/mbgg/ - Mobage General #557

More IGAS edition

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>For a full list of games and information on them, please READ THIS:

Update: This docs has been revamped and remade to be smaller, lighter and easier to find the information you're looking for.

>When playing Japanese Games:

>Friend ID/Name list:

>Upcoming mobage doc

Link to previous thread: Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


how do you say mobage

I put on some socks and pump my fist in the air and say MOOEEEEE BA GEEEEEEeeeehh while letting the last part trail off a bit as I pout

New thred but still ded.

If you haven't done it already, there's 4 hours left to get your 3 coop runs in on BGHS for 2 gems.

We're always dead, its our natural state.

Wasn't expecting this, thanks Colopl.


Mumi has a nice waist. I just want to squeeze her there, pick her up, and throw her into the trash.

Give me the fucking Panzer Waltz patch and event you dirty chinks.

That loli to the right is so cute, but I don't think I can handle more mobages anymore...
Still yet to touch chinkcolle and qurare JP

It's been out there for a while already, I liked the game better than SIF, but that's probably just me

Isn't Girl's Frontline locked behind Chinese phone verification?

There are porn MMDs of the Batorus now, specifically Miki, Haruka, Kurumi, Kanon, and Shiho.

How lewd.

How dare they defile her. I better know where it is so I can specifically avoid it

Shiho is the lewdest student.
I need more of these japanese edits.

They just took the heads of BGs and stuck them on some generic naked body. If you notice all of them have the exact same body.

Once you've dug yourself too deep into the lewd MMD community seeing your girls lewded loses its magic because you can recognize all the components used to build her.

Yeah that too, so I guess that works as a deterrent for me.

By the way, anyone who plays Warship Girls, since the game is going to have an English version, will the game be on a new server?
Because if that's the case, I'm gonna wait for the English version to release first.

It's almost like the dude is trying to choke her, but her boobs are blocking him from doing so

Too uncanny valley for me.

I've been reading the emulator section in docs page.
So... which emulator (with multiple instances support) do you guys use for rerolling?

Do you guys also have separate fake google account for each them, or use the same one for all of them?

Do you also ended up using them for playing as well or just purely for rerolling only?

Is that the first caravan rune?

There's male characters in japanese Phantom of the Kill, I don't know why people're crying.

Go read this post chain

JP MMD modellers don't tend to be very good. If they are, then you never see their work because they like burning each other over assets.
And nobody knows how to use proper shaders. Nevermind some of the horrible animation they keep copying for the same songs. Or the camera work.

Bit surprised there isn't one of /mute Asuha yet

>Do you guys also have separate fake google account for each them
You dont need a google account(s) if you use Qooapp

what? I did the quest but didn't get those runes. Is there something I'm missing?

That's... A great idea.
Completely forgotten about that one, I did.

So the bad thing about Global is that they removed the story mode?

Fifth mission of one of the present quest.

The bad thing about global is they made the worst parts of the game even more fucked.

Is she good? I love girls in armor so I want to make her my long term goal.

Anyone ever played Tokyo 7th sisters?

Shinobi Nightmare fucking when?
Im getting tired of suspending my dissapointment for another gumi game

Only one guy keep crying about males, the rest are crying about rng bullshit

In the end I'm just being dumb and didn't realize I can change pages on item menu... explained why I didn't see any weapon runes either. derp.

Please help me find a quite lewd game for my android phone.


Neko Atsume, features butthole.

Huh, Urara is our first non-Fortissimo twin bullets user.

B-but i mean lewd woman, not cat.


Is Fencer the best class in Liberation of Azure?


A cat is fine too user

What about Renge etc? Probably one of them will have gunblade?


She is N6 that pretty much make her better than anything below N5 statwise if only that actually mattered in the end what matters the most is her ammo options which i don't know, there is a vid of some chink showcasing every single tank ammo options.

Use metalmaidendepot.ovh/index.php?route=home to have a rough idea of tank stats.

Info from the same place as usual

[/MUTE] Anko [Hammer]

Skill: Cyber Empress: 13x+13x damage (14.95x+14.95x damage)
- Gains a barrier that blocks all ranged attacks for 20 seconds.

Friendship: Hammer and Spear - Increase SP by 12% and damage dealt by 8%.

[/MUTE] Renge [Gun]

Skill: Glare Cross: 9x+9x damage (10.35x+10.35x damage)
- Skill power increases based on HP remaining. Approximately, for every 500 HP remaining, +1x base damage to the skill.

Friendship: Guns, Spears, and Hammers - When the timer is below 90 seconds, increase attack by 10% and HP by 20%.

[/MUTE] Asuha [Spear]
Skill: Raging Drive: (4.8x)*5 damage ((5.52x)*5 damage)
- Gains thunderbolt enchant, adding thunderbolts to regular attacks that deal 50% of damage dealt for 20 seconds.

Friendship: Spears and Twin Bullets - Decrease SP cost by 15% and increase combo damage by 15%.

[Pixie] Michelle [Sword]

Skill: Full Full Rabbits: (8x)*3 damage ((9.2x)*3 damage), Large Circle (Self)

Friendship: Swords, Rods, and Twin Bullets - When the timer is below 90 seconds, increase attack by 10% and SP by 20%.

[Pixie] Kokomi [Rod]

Skill: Shy Peach Colored Pulse: 9x+9x+14x damage (9x+9x+18.5x damage)

Friendship: Rods and Swords - Decrease skill combo count by 1 and increase damage dealt by 8%.

[Pixie] Urara [Twin Bullet]

Skill: Kira Kira Highlight: (4.7x)*3 damage ((5.4x)*3 damage)
- Gains a buff that increases damage dealt by 50% for 20 seconds.

Friendship: Twin Bullets and Guns - Decrease skill combo count by 1 and increase combo damage by 15%.

Does that mean Kokomi gets a blade cannon? Oh nevermind.

>Michelle applies to everyone in the unit
>Kokomi applies to rod and sword
>Urara applies to twin guns and guns
Are they purposely trying to say something about their friendship from the friendship skills?
Looks like Kokomi and Urara are key for friendship skills due to -1 combo. Urara gets a damage buff for twin bullets.

Anko gets ranged shield, only one on hammer, and Asuha gets lightning bolts.

What is our standard for "bad" when it comes to N4/N5/N6 tanks anyway?

Pretty much anything without Frag/Quickfire ammo and any HT made by britains.

Urara is fucking nice for a twin bullet skill.

Renge might be good. With a good sub HP can easily reach >5000 HP. That's x10 base skill damage already.

How much damage can S fire resist block in PW?

Valkyrie Connect uses the same stupid gacha system as for whom the alchemist.

Someone kill me.

Black Prince a cute

I think fire resist only reduce the chance of burning debuff making extinguishers the only way to reduce fire damage.

Twitter previews for Mumi and Renge skills.

On the wiki it states that
>Fire Resist - Decrease ignite chance and fire damage.
Which made me wonder because I'm thinking of investing in HEAT

I have been playing it since they released it for Android.. Even if it looks like a low budget game compared to a lot of other idol rhythm games, it is one of the best of the genre (not counting SIF and SS).
Maybe not as good as a rhythm game, but the characters are great and the biggest selling point.

If you look at some of the recent idol games (Idol Chronicle, 8 beat Story, Smile Shooter, DREAM BEAT, School Star Dream), you know how hard it is to enter that market and keep the game up. T7S is already two years old.

Sadly, a lot of people quit because of crashes or lag, things that are now fixed. Donuts actually made an effort to fix a lot of the problems and are adding things from time to time to make things better.

Supposedly the ISU-122 is the best ATG right now but the Steuer Emil should still be second. Worth getting I think.

Throw an AP shell on and go to town

The frag meme has been pushed too hard, I'm tired of seeing it put on heavies who are going to do 0 damage with it and other tanks who don't have enough base FRP and pen +equips like SPGs have to deal damage with HE

At least they shit out crystals like it's fucking nothing.

Guess I'm rolling with the bad girls then because I think all the girls with Quickfire look like ass.

Cute is best stat

Sounds fun, I think I might try it. How does gacha/summon work(if they have)?

I'm not holding my breath considering how underwhelming Miki was even with 12k+ hp.

Where do people get their Panzer Waltz lewds btw? Its hard finding art of the game, let alone lewd art.

So I heard there's something called "Valiant Force" coming to Murrica soon. It's supposed to be like Phantom of the Kek (or rather, like Fire Emblem) but without the Global greediness and horrid RNG reliance. For instance
>spend 150 gems to guarantee a new unit - that might be one of the crap units, or a good unit with the shitty typing
>pay the non-IAP money to repair your weapon... or lose it forever maybe
>stat growths nerfed in Global to "make things more fun"
>little to no content/updates
I'm not saying I'll uninstall, but I'm considering dropping it for VF once that is released. The question is, will VF have waifus?

First time summon. Is it good or bad?

>Valiant Force
The two games are nothing alike but it does look like it will have waifus.

>First time summon
>Already got a dupe
First of all, any *4 is good for starter, but mage is not really noob-friendly.
Second, that card is the weakest out of the one in that particular gacha.
Third, in a couple of hours, there'll be a new gacha with guaranteed *4 twice a day for 4 days.
Fourth, you're lucky you got 2 *4 but NEVER do a roll when there's no guaranteed *4.

Probably from the same place you found those few art

I meant first 10 summon thing. I should've worded better. I didn't know there was guaranteed gacha coming up, still new to the game and didn't keep up with the news. .

Both are SRPGs

Speaking of typing, was it ever made known whether they used JP's old growth pattern or JP's new growth pattern?
Stat boost caps aside, the latter makes type misoptimization a lot less painful to deal with since it isn't as punishing.

We don't know. But since JP didn't even get it until last month, Global probably won't have the new rates for quite a while. We don't even have 5-stars for half the units yet...

Don't worry user. For starter, the one you roll is a limited time gacha while the one that will be added in a minute will be permanent. Plus, usually limited time cards are more powerful than the permanent one. If you still have 250 gems, roll the guaranteed maybe once to get more *4. You have 4 days to gather those and it's easy to get 250 gems with only playing the story mode and headpats mission.

BGHS translation of the Wedding Event: pastebin.com/1bSuttU6

Format is a bit different if someone is talking a lot.
If the event goes away, you can still rewatch the stories if you want from the lower right red button in the event page.

For the secret lessons, they all seemed to follow a formula
>The girl has an interview before her photoshoot
>She answers questions about the sort of guy she's looking for
>Sensei is watching but falls asleep/passes out from working too much
>Has a dream about being the guy the girl wanted at the wedding
>The prompt is usually Marry/Vow, or Don't Marry/Don't Vow
>When he comes to, the girl is finishing up her photos, but the cameragirl asks him to pose with her in the same manner as she described earlier

I see. Thank you. I'll try to keep up with the news from now on.

I..is that you translater user? You're alive?

I missed you TL-user

Now you can put Eurobeat BGM while playing BGHS.

Whoever decided the drop rates for this fucking quest needs to have their dick spit roasted while it's still attached to them.

I was just considering the possibility that maybe their new growth distribution was something they reverse-imported from the Global version like the inclusion of dudes in their own mode, since we do know that they did in fact mess around with the numbers.

I'm just puzzled as to how my Dex types seems to maybe get Spd upped maybe once every 4 levels, while my Vitality types get Spd almost every other level.
But I guess that's just RNG for you?

Its just rng. So far only one lvl has given me just +1 to a stat but because it was my durandal im fucking pissed. Whatever I need fucking 9 more of her to make her perfect anyways.

As the other user described, we're getting new outfits in 30 minutes, but they're part of a permanent gacha, so it's not too important to roll it unless you really like someone in it. Maybe do at least one guarantee to help with event fans, but there is definitely going to be another set added after swimsuits which will come with more guarantees.

I'm hoping /mute is eurobeat-like or at least a good style of electronica.

GK going on maintenance. And finally a patch with meat on it. New pilots, new game mode, buff indicators, battle speedx2. Still waiting on balancing the map reward girls though.


How do you update APK? Do I just download it again and replace it?

1 more hour.

>want Renge and Asuha
>Got Renge and Asuha

Got my waifu first roll
not the trash on top

Was hoping for Kokomi or Urara. At least it wasn't a single dupe Miki who was the only one I got from the initial release.

Last two 250 rolls were singles so hoping my luck changes during swimsuits.

Music's not too bad at least.

Panzer butts update finally happening

>No Anko
Oh well, two new 4*s is still nice.

Do you get a bigger damage mitigation if you shield block right on time in dragon project like just guard in shironeko? Or it doesn't matter how long you hold block?

alright then, this will be final scratch ticket for me

I guess but you might as well wait for the maintenance to end first before you check if you need a new apk.

>Do you get a bigger damage mitigation if you shield block right on time in dragon project like just guard in shironeko?
>Or it doesn't matter how long you hold block?
Until you die

For Valkyrie Connect. Apparently, you can get 50 stones each time by doing the multiplayer event.

how new is GK? I just want a game with a good competitive pvp event. Why is it so hard. Why is SS so fucking perfect but boring!