/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #286

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #286

EE soon Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common&hl=en

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E (embed)

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dESdfv9W4oGxwdahmod5CTgIPKobv-DONSSJP-P5D6Y/edit#gid=0

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

June 10th - 11th: Elaine, Z001 Veronica, Black Tortoise, Mariel, Vitos, Valkyrja Beth, MX83 Askeladd
June 17th - 18th: Nari, Nikita, Enthia, Sky, Gerrard, Metatron, Choi

Current events:
14 Days of Miracles 6/10-6/24
Jess and Helena rival matches 6/5/-6/19 and 6/12-6/26 respectively

More info can be found in-game

Previous thread :


>tfw everyone is assblasted by my amazing backline

>reposting my screenshots

>ywn be CG-senpai's bf

I'm getting to the point where I get a bunch of 4 and 5 star dupes and ones I'll never use. Should I use them to superb, or for super training?

>pretending to be me

At least post the screenshot which showed my 3 S2 draws if you're going to keep doing this

Oh Milky I damn hope her EE is soon. I need those stats!
Hopefully, they'll make her fastest and reflexest unit :)

>reposting my screenshots from discord again.
Nice try fag.

Stop being so pathetic and pretending to be me.

At least add this to the OP next time:

June 24th - 25th: Gaphyl, Griffith, Evylin, Hercules, Zibroi, William, Serestia

>mediocre assist
>good legend
>broken legend
what a weekend

>good legend


But she is already the fastest at giving head

This fucking bug is still in the game.

fucking Nera keeps stealing the ball
>she's all smug about it too

yup got that earlier and lost a tournament because of it, pretty aids

She's not even cutest GK anymore, how sad

caress the Lias

Isillia was always cuter

>no bulge
nice shoop

what does it mean

>friends list isnt constant "1min ago"
delete and find some real players

Hug Thunder lolis

nah she's ardor

Hi there, I am Jkun, nice to meet you.

Here I want to share my view about most overpowered players. While it is only my opinion, still many players feel in the same way.

Tier Broken:

Duran - not much to say.

Choi - Tons of dmg, IC holder and amazing buff with pass. Do you think Bell is broken? Nope.

Virgil ? Great HP reduction totem, can hold IC/EBM, great combat stats, Active heal, spirit which makes his active free, heal lane while pen. Do you think Beth is great? Nope, this guy is much more better.

Kirin - Probably most players haven't noticed it yet, but they will, there is 0 counter play to Kirin.

Tier OP or Almost Broken:

Miho - Not much to say, HP totem, AB burn, Active heal.

Vitos ? Not much to say, overbuffed, he needs to be toned down.

Khirel - abnormal efficiency

Irru - abnormal efficiency

Milky - abnormal efficiency, almost game breaking

Victoria - abnormal efficiency

Silk - abnormal efficiency

Lucian ? abnormal efficiency, at least no Broken anymore.

This lis is not final and does not cover everything, just sharing my experience.

While entering this thread leave you hating/fanboy/"owner" style of thinking outside, stay open minded.

Here I will stop, I think I’ve covered most major issues.

PPS I am just a cuck after all PPPS Milky EE When

>No william.
Wow even Gio knows that william is pretty dogshit these days.

Based Duck.

Choi and Serestia nerfs when? Vonchi and Duran too while we're at it

tfw Neraizel CAs Virgil

Lube up your assholes. WWdomination is only going to get better.

is she gonna join up with Underground for no reason at all like the rest of the Ardor misfits?

Absolutely gimped himself by using a shit striker.
You will win easily senpai

>tfw just ran into everyone's favorite player

He uses Lucid now.

tfw Milky counters and knocks out a whole backline

Lube up your assholes. Lightdomination is only going to get better cause it can't get worse

I did win, but barely, luckily his backline was easy to counter so I got a lot of shots
>max HP Bell died trying to break through a

Silk isn't broken.

>lost to gio
namedrop yourself and then commit Sudoku you shitter.


>losing to gio


tfw silk makes jin unkillable

Lube up your assholes. Silkdomination is only going to get better.

based CG
let me suck your dick

fembalth BTFO

>when it's clearly CG

CG isn't the only one who uses Silk ace

CG would have been based if he wasn't a discordfag tbqh fami

It's clearly CG, i've seen that shot in discord b4.

let me suck your dick CG

being CG's biggest fan it looks a lot like him
the club length looks like its just enough for Snowball and his name length looks like its just enough for his name

All of our best players are discord.
Who wants to chat in /ssg/?
All you get is abuse from bronze shitters.

you can clearly see the top of the b and the tops of the ll s.

CG did a poor job of hiding his gio bashing.

Why does everyone focus on CG?

Sinox posted a picture right underneath and nobody circlejerked about him

Sinox is a nobody
CG is based and handsome and he has a big dick

Because everyone that posted about CG is from discord and they love circle jerking about him in here.

You see it every night.
>tfw CG will never cum on me
>let me suck your dick CG
>have my babies CG
>why is CG so based.
>why is CG dick so average?
>tfw no CG on FL

That's what happens when you go to a reddit tier hug box.

anyone figured out how to patch and revert the censored they implemented a while back yet?

>caring this much about it

Based CG dominating the thread
Based CG keeping ssg alive

>tfw CG preps the bull for nini

>trying to keep /ssg/ alive
>a discordfag

Kinda ironic that they will never see what discord is doing to /ssg/.

>still no patricia in rotation

>somehow both at the same time

Who is /ssg/s oldest celeb?

Jintello and ggg probably but they dont post much now

Is based fûhrer still alive?

Anyone who actually likes the game left this board long ago.

I like this game sometimes and I'm not new

Malcolm's character could be a reference to the Malcolm in Jame Purdy's novel Malcolm. The novel tells of a very rich, young, innocent and attractive teenager. He meets an old astrologer who tricks the boy into meeting strangers who fall for his good looks and bring him to bed each time. Eventually the boy is led to his death by the last person he meets. Similarly, Malcolm's lore informs the player that he is visited by Veramod who proposes to him, making him abandon his position as a knight of a kingdom. Malcolm's expensive and skimpy attires may be further allusions to the attractive and rich teenager in the novel.

yeah but you're an actual cuck


no I'm not
It's all a part of my character

Malcolm may also be a reference to the Malcolm in Shakespeare's Macbeth, who becomes the ruler of Scotland at the end of the play. The unit Malcolm wears increasingly expensive clothing and obtains a crown and cape at the end of his final evolution, which may hint that Malcolm becomes the ruler of a certain group of people after he joins Veramod.

Cute Milky but don't do it user! I'm sure she'll be in rotation soon!


>no hp totems
OS by Lord Vitos


>beth CM
does that shit actually work? same for Duke CM both with TW

The hell is this?

It was actually easy, guess I can see why he didn't get far in champs
>easily won with an '"""""""""""""irrelevant"""""""""""""""" striker

i'm not really sure.
i think 3 people draw outlines, then they switch on the next step.

Irrelevant as in, Vann?


Nice team Gio

>double inspiring II

man silk really does have some nice bigguns

>tfw no le masked snail

I just want FAT passes. Can I run Beatrice/Neraizel/Shura and get similar results?

>ywn slip your genocide black sword inside her

>no ardor
Truly the shittiest element.

I'm not siure how to give my Hiro more damage at this point, I didn't think the luka, silla nerf would fuck him this hard.




>people dont know how to adapt to the silluka nerfs
baka desu senpai
Fucking shitters

>Oh, those weaklings. I can't believe they played against us.
>Let's respect the opponent, too.

What a kind and thoughtful young girl.

>I just want FAT passes. Can I run Beatrice/Neraizel/Shura and get similar results?

Snailpass lost some of it's potential. I miss the old +2170 pass.

Nera pass should be similar I would imagine. Not counting the crit bonus, in terms of raw pass power Nera was up there.

if you want FAT passes, you need to use lucid


nice meme

How many investment do I need to beat the mono element matches from cot?
I think I'll be able to beat all but light since I have some good players for the other elements, but is high investment required to beat it?

Some of them are pretty easy. Light I find to be the easiest. I can with with just Isillia, Milky, Sammy, and a borrowed Duke.

THis was a 13k enemy team, full superb angela with Elaine ace (Dark/Ardor hp and attack totem). She had kevin and someone else plus alice.

Why are her hp so low? I assumed the hp ace and kevin would put her at like 3k? Obviously not +160 yet but she was paper.

This :^)

Chains don't activate for enemy teams. This keeps Angela in check at least.