>Witchcat's fur is thin. Yeah I kinda noticed. Nis's fur is pretty short, but slightly thick.
Personally if I were you, I'd take one of the tera armors, retexture them, then match them up with other armors to get something that you like.
>I meant more of "I won't get easily killed due to whatever shit the mod has in store for me", hopefully Knowing Trainwiz, probably won't work that well.
I hate to admit this, but I'm not that savvy and broke the game trying to mod it, could some kind soul lend me their mod folder with Lovers mod? All I wanted to do is turn skyrim into ledwrim but I set everything on fire.
Ethan Jones
This. All game should be ended swiftly with minimal suffering.
Gabriel Jones
Embrace it
Austin Kelly
Are there any mods that add in some good warlocky DOT spells?
Levi Harris
If you're not being weird you're not living right.
Chase Moore
I want Ada to skull fuck my waifu with his tiny little dick and jizz on her face.
Jacob Hernandez
Post robo-limbs. They make me feel funnier than they should. Just like that beard.
Dylan Cox
Apocalypse adds some plague based dot spells under the restoration school.
Elijah Flores
Has anyone here sucked a dick before?
Levi Gutierrez
Just get all the major spell packs >Apocalypse >Lost Grimoire >Forgotten Magic >Colorful Magic Should be something like that in those mods.
Anthony Reyes
I've had dreams about sucking my own quite often, usually feels pretty real.
>Saqqara wants to party.jpg also >Ilx looking like an earth magic caster
Austin Barnes
just an idea but >dwemer beard pubes
Brody Cook
Paging Dr. Cumtears
Parker Wright
>blue Dwemer gril
the canon says no but my dick says yes
Blake Diaz
Hey guys, I just started learning how to use the Creation Kit. Why does it randomly lock up? I'll be in the middle of something and suddenly the program will stop taking inputs, and eventually it just closes itself.
Is this some weird W10 thing, something I shouldn't be running in the background, or just Bethesda tier QA?
Levi Edwards
I was aiming for something like this fan interpretation. The canon tone just felt bland.
Jayden Rogers
Then why does your fire look like poop?
Matthew Peterson
Save often.
The CK is fickle as hell.
Gavin Anderson
O-ok, but I think they might be under the wrong impression about her...
Ayden Martinez
because date of screenshot
Ryan Walker
>Top Screenshotters Eiries/Honey Erin Meara Ra
>Great-tier Screenshotter Clones CT Brutus/Ser Knight Kiseenaji Arurun Little Cat
>Ok tier Jo GalenScylis Heiko
>I stand in front of the camera doing nothing Everyone else
Zachary Brooks
So many alcoholics in this thread.
The body is a temple and it should be treated as such.
What would jesus say if he saw you acting like this?
Ryder Smith
He'd call you a little fag boy.
Ayden Stewart
Goaty's waifu is spooky but all of his shots are very creative.
Erin and CT are at the same level but Erin has more pixels.
Angel Collins
Then why do you post bad old screenshots?
Cameron Lopez
anyone? ;_;
Christopher Moore
thanks mate, I love DOT spells in any game, I'm sad they didn't added any in skyrim. Nothing I loved more than making obscene ones in Oblivion
Colton Cooper
I'm fine with being part of everyone else. I'm too lazy to bother.
Brayden Bailey
Jesus would say that alcoholism is carelessly vandalizing the body you were given. However, you're assuming "alcoholic" when someone says "I drink". The two are drastically different.
Hunter Anderson
He's too busy blowing me under the table to actually play Skyrim anymore.
Lucas Watson
Oliver Sanders
it hurts but I can't argue I'll try harder
jesus had a BAV of like 12-14%
Brayden Peterson
Hey that looks neato what's that?
Juan Cox
She should put those away first though! Drinking and having swords attached to your hands is dangerous, she could hurt herself!
>implying Jesus wasn't a raging alcoholic and was wasted 24/7 too guy could turn water into wine man come on
Mason Butler
Because I like them. Here, have another bad old screenshot.
Actually I play Planetside 2.
Noah Peterson
Homeboy's blood is wine, what do you think he'll say?
Gotta remind them of their place or they might start getting uppity.
Brody Cox
Chase Barnes
That's unfortunate
Dominic Sullivan
What's wrong Orson? Run out of booze and cupcakes already?
Robert Smith
I forgot how to
Christian Rivera
I'm really starting to grow on this Gojira Album.
>tfw i made it into the big leagues. To be fair, I've been trying to get really good at taking screenshots. I almost would like some suggestions to get better though.
Owen Evans
But you're being rude again pen you shouldn't be rude
Joshua Nguyen
I don't know right from wrong, I was raised by hyenas until they were fucked to death by rabid furries and I had to fight my way to civilization.
Take sympathy on me and let me live my life the only way I know how to.
Jack Powell
Ran into a roadblock reinstalling Skyrim. I think I'll have to start over or wait for Skyrim 2 at this point.
Bentley Ross
You know what you're doing man, keep it up.
I get great deals on displays all the time if you're interested in upgrading that thing some day.
Jackson Reyes
Adventuring isn't something you forget. You just need to find that next big adventure and you'll be on the road again.
Luis Davis
maybe your bitches wont be so fucking fat next time
Dylan Diaz
Just start over.
Parker Edwards
I heard deepthroating a cactus tends to speed up the process by a large margin.
And if that doesn't work you could always try deleting your folder of BBW porn you sick fuck.
Austin Butler
Y'know what, why not. Just link me when you can. Next month, I think I'm gonna bite down hard and buy a new monitor. I'll be getting trained at my job hopefully and I'll also get an increase in my pay-rate.
Anyway, I'm out. I need sleep.
Samuel Price
>GalenScylis >Ok tier
What is this bullhonkery? How dare you! Letting such trash get so high up the list! We can't go around encouraging such posters like that or else we'll be up to our eyeballs in similarly bland waifus and big, floppy waifu dongs!
Such a disgrace!
Elijah Carter
Caleb Anderson
Anyone have experience with the highly rated Telvanni mods for Morrowind? I've heard a lot of good things about Rise of House Telvanni, etc. and wanted to try them out. Seems like I have them installed and working(Can't tell for sure since I'm still doing the Telvanni quests), but I am missing some meshes in Telvanni areas. Telvanni platforms and some other items I can't target to find out what they are. I also get 3 errors that seem to be LGNPC-related(about missing dialog entries) while booting up. I'm running Morrowind Rebirth which I guess could be responsible for the missing meshes, I couldn't find much info on whether or not the Telvanni mods are compatible with MR.
I have the current mods installed, loaded in this order:
Morrowind Rebirth 3.6 Patch Rise of House Telvanni 1.52 Morrowind Rebirth 3.6 UL_3.4 RoHT_1_52 Compatibility Bunch of LGNPC esp's Building Up Uvirith's Legacy 1.1 Uviriths Legacy 3.42
This is the order that mlox put them in but I'm still missing the meshes. Anyone know if I have the right set of mods and if the order is okay?
Zachary Rivera
Ugh... Maybe some other time.
Christopher Stewart
how hard is it to turn a character into a follower? i want people to be able to fuck my waifu
Dylan Allen
>let me live my life the only way I know how to. It's never too late to learn a new less rude way to live your life! And maybe then you'll get adopted by a new loving family of hyenas!
You literally just copy and paste your save file and put it on someone else's game. The game can recognize it's from a different copy of Skyrim, so through some trickery and algorithms, it creates a follower of that character with an .esp and everything, installed and ready to go. The only way to remove it is to delete the save file.
It's really damn simple. Why more people don't do it, I have no idea. I guess people are just extremely lazy.
Joshua Myers
>Having thin waifus >Being this jealous of thickness Hey, not my fault these milkshakes brought you all here.
Carter Davis
I'm too old to be adopted.
57 years old to be exact.
I was brought here by the promise of learning how to recreate my waifu in Oblivion.
Austin Sullivan
don't reply to me you worthless fat loving nigger
Ian Smith
>I'm too old to be adopted. But adults can be adopted too
Tyler Wright
Reimu is shit tier
Isaiah Williams
I believe in you.
Caleb Reed
>This much defense It's okay that you think my waifu is all that yours can never be.
No one plays Oblivion anymore.
It's a popular reaction image and it's 2hu, so it's all shit.
Lincoln Adams
Anne follower when? I want to fuck her my waifus big futa cock.