>stock market crashes
>all currencies become almost worthless
>whole world turns to crypto
>1 btc = 1 million dollars
can't wait
Stock market crashes
Other urls found in this thread:
if currencies become worthless then 1 million dollars is worthless... so your BTC is worthless too
it will never happen
1 BTC = $10,000 is more plausible
not if you keep using btc as currency in your everyday life. It would be like having a pocket full of gold in the republic of weimar
even with all those events happening?
stop watching Mr. Robot
wait, no, don't stop, because it's awesome
just don't forget that IMO it can' happen in real life
they will save this fraud we call 'economy' every time at any cost
I don't watch mr.gaybot
no, just basic logic
you've claimed all currencies worthless and 1 BTC = 1 million dollars
if 1 million dollars is worthless then so is 1 BTC
your OP is flawed
it should.. but are you aware of the unlikelyhood of all those events from ever happening?
I hold BTC but, are most BTCers really this delusional?
>bought 100 BTC at .10
>rose up to ~200 per
>holy shit I'm fucking loaded
>sell them all
>No need to hold on
>tfw it was ~$700 a month ago
Well, I mean I got a nice car, and paid off a chunk of my mortgage... but fuck man.
>tfw I jumped on ETC when it was .10 and sold at $10
>it fucking doubled again before it dropped
Am I cursed with crypto? I'm holding on to the DGB my friend gave me. He gave me 4000 DGB because he says it's gunna moon, and he owes me ~$5k from a few years back. he said "keep the change when it moons bro"
are you retarded? Please learn economics 101 and get back to me
>are you aware of the unlikelyhood of all those events from ever happening?
never say never, user
First post best post. Bagholders BTFO again
no, it would be more like having a pocket full of chuck e cheese tokens in the republic of weimar.
>Bitcoin market crashes
>Cryptocurrencys become almost worthless
>Shitcoin users turn back to the USD
>1 dollar= 1 dollar
can't wait
I could see this happening. Maybe not anything near term but 5 years+ it could be very plausible. As normal as Bitcoin sounds to most of us, it really isn't that popular.
My honest opinion it's only a matter of time until Bitcoin or something similar gets adapted into our daily lives. Paper money is retarded, but so is carrying around a bunch of gold.
>1 dollar = 1 dollar
Cant wait
>hey guys our currency became worthless for no reason lets start using an internet currency we never heard of
>muh bitcoins
like that will happen
If I get a fat bitch I'm going to commit Sudoku.
wow you're pretty retarded
you know you can buy shit with btc directly right?
You're stupid as shit lol. This would only be applicable if he said that 1 btc = 1btc but the dumbass put a pricetag on them. He said that 1 btc = 1 million dollars. If dollars are worthless and btc is worth dollars then btc is worthless too you mook.
by that logic if the Zimbabwean dollar becomes worthless than all currencies that trade with them would be worthless too
you obviously don't understand the essence of what currency is
250 trillion zimbabwe dollars were worth $1 usd you mouth breather. Using the same comparison (a worthless currency to a non-worthless one), if USD ever reached zimbabwe status and we use OPs dumbass claim that 1 btc = $1 million usd then that means that 1 future bitcoin will be worth less than a penny. Maybe not a good idea to bring up zimbabwe, huh dipshit?
>>If dollars are worthless and btc is worth dollars then btc is worthless too
all currencies start as being worthless and after a finite amount of time end as being worthless
He didn't say btc will be worth dollars. He said that btc would be worth a -specific- amount of dollars. It is the exchange rate between a worthless currency and a supposedly worthwhile currency that has everyone ITT laughing. You bitcucks are hilarious. You say that USD will be worthless one day but still price bitcoin in relation to USD. The fact that you can't understand why this is retarded makes you even more of a dumbshit lol.
>t.federal reserve
kys nigger
If we ever get to the point that 1btc= $1 million USD, than it really won't matter how many BTC you have because you chances of death in the near future from social unrest will rise 100 million percent.
Bitcuck cope.
>no coiners
pick one. Enjoy your stock going to 0 lmao
People like you are the same who thought the world would end in 1929
exactly... if he said that 1 btc will be equal to roughly 1 million USD in buying power in today's economy, than ok....
>implying the New Deal wasn't world ending...
It's just extended financial death for 90 years..
no, el pinko, just not some commie bastard like yourself
go back to sweden sven, this is an american financial board, not your cuckshed
>if you are not a good goy libertarian you are a communist
>this is what lolbergturdians actually believe
ah, a chubby paranoid brony who wants to be held. She is a clean freak and scat freak at the same time. Perfect...
>Stock market crashes
>All currencies are worthless
>Which implicitly means that society has officially collapsed and the major companies powering the world have gone under
>It's a disaster, every country has gone to shit, no where to run
>SOMEHOW a fucking electronic meme currency used to buy stolen credit card info and drugs on the internet becomes an incredible resource with huge demand skyrocketing its price
I don't think I'm on board, OP. This seems a little idiotic, and by a little I mean it doesn't make any sense
Take down this picture right now!
I'm guessing OP means if society collapses. People will start up a new community revolving around bitcoin? That's the only way I can see it going down, if I interpreted right.
Though you won't have anything to compare it to, just as oil and gold is priced based on USD.
So, you're saying gold and oil and pretty much all of trading will be based on Bitcoin instead?
Would people even have internet or electricity if society collapsed in this manner?
I'd still have power, and fidoNet is still around.
FIDO can run over just about anything, from modems, to ham radio, to directional wi-fi links.
when -all- currencies become worthless, pretty much any and all things that require upkeep on any level will cease to function.
Things like gas, water, electricity, it'll all shut off, as no company will be able to continue operation due to having NO form of income to operate with/for
This means your phone will die. your computer will die. your precious internet will die. your bitcoin will die.
also "all currencies become almost worthless" == "Bitcoin becomes almost worthless"
I guess it is time for me to stop browsing Veeky Forums
roly poly
When the Bouillan Cube becomes worthless, the bitcoin would of fallen weeks before that.
Bouillan is an international currency used in third world countries too. It wont have any value in a place that cant afford internets.
this is wrong on so many levels. Why are economically illiterate NEETS spouting their useless opinions on my Veeky Forums?
Hope I don't get cucked.
Have fun buying your vegetable from a local farmer who is more likely to take handjobs for a cob of corn than to have the ability to do bitcoin transactions.
Urban environments will be literally on fire as the racewar spreads out from the innercity into the elite neighborhoods before heading to the suburbs. If you're lucky you'll have cash on hand to buy protection from a mexican or asian gang as all the black ones are gunning down white people on sight. Your women and daughters will be entered into the human traffic network and sold to the highest bidder. Cash will still be the preferred currency where drugs, guns and human flesh are not present.
Does this sound crazy? Not as crazy as your bullshit post OP.
The people who are cursed with crypto are the ones who sold their btc when it first hit $30.
Be happy you are doing so well for yourself. Everything is easier in hindsight
bruv this race war shit reminds me of the revolution of the proletariat propagated by commies. the only time in history that has happened was in russia, with evidently heavy backing by external forces.
that being said, it won't happen on its own, stop propagating this stupid meme.
>>If dollars are worthless and btc is worth dollars then btc is worthless too
Hah, I don't think it would happen. That was my point actually. None of it, including OP's post is likely to happen. The infrastructure is simply not in place to any meaningful extent to support Bitcoins overtaking physical currency, If it seems common to anyone, you are in a pocket of the world that is like a fraction of a percentage of a percentage point.
>I'm not a communist, just a half-communist, no that's a bad word! I call it socialism!
>using a currency which the government devalues on a day-to-day basis for the sake of memesianism
>not supporting a based decentralized currency
>implying bitcoin is a currency
just came in to say that's an awesome picture of Dan "Get Behind Her" Schneider
There are bitcoin ATM's in downtown Toronto Canada but i never see anyone using them
im in
What would you get out of them when hard currency goes obsolete?
1 btc = 10,000 USD
1 btc = 0.1 xmr
what if like... the dollar is already a crypto currency??
you btc fags are so retarded i swear. the only reason why you make money off of btc is because other retards think its the future.. its not. most currency is already crypto.. why would they switch to btc? why?
the only reason why you use dollars is because other retards think it has value as well
usd is not a crypto currency because it is centralized to the federal reserve which prints its representation as cotton when they are feeling the memenesianism
digital != crypto
>new deal
How does anybody think this?
you are delusional. to think that every single country is going to move toward btc is retarded as fuck.
Bitcoins for millenials is what gold was for baby boomers.
They both are just speculation. they produce nothing! gold is a physial currency crypto is digital. They are both retarded. Currency is a retarded investment. THEY PRODUCE NOTHING!! I repeat. CURRENCY IS A RETARDED INVESTMENT. ALL CURRENCY.
>if currencies become worthless then 1 million dollars is worthless... so your BTC is worthless too
Your BTC would be "worthless" if you classify worth in fiat terms, yes. If OP happened, and you could buy a house and a car with 1 BTC it's not truly worthless.
I have 10 BTC stored on a paper wallet behind a framed picture just in case something like this happens. Don't stop believing pham
>Don't stop believing pham
>Implying I ever believed in the first place.
Currency is not an investment, retard
Bitcoin is for faggots. I can't believe you guys are still shilling this shit 3 years later. Since 2013 the price has dropped to half of what it was. In 2019, the price will be around $250 and in 2022, the price will be $125. Screencap this.
BTC niggers are about as smart as gold niggers. It's a commodity that has no use in a modern economy.
>They both produce nothing
Actually gold is used in electronic components. Not a significantly large amount, but a decent amount.
>bitcoin right now is the preferred currency by criminals
>somehow when the monopoly of the dollar fails, they will start hating bitcoin
Do you get "retard pills" or were you just born with this condition?
>stramanning me
>coming up with non-existent definitions like "half-communist"
go back to /r9k/
bitcoin is a hybrid between an asset and a currency, it has features common to both. That's why it's so unique
>says increasingly nervous nocoiner for the 50th time since 2009
Everything we use, we use because we think it has a value. The instinct for survival is based on the idea that our life has value. By your logic you should kill yourself.
>communism is bad because I don't like to be strawmanned as a communist, but being partially communist is totally better than not being communist!
>muh appeal to moderation fallacy
No shit. White supremacists have been trying to predict and spark race wars for decades. Do you not remember Charlie Manson?
It's a delusion and a pipe dream.
>>communism is bad because I don't like to be strawmanned as a communist
that's another strawman. You relly are retarded, aren't you?
>but being partially communist is totally better than not being communist!
Define what it means to be a partial communist. Does not being a libertarian count as being a partial communist? Because that is the only definition you gave in your posts. Is that correct? Do you unironically think the world of economic theory is a linear line that goes from libertarianism to communism? kys
No shit. It's retarded. Forex is retarded. Crypto is retarded. Cash is retarded. Anything that isn't producing a return is retarded. Therefore.. Bitcoin is retarded.
Im more into something that gives me money on my money. I rather put 200k into real estate or stock with dividends then some shit coin that doesn't do shit. Every month i get money from my rental propertys, and i still have the principle that i put into it. How much does your shitcoin give you each month just to hold it? Hard to snowball effect your money when it's all tied up into some speculative bullshit. I know you are on here just trying to shill a retarded crypto currency, im ok with that. Just don't talk about it like its the future.. because it's not. The dollar has more of a chance being the dominant "crypto currency" then some fucking shitcoin people made up to do illegal things online.
to add... I don't care if you faggots buy shit coins.. it doesn't effect me.. what is annoying is that you retards make 20 threads a day about the same damn thing.. We get it.. you guys like your shitcoin. stop spamming the board with the same damn threads. No i don't have any shitcoins and no i don't plan on buying any. Business and real estate is where it's at. I need 7% on my money minimum to fight inflation, taxes and still make a profit. Until your shitcoin could do that without trading in an out paying capital gains, It's useless.
So you could trade your internet meme-shit with, yourself? soounds very fucking logical m8.
"preffered currency" Wtf you talking about. Think of ALL criminal activity globally. You think its all being done in bitcoin. When i buy fucking drugs from my dealer, i don't get my fucking bitcoin wallet out and transfer to his wallet, ya dumb kike.
So... Like a debit card?
Bitcoin is the MySpace of crypto currency. It has full exposure but we are still in the formative years. Bitcoin will die out and be replaced by something newer which all the normies will jump on. The next high profile cryptocurrency will be the facebook. The big one.
This thread fucking sucks
To those retards doubting bitcoin, enjoy being pleb
I'll take my triple digit coins and laugh in your face
Now, tomorrow, and especially 10 years from now
it's not logic, it's simple finance. you clearly don't understand how money works.
>Made a 2000% profit
>Still unsatisfied
>getting married and having children
Full retard.
>You think its all being done in bitcoin
Why are you so dense? Of course it's not all being done in bitcoin, but it is widely used by criminal organizations, especially international ones. When the mafia buys drugs from colombian cartels, what do you think they use? But that isn't the point. The point is your delusional claim that they would stop using bitcoin when USD collapses: they have no problem using it when USD is perfectly healthy, why would they stop doing it once bitcoin's competition is defeated?
>The dollar has more of a chance being the dominant "crypto currency" then some fucking shitcoin people made up to do illegal things online.
Opinion dropped
Only thing you're cursed with is greed, you douche.
>Day one, stock market crashes, 2008 style. DOW down 700 points... they stop trading, bitcoin shoots to 800 dollars. They bring in the PPT, and CNBC and Bloomberg will say, "it's fine everyone!... keep buying"
>Day two, Dow opens up and crashes again...800 points... PPT is enabled again.. trading stops again... bitcoin shoots to 1500 dollars, Ether is now trading at 50 dollars. Cryptofags are putting on their moon boots, while NYSEfags are pulling their hairs out. millions of BTCfags tell their family friend, EVERYONE.. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!
Mind you, imaginary money, from stock market evaporates, but the world is not on fire. Niggers still go to work, just like 2008.
>Day 3, They open the markets back up again to have to DOW drop another 800 points... and now they have to halt trading for they day and wait. BTC had shot up to 2000 over night. Big companies like Amazon, AT&T, Wallmart, Target, notice that the price of bitcoin is going to the moon while Dollars is crashing they decide to declare that they now accept bitcoin.
Day 4, Price of bitcoin is now at around 5 thousand and growing faster than anything anyone has ever seen. FOMO is setting in. Internet still works, and now Verizon, HONDA, TOYOTA, have said that they now accept bitcoin.
now remember, bitcoin has hit 10k in less than 5 days, and we are not in complete anarchy, I know, some of you are too young to remember 2008 and 2001, but I was working an IT job during both of those crashes, and I woke up , turned on the news, and went to work. I didn't even lose my job in either one of those crashes, but there was no bitcoin. There was no ether. There was no XMR! There was nothing!!! we just had to sit with our fingers up our collective asses and watch as they robbed us blind. Now, there is a way out. This time, it will be different. This time, I'm ready.
I'll see you fags on the other side, i'll promise you /biz will still be there for me to drink some salty butt-hurt tears.
Cryptocuck delusions are the best delusions.