Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Super Smash Ronan Brawl Edition

>/mffg/ FAQ:

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up where you collect and train Marvel heroes. Includes multiple game modes, leveling up and skills, and fairly frequent (monthly) updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play with microtransactions.

>Official trailers:

>New cinematic trailer:

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>REMINDER to please do Alliance Battle everyday! Just do the best you can and it will add up.

>2.1.0 Patch Notes

>2.1.5 Patch Notes

>2.2.0 Patch Notes

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Hyperion is my husbando

What unis are worth getting this update?

3rd for this update is pretty awesome, got plenty of Obelisks made for characters that I need.

Oh, and Yondu and BW are freaking crazy with their newest costume.

Is some muggas trying to take credit for my Hyperion Prime request?

I still want the rest of the Squadron.

When did Luke Cage & Captain Marvel ever fight over the Thunderbolts? Did I completely miss it?

Is it weird that I think Yondu's uni looks kinda hot?

Good enough?

Cold damage has 6 sec cooldown
Also there's web resist.

Literal faggot.

The issues aren't out yet according to CMSN

>A new line has been drawn, and you need to choose a side. Captain Mavel has found herself once again at loggerheads with another Hero, and this time it is Luke Cage, head of the Thunderbolts team.

>The Thunderbolts are a team of reformed villains, and they are given their chance at redemption by joining Luke Cages team. There they can work towards freedom, redemption, or whatever else that would drive them towards the goodness that is deep within themselves.

>Captain Marvel on the otherhand believes that once a villain, always a villain, and that the initiative should be shut down, the members of the Thunderbolts locked up and always treated as criminals, never having a chance at redeeming themselves.
>I dont think its released yet, hence we needed to explain

>not cheeky woodland elf Malekith

It's basically a MUST for Loki.
Shame about the MAX HP, but everything else is pretty good.

>Inb4 this is a spoiler of what will happen with Civil War 2.

Ronan, BW (it's actually a great update to her arsenal) and Yondu seem like the good ones to buy. Also, Malekith's one if you plan to upgrade him to T2, and Iron Fist ONLY if you didn't get his white one.

Songbird and Zemo next update.

also, before I get stoned for what I said, I meant that the Max HP stats are really low, but everything else is pretty great.

Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?Sharon CW Uni where? Sharon CW Uni where?

Holy shit, the T/L AI is now way more brutal. Damn.

Iron Fist's buff with ANAD lowers enemy defense.

Please tell more about the BW uni senpai. I am on the fence about it but I would love a reason to get a uni for her.

IF's is a bit better than his old one. Not worth getting if you already have his old uni, but worth getting if you don't.

BW's is better than her last two. Worth getting if you don't have one of her unis yet. If you already have one of her old unis then only get the new one if you main her.

Ronan's makes him a bit better but you'll probably still only be using him for his leadership. But hey, it looks awesome, and you'll need Ronan for his leadership regardless so might as well get it.

Yondu's seems pretty awesome. Makes him a viable character. Not top tier or anything but definitely a good speed character.

Mockingbird's is good. Same ability as her old uni but improves two of her skills. Another case of "better than her last uni, but not worth double dipping unless you main."

Malekith's is also good. Solid ability that increases his survivability and adds some i-frames to his CC skill.

All 6 are good unis overall, but none of them are amazing must-haves. Generally, they're all worth getting if you use those characters, but none of them (except maybe Yondu's) are good enough that you'll go from no using the character at all to using them a bunch.

Turns her widow's bite into a CC move (adds paralysis) and turns her old 3* from a buff to a buff + attack + dodge (before she would just leap back a bit and get a dodge boost, the new one replaces it with her flipping around the enemy and shooting them while still keeping the buff).

So it makes both her Widows Bite and her Buff skill way better. Definitely her best uni.

Which one will be paywalled?

Who am I kidding it'll be Zemo.

>IF's is a bit better than his old one. Not worth getting if you already have his old uni, but worth getting if you don't.
nope, they are the same. the only change is in the skill color

Man I really do have more gears than I can handle... Whats the best way to get gears? Do we have a recommended list of gears for specific characters?

My main team is Ultron, SpOck, and Blingpin. Can anyone tell me the best way to gear them up?

I'm not even sure how best to work the gears though, should I just bump them all up to 3 or 4, then hope for the best?

>sleek white majestic uniform
>black and yellow with some adidas chav tier uniform

Which one for iron fist?

No I first mentioned that I wanted to follow up on you're request. I thought it was a brilliant idea and wanted to bring it up when mention of a new thread came up.

No, IF's buff skill decreases defense of enemies for a short amount of time. So it's not the exact same. Still more skill reworking could've been done.

Wrong. His New Avenger's uni's 3* is a Dodge Buff + Taunt. His ANAD uni's 3* is a Dodge Boost + Defense Debuff against the enemy. Taunt is useless, whereas a defense debuff is really useful in everything but WB.

Black and Yellow. Better 3*, collar > no collar, and don't have the stink of bendis all over it.

Unless you already have the white uni in which case the new one isn't better enough to justify double-dipping.

Second. His white one makes him do a taunt with his buff, his black one makes him lower enemy defense with his buff. Also his second is basically an inverse Bruce Lee outfit.

I'd rather have gotten her WS outfit. You know, the hoody and jacket?

Holy shit, I take back what I said earlier about Ronan's uni not really being any good beyond the aesthetics. Just used him in T/L and his skill reworks are fucking awesome, especially when combined with his new 6*.

I've noticed that. On the one hand, I'm sort of okay with it as it reduces the monotony of Timeline battles, but on the other hand, now we really should have our skills start with no cooldown just like the AI.

It just took me more than two fucking minutes to beat a Thanos in Timeline (before I'd usually beat him in one minute or less except when RNG gave him 100% heals) and he didn't even have a special gear equipped. He also took out way more of my HP than usual so I'd have gone down outright without Stark Backing there to save my ass.

Between him actually spamming his iframes now and the passive which was already a pain in the ass, a well-geared Thanos might be literally unkillable in Timeline.

I'd rather this BW uniform

I really need a Guard Break Immunity gear for him dayum

Really? whats so different about them? Maybe I wasn't paying attention in the skill test, they don't seem that different.

Thanks senpai. I have added it to my collection.

I initially wanted to get it just to give her a cute outfit with tight jeans, but it helps to know its a good uniform too

Does anyone have T2 characters yet (non-BO)? Are they a huge increase in power or is it just to trick whales? If I upgrade (insert character here) to T2 is it a big enough leap that they can tack on another WB win per day like Proxima for instance?

His 3* is completely different. Instead of being the groundbound fear move, it's a snare pull-in that's harder for the enemy to avoid, seems to do more damage (as far as I can tell), and is guard break central. That combined with the added stun on his 1* means you can combine a CC into a CC while doing big damage with both of them.

Basically makes it so that while he's still slow, that's compensated by all his CCs and Guard Breaks making him able to keep the enemy on lockdown so they can't fight back. It really helps with the flow of his moves and makes him way less vulnerable.

Of course, someone with guard break immunity would probably be able to house him, but I'm having a lot of luck with him and its made him a lot more fun to play.

It hardly makes him some top tier character or anything, but it's definitely an improvement and makes it so he's no longer dead weight and can hold his own in T/L if the need arises.

It's a pretty noticeable increase to stats but nowhere near on the same level as the BO. Whether or not a character is worth taking to T2 kinda depends on their T2 passive. From the looks of things, the characters worth T2ing are:
>Moon Knight
>Iron Fist
The rest are definitely big boosts but not worth the insane resources required to do it unless you main those characters.

Thing is, IF and Ant-man are already world boss viable without the T2, the T2s just help and make their WB wins easier, while Spider-man's makes him a beast for PvP but isn't quite as useful in WB (still really good, but the best part about his T2 is the increase to CC time which doesn't help at all in WB). Since Moon Knight's only dropped today we don't really know how his will do quite yet, but from the sounds of it, it should make him practically unkillable.

So, while the T2 versions of characters are definitely better than their T1 versions, they're only really worth investing in if you're already investing in those characters.

Your resources are better served getting more BO members since they're guaranteed WB wins, then waiting to T2 your favorite characters as they come out. Assuming they keep up with doing 6 T2s a month, there'll probably be at least one great T2 per month. No reason to go all in on one of the currently available ones unless you really like them.

Personally, I'm waiting for the Elsa and Blade T2s.

T2's passive can be a game changer for some characters, for example, Ant-Man becomes a dodge machine that's pretty much a great thing for WBs except for Black Dwarf.

Other characters that you should T2 are so far Moon Knight (makes him recover 30% of his HP, which can be also made a bigger recovery with Obelisks and shit) and Malekith (120% of damage to heroes is no joke).

I haven't checked Yondu's one, but it seems it makes him more annoying than before.

Alright cool. I'm still not close to any T2 or BO shit I can only do at most 1 WB win on 4 days just trying to get an idea to plan how to actually use these resources when the time comes. While the BO characters are obviously really damn good I don't have any personal attachment to any of them (which I do with some of the T2able characters and others to come) so its a fucky situation.

The only thing that keeps Malekith's T2 from being the most broken thing in the whole game is the fact that the BO are villains and they control the meta.

Yeah, I feel you man. My advice would be to at least get Proxima, since she'll give you an easy WB win each day and the added DPS she'll give as a striker will make all of your other WB fights easier. Once you have her, feel free to ignore the rest of the BO and use those resources on

Though its worth noting that T2s only need 800 BAM while BO need 4400, while T2s need 1000 chaotic nornstones, while BO can technically be used without spending any chaotic nornstones on them.

So you can be farming for them concurrently. BAM for the BO and Chaotic Nornstones for the T2s.

>I don't have any personal attachment to any of them
s m h

That's actually pretty awesome. Proxima's definitely the one I'd go for because they gave her to me for free a while ago. I've only got her at 40/1/1 right now (and have the stuff to get her to R2 if I wanted, but no rush upgrading until she can WB anyways) but if she's that good I'd be dumb to pass up another free WB a day. She'll probably earn back her cost after a while anyways.

Nemesis WB when?

After Surtur but before Beyonder.

Where does Eternity fit in?

I got nothing against her she's got it going on but tbqh I never even heard of the BO until this game

Eternity is the universe, he's everywhere, he's the very setting of the game.

>I never even heard of the BO until this game
That's completely understandable, they were undeveloped OC henchmen made by Hickman during Infinity. They didn't do much.


Blacked Order is garbage and there are better butts in the game.

One could argue that Proxima was overdeveloped

>there are better butts in the game.

She's the only one who went on to appear in other books, wasn't she? I know EM went on into the Thane mini.

Wasp, Widow, Sharon, Bobbi, Elsa.

Corvus and Proxima both stuck around. They were in Secret Wars, Time Runs Out, and Before Time Runs Out. Ebony Maw was in A God Up There Listening and The Black Vortex.

Black Dwarf and Supergiant both got killed off in the very event they were introduced in.

Although worth noting that the Black Order were apparently in GotG cartoon? So I guess they've gotten some exposure from there to kids.

>Yondu uni is generic pistol blast
>no more sweet angelic whistle

Will wait for Guardians vol 2.

You forgot Black Bolt

m8 you best be memeing. you can't even tell with through her trench coat. Also no daisy? come on.

Elsa deserves to be on that list for her mugshot alone.

Can a glass cannoner like Elsa work with a tankier iso set? I rolled IAAG on her? Waste or worth giving a spin?

I mostly want to use her for WB if possible

Go for Attack instead.

I guess DD S2 Unis were a myth after all...

The Black Order were in a few episodes of GotG and one in Avengers Assemble. In one episode they get beaten by Rocket using the Destroyer armor in the first few minutes. They were pretty underwhelming. Also for some reason Supergiant is beefed up and I think she has a thing for Star-Lord

My guess is that next month's update will deal with this once and for all. There are only a very small amount of characters left without a 6* skill. Elektra is among these so I'm anticipating she gets her uniform to pair with her new 6* like yondu and ronan did, and punisher gets his as well. at least that's what I'm going to tell myself to get through this next month ; ;

Those shows are god awful.

>that super giant

>26% lightning damage
>10% on attack, freeze 1s
>energy attack 50% cold damage (8s cd)
>stun resist

>29.7% lightning damage
>20% when hit, generate physical shield 7% health
>move speed resist

are any of these good enough for jane or widow, or should I keep trying for better?

>that pic
What the fuckkkkkkkkkkk

>Elektra and Bullseye get their 6* skills and T2 avancement
>new unis include Elektra and Punisher from DD S2
I'd be OK with this.

Lacking 6* skill:
>Black Cat

No Uni:
>Jessica Jones
>Red Hulk
>Red Skull
>Miles Morales

What are your guesses for the next update?

she's like a butch asari

>Red Hulk
What unis could these characters possibly get? I'm drawing blanks on any alternatives.


>Jessica Jones
Either Jewel of Knightress

Probably a shield get-up like Quake


Most don't really have an option, like Singualrity or Kamala

They could use that version of Jane from that what if where she became Thordis.

Superior Carnage.
>Red Hulk
General Ross in an armor.
I don't watch AoS so dunno.
Unused designs.
Earth X.

I really want a Jewel uni.


>Earth X.
No. Earth X is actually Thor in a female body because Loki tricked Odin into making Thor a woman saying it'll teach even more humility. So, if anyone gets Earth X, it should be Odinson. There's a What-If? about Jane finding Mjolnir. Try that instead.

Coulson should get his robot hand and the energy Cap shield, but it doesn't do anything besides act as a shield, he doesn't throw it.

No midriff. Too racy for Koreans. (If Nico and Angela can't show theirs, that whore can't either.)

What about thighs then?

But angela shows the shit out of hers

They like thighs, look at Elektra and and Carol.

Also, maybe it was because Nico's younger? I forget NN's excuse.

But that's not Cletus.

Despite being called "All-new All-Different", he actually does have a different look for ANAD. After gaining the powers of the darkhold, he gained a different look and the power to create eldritch clones.

Attilan Rising uni.

>Red Hulk
Circle of Four uni where he had both the spirit of vengeance and venom symbiote.

AoS S3 uni, either a shield jump suit or his black hoodie/dark jeans/jacket over hoodie look he was using periodically.

AoS S3 uni, with the bionic arm and holo-shield

Only option is Pink Hulk Darren Cross. At that point, better off to not bother.

Wait for the Gwenom arc to start up soon then give her a Gwenom uni.

His proto-type uni that was just a really shitty Spider-man uni.



>Circle of Four uni where he had both the spirit of vengeance and venom symbiote.

You can't tell me this wouldn't be baller.

I imagine we'll get Elektra 6*/T2/DD S2 unis all at the same time. Black Cat and MODOK will probably also get their ANAD unis alongside their 6*s/T2s if this update was any indication.

I for one look forward to ANAD MODOK.

>his black hoodie/dark jeans/jacket over hoodie look he was using periodically.
Heh, I'd like this because he's already the most casually dressed character in he game. It'd be funny if his uni was more casual wear

It'd be perfect.

JJ is pretty casual in her leather jacket and jeans.

I can, and I will. That would not be baller. Those four issues sucked dick. And it wasn't just Alejandra.

Well I think it'd be swell.

I don't think it's possible to get any more 90's than this

I have become the just

>she's like an asari/krogan hybrid


>dat boss as fuck color coordination
Well shit nigga.

I would rather get mystic tribal Red Hulk from the thunderbolts annual.

So is general consensus that Captain Marvel is the go-to team for this faction battle? She seems to be in the lead most of the time.

w-well its not as cool or strong as but I have a cute ginger team!

Waifu's always win, user. Good on you.

>Fire Crotch team

>Black and Yellow