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>its a payload mission

>its a attack/defend mission

>Its a koth mission

First for scrub genji

>it's a "could have been fun but blizzard had to fuck with the HP and ability cooldowns" brawl

>It's a meme team

>someone on your team picks hanzo.

>play my main
>but have fun

Anyone know the patch notes for console or are they the same this time around?

hanzo is rly good tho

>I win this round, Genji
Feels good killing the enemy Genji solo with headshots

Did Winston get nerfed? How? Why? Is he no longer viable?

>Patch notes
>Deleted Widowmaker from the game
Typical blizzard

>tfw not a console fag
>have no lag

>one of junkrats lines is "aimings overrated"

>someone your team picks d.va

>top kek m8 :^))))

xth for shitty potg

>Traveling to Hanamura

If he should be more viable now after the Mcree nerf.

why is everyone so much better than me at aiming in this game

>Prepare your defenses

She still a cute

How accurate is this?

xth for dying alone

>Patch just went live on EU

Well time for me to see if my left clicking practice has paid off.

Rip fanning the hammer into niggers faces repeatedly


when you have fun you will always be the winner

>tfw when 4 gold
>as reinhardt
Team pls.

Can't stop
Won't stop

wow thanks user

>Have food while playing
>Hands are AFK while I take a bite

fuck you mercy

>American playing Zenyatta
>I am growing stronger

>Volskaya Industries on defense
>pick Bastion

ezpz, those floating platforms are how I got my first ever POTG.

>Russian that got shot "I am growing stronger"

>it's a mission



Going whole hog on those poor Mcree. All is right in the world.

he is if you know how to play him

after this widow nerf people will start to give him more of a chance and discover he is actually good

fwiw taimou and reaver (probably 2 best widow players) both said that hanzo is really good but widow is simply better so hanzo is not worth picking

this was before the nerf obviously, i asked them both the same question in the chat

>literal shitposting

>TFW death by 20 tick

The difference between a good hanzo and bad hanzo is ridiculous

At least average widows will contribute with all hacks and bodyshots

Average hanzo's will do literally nothing and miss everything

Good hanzo's are beasts. Very rare tho

>Hanzo/Mei/Roadhog in good tier
>Zarya/Trashmouse in okay tier
>Pharah in god tier

>patch rolls in
>widow is still broken, bodyshotters are still fagging up quick play and you have to dedicate someone on her 24/7
>/owg/ is so bad at the game that they couldn't tell the patch was a joke regarding Widow

Yeah, ranked mode will be awesome trying to be sniper because she is so broken that she is the only hero who can literally solo carry. Monkeys and Spiders, what a fucking stupid game.

>Have a Winston and Hanzo on my team
>still have to take out the Widow by myself

Just played against a lvl 93 Reinhardt. Which one of you was this.


Is it me or is every attack/defend mission so damn hard to penetrate without proper teammates?

It's not like Veeky Forums is actually good enough to have a decent opinion on these kind of things senpai.

who /healslut/ here?

Who do you main?

No console patch yet.

get on my level scrubs


go in one by one ;)

show me one pro player who uses hanzo not on gibralter first/second point.

gg ez you can't. He's only used for that first/second point to spam into the meta-hiding hole on defense.

>Patch comes out 1 hour before 2 hours maintenance

>mystery heroes is gone

if I could save time in a bottle
the first thing that I'd like to do
is to save every day till eternity passes away
just to spend them with you

>Have a Symetra on my team.
>Puts the turrets in areas that the enemy team will never go.
You have so much power, and yet you waste it.

>playing Reaper defensively
>give Winston the reverse monkey dick
>he switches to Bastion
>I cant flank them at all anymore
>he starts flanking US
>they win the game like this

feel free to call me bad

McCree was bitchmade before to StreetPig.

>still the only one with ulti after death.


in pro games hanzo is most common in king's row defence

>torbjorns winrate on console globally is 70%

>switch to genji
>gg no re

Veeky Forumss opinion on these kinds of things is basically, "This character isn't good because im garbage with them!"

Make an effort with the pic at least.

What about Roadhog isn't considered good?

But I didn't post Mei

I have 0 playtime on Genji and im not about to start

Who even counters solider?

I hate when matchmaking throws me into the game during the last 5 seconds.

>Scrimming with friends

I don't know if I've ever had this much fun in a video game.

>Escort map
>One mercy, two Genji/Tracers, two Hanzo/Widows
>Pick a Tank
>Push payload all the way to the end basically by myself
>Get to the end and I can't win 6v1 right outside their spawn


How viable is Winston in the current update? Is he only worthwhile when stacked?

>torb winrate is 60% on PC

> Kings Row
> Dominated on Defense
> "You won't get the first point"
> Attack Commences
> Battle Lucio
> Speed Boost the long way around the point, killing Widowmaker along the way.
> Plink down the enemy sentry from the back hallway.
> Enemy team starts chasing through the back hallway.
> Lead enemy team on wild goose chase while friendly team captures the point.

We didn't win, but I wasn't even mad.

So every brawl?

Link me please

roadhog, takes him outa his healing stream and insta kills him.

Winston is a shit
Roadhog is a shit
Zarya is a shit
Reinhardt is a shit
and D.Va is useless but we already knew that

Not particularly good when compared to the other tanks. He has his uses but you usually wouldn't see him because Rein and Winston exist.

I am healing but I am not a healslut

where are the patch notes at????


Not me, but I'm a big fan

What do

???? ayyylmao good meme bro.

stop talking out of your ass he wasn't picked one you hanzo fucking shitter LOL

He's good, just not as good as Zarya/Reinhardt/Winston.

You user, you conter it by being good at the game.
since you suck you can't really counter him.

200 hp and no escape mechanism outside of running fast, no armour or instant healing

So burst that nigga down

Jesus christ is that what the game looks like?

fuck the legendaries, get emotes/intros/victory poses

buy voice lines

What's the point of fan the hammer now?


I know Tumblr, but can someone please explain what this is? What the shit, how

Stun+Fan when a Tracer/Genji comes to bully your lucio/mercy behind reinhardt.

>someone picks Widow after the patch
I'd rather have Hanzo

Delete flankers

What the shit is that garbage???