping, reduce ult timer, adjust charge shot and base shot damage modifiers and add headshot modifier, reduce cooldown on her hook, remove notifications of triggered venom mines.

She's a god damn potato now. Quick scoping was the only surefire way to deal high damage, now you're literally TF2 Sniper being completely blind to anything close range

Overtime goes faster/slower depending on how many of each team is on the point

That's my only complaint, fuck overtime

why is everyone good at mcree except me. I can't headshot and I never kill anyone with fan the hammer what am I doing wrong

All her emotes look the same without mech.

only melee attacks
you cant pick rein

>not Mei duel

>he thinks blocking out names will stop me from hacking you

>I'm not doing this for YOU you creep
>I am wearing this for COMFORT
god these types of whores needs to be shot

>pick symmetra as only support
>team rages at you and tells you to switch entire game
>game ends, you have every gold medal except healing and potg

6 D.Vas.

testing first webm dont bully

I don't know, I wish we had someone to tell us fun facts about Jesse McCree

Because it doesn't show her face.

Absolute madman playing Zenyatta

it seemed more like a nice rebalance so he doesn't rape every tank

I just don't want random autists adding me

First for fucking MOBAS

> thinking that lesbian relationships are that cute, shy and soft

Press E.

>tfw you actually got somebody to rage at you today

today was a good day

lesbian relationships are smelly and angry

>10 million players
>been matched with the same 20 people all day long
>queues taking longer and longer

Is Blizz lying?

you do realize they need your full battle tag right?
as in name#number?

I like your style

Zenyatta bros report in

it's finally our time

Still going to cause a shit ton of salt to people who don't play tanks. No fun dying to Flashbangs.


Probably, or they just don't play torb.

not a bad Idea though, make it cost a reasonable amount.

>Quick scoping was the only surefire way to deal high damage

Explain? I don't play her.

I wish mariachi music played with his death blossom

That's exactly why I'm over cautious with Symmetra until I get my ultimate.

>I can actually play Zenyatta now

live on NA, tomorrow for EU

Just bought Sunyatta after holding out on it until after Widow got her inevitable nerf.

in b4 tracer and reaper stuffing you ever 3 seconds

They're not playing at the same time or the same level. Not to mention if you're requeueing immediately after leaving your chances of rejoining the same game is very high.

>RE carried by lirik
>dead by daylight just came out today and will drop off immediately

nice meme goys

Mercy ult only affects heroes who died near her while she was alive and they were in range.

Mei's alt fire needs to be further nerfed in terms of damage falloff, it should be practically worthless outside of spitting distance

>gold in kills objective kills objective time
>no support
>every match my team is wandering off in every direction but the point

>random crits
go away

so NAfags, how is mccree after the nerfs?

still able to take genji/reaper out comfortably?

Do people actually have issues with no support/tank

I think one in every ten matches I'm forced to play support or tank because no one else would. It's not a common thing.

over cautious = even further away from the team, so you're even easier to kill

As soon as I see the Symmetra on the enemy team I tunnel vision her down no matter the cost, because winning here is practically a free win for the entire game.

The only change Torb could possibly need is a change to his ult that's pretty overwhelming strong for stopping pushes. Otherwise, he's perfectly fine as is.

>usually jump games after every win/loss
>decide to stick it out so that I don't have to go through the requeue process
>sit through the potg
>sit through commends
>sit through stats
>get kicked out to requeue anyway


I was playing Reaper and could consistently survive McSkill's fan the hammer every time I saw him

>even further away from the team

you have to be faster than before but its possible. IT actually takes some skill because the stun is so short if you dont aim and pull the trigger quick enough theyll get away


>mfw I managed to solo stall a cart for almost a full minute in overtime as Lucio by just jumping around like a retard
>mfw my team still lost
it was funny though


I hope you faggots are happy.

>I may not be able to win more than one in two matches, but at least widow can't 2 shot me
>I may be forced to lose half my games, but at least McCree had his balls removed
This is utter bullshit, now tracer can zip through the map unopposed and we're all still forced to play with retards every other game.

Blizz won't ever add it though.

>IT actually takes some skill
fuck this im out