What's the most illegal way you've ever made a buck?
disclaimer: I am not associated with any law-enforcement agency
What's the most illegal way you've ever made a buck?
disclaimer: I am not associated with any law-enforcement agency
I dropshipped your mom.
i've never made an illegal dollar in my life. if i had, hypothetically, it would've been selling a few ounces of black tar opium many, many years ago. hypothetically. completely, 100%, never happened IRL.
no real niggas are going to post in this thread, so you are wasting board space.
Stealing people' iPod's, sneakers, cash out of wallets from gym lockers during gym class in high school. Kinda feel bad about it now. But that fucking RUSH when you are $100 richer in 1 minute of work. Never again though.
Jesus that's so incredibly unhealthy
The paint? Or stealing.... probably both.
wow, you're a shit bag
I posted affiliate links on Veeky Forums and made $20, making me a professional shitposter.
To be fair it was from privileged white teens (I'm white too but not privileged) and everyone's parents bought them luxury cars for their 16th birthdays. $100 to them was piss. No jobs, silver spoon fed, etc.
I one time sold 6 cigs to kids (around the age of 12) for $25.
Hacked one of the biggest affiliate networks there is, stole around $500k and ran away like nothing happend. Its been hunting me till this day, never got caught though.
until today, mother fucker
>Anonymous (ID: XD9Rce+/) 08/20/16(Sat)17:17:24 No.1455078▶
no one smart enough to do that , is dumb enough to incriminate themselves online .
happy rp'ing :)
He already incriminated himself you dummy.
>assumption of gender
happy rp'ing :)
There are no women on the internet.
> assumption of assuming gender
Fuck off shitlord
So that's how you justify stealing from people? You sound like a complete liberal/socialist. Why are you even on this board?
you just can't win, huh?
Why do you ask? are you a cop?
>So that's how you justify stealing from people?
There's a pretty big difference between stealing someone's very last piece of bread and stealing a little bit from a wealthy person.
Kind of how scamming people with cancer, elderly or incredibly poor is much worse than tricking an upper middleclass person
you sound like a loser. oh well, that's your problem.
I found a very simple vulnerability one of their sub domains, simply went from there and got access to all their data (Still have a complete dump of everything). I made a stable $6,000 per day. Every, single, day. Hard to believe huh? :)
It still hunts me till this day though, couldnt sleep for weeks, but bought a nice house to compensate that. I wouldnt do it again though. Atleast not in a blackhat way.
I'm not getting how you made money from that
There's a difference, i agree. But regardless of the difference, justification for theft is petty and just shows ones shitty character.
What i was pointing out is the ridiculous leftist idea that it's okay to take from the rich because they're too rich and don't deserve it, just like that kid used in his justification to steal from "privileged white teens", as if some how because their parents saw success they deserve to have stuff stolen from them.
Theft is theft. While it may not seem as harmful, you're still stealing senpai.
I had access to their entire database, I could change anything I wanted, payments, info, anything. Im not going into detail. Does that answer your question?
****That justification for theft
Obviously i would steal and risk everything to feed my children
I get that but was just curious how you got money from it
Wouldn't they notice them sending thousands of dollars a day to some guy?
Well yeah theft is still theft I was just saying there's a pretty clear line morally and legally between stealing a little bit from someone who can afford it and taking advantage of someone in a really bad position which some might call you a "scumbag" for.
Kind of how you'd probably feel sympathy for a victim of a really elaborate fraud, but not so much sympathy for someone who fell for a "Nigerian prince" email scam
No, I didn't simply just pay myself 6k everyday, It would've been to obvious, obviously. I literally made myself invisible in their database and splitted the money under alot of accounts. And I did some other things but I dont even remember anymore (:
cool, sounds pretty ebin but transferring the money undetected seems kind of challenging
Lauren, go back to work
I knew there was something crazy you were doing for money
It indeed was really challenging and gave me sleepless nights. One day there was alot of police infront of my house, luckily it was my neighbors but I literally shit my pants that day. Never told anybody except for now. Not even my closest friends.
I've never done anything illegal but I did hear about this one operation.
Our nineteen year old hero bought six kilos of DNP through alibaba at $40 a kg/ claiming he was going to use it as a pesticide, which is legal. However, DNP is also used as a rapid weight loss drug.
During the week in which he used silica gel and his oven to dry the DNP another dumb whore in the UK killed herself by ODing on DNP and thus paranoia set in.
He chose to only accept bitcoin payments, used tor from a VPS and insisted on using PGP for large orders.
He used carefully mixed some 4F-MPH, a structural methylphenidate analogue that's legal, with the DNP.
After 10000 hours of capping he ended up with 22.000 caps, each containing 250mg DNP and about 3 mg of 4F-MPH in it. He threw the remaining DNP away after some of it stained his fingers through the fucking gloves.
He created accounts on reddit and several fora and presented himself as a new vendor that would be around for a long, long time. To build up a name and some good reviews he started with a promotion after which he sit his price at 50$/50caps and 80$/110caps. Most people bought the 50cap package.
Once a week he walked a bag full of bubble wrapped letters to a random post office, never close to his own home. In it, double vacuum sealed packets with a label stating "turmeric powder - supplement" and an ebay logo.
Two months and 4600$ (in BTC) later he got a PM on reddit. Someone asked him how much stock he had left and he wanted to buy the entire business. He wanted his stock, the online accounts and his silence. Our hero had gotten bored anyway and decided to be done with it.
After a week of anxiety the sale was finalized and he sold his business for $7500, netting him about a $11.000 profit. Which wasn't bad for the few hours a week it had cost him.
The guy who bought it ended up exit scamming hordes of redditors after he presumably sold everything.
Just a story fictitious story though LE :^)
I went to the pool at the hotel I was staying at. The lockers require a £1 coin to operate.
When I put my pound in the locker I found another pound coin in the return tray. I kept it.
That's what people who buy DNP fucking get
How retarded do you have to be to ingest an industrial grade insecticide for the purpose of weight loss?
At most use clenbuterol, ingesting something toxic, never approved for human use is retarded
I created the idea of synthetic CDOs.
Actually, DNP has been used extensively by at least 100,000 people in the US as a weight loss agent from 1933-1938. It was sold OTC but eventually got pulled because people started getting cataracts. Curiously, this almost exclusively affected women.
Also there is a lot of solid research on DNP although it's not very recent.
I'm not saying that DNP is safe; it's easy to OD if you're a retard and horrible side effects like PN can hit even the most careful user.
Still though, I'd take it over clen, which is proven to be myotoxic and also doesn't work as well.
Depends on your goals I guess
Do you really feel the need to ingest such a toxic substance to lose fat in two weeks what would take 2-3 months to do? Personally I don't care about hitting single digit bodyfat. I just run test mostly with the occasional oral or deca/tren blast and an ECA stack for cutting
does the job well enough
crypto shit, easiest money Ive ever made.
Kek. That nigga called a hipoint 9mil a glock 40.
nigger detected