So I listed my course work GPA (3.6) on my resume instead of my normal GPA (3.0).
I got two job interviews at positions I am very interested in (related to cartography and ecology).
Both asked for my transcript.
I didn't expect this because I have over a years experience in my field.
I was going to just give it to them and explain that my course work GPA was what I listed but my transcript didn't have it on there so I panicked and edited my GPA to match the one on my resume.
I also edited some grades in classes so the math would add up.
They took it without much question but now want my 'official' transcript.
My transcript came as a PDF with a link attached to verify it's authenticity.
Should I just double down and send it and hope they're just seeing if I graduated or should I come clean or should I just cut contact and say I found another job?
Thanks brehs.
Pic unrelated.
GPA dishonesty
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Has anybody ever been prosecuted for this?
Is there a secret shit list for resume liars??
Just back out. Say you got another job offer you're pursuing. Don't get caught up in this it can come back to get you later. Just back out. Search for another job. And don't lie about your grades because some companies do ask for legitimate transcripts.
I probably will, thanks.
Do you think I should just keep listing my GPA as a 3.6 and then give an unedited resume and explain why I put a 3.6 in the future?
Do you know of anybody who has been prosecuted for lying?
I wouldn't keep listing a fake GPA on your resumes. You could always just apply with the fake GPA and give them unedited transcripts and pray they'll be satisfied with that. Keep doing that until you come across a company that won't request official. Or you can legitimately use your real GPA and lie about unverifiable shit like volunteer work. Lie about charity walks or food for the homeless to try to counter balance the GPA score. If they ask for a number just go get a burner phone and give them that number.
That's a good idea.
Do you see it as outright fake? They record it, the course work GPA that is, on my school's website but don't include it on the transcript document for some reason. I feel that I should argue that it's plausibly more relevant because I changed majors late in the game.
You could always say its a typo or from coursework from a community college. I ultimately wouldn't lie about GPA. Just the volunteer, club, and other "leadership" experience.
I mean, just think about it. You say you went to X university. They ask YOU to provide transcripts when they could otherwise call the fucking university? Lie about being a chess club president or founder of some shit that benefits your "church" or community. Definitely a great way to shine and be a well rounded person or candidate.
I see. Thanks for the input, user.
>they could otherwise call the fucking university
IDK about your country but in the US, It's generally confidential and can only be divulged by the student. The universities can't give transcripts to anybody but the student them self.
However, the PDF that my university sends transcripts in will have a link that will break if it is edited.
I just took screenshots, photo shopped them and printed the screen shots.
I'm in the US too. That's even better. When I bought a copy of my trancripts the only difference between them and the unofficial trancripts were some faggot colored paper and envelop with the school seal on it. If you can manipulate and edit unofficial transcripts then just get some fancy paper and do the same thing and put it in a fancy envelop. What did you major in?
thanks for posting this, user.
I cringe'd.
you were probably ok until you shooped the individual grades. I mean that's pretty fucking hard to explain.
>why don't the grades match on the two transcripts you gave us?
>well I really got a 3.6 on coursework but the transcript didn't reflect that so I forged a document and submitted it fraudulently to reflect the reality I didn't want to take the time to explain and...
>ok, thank you. Next!
I mean, it was dumb I guess but how was I supposed to explain that my 3.6 course work GPA wan't just made up without it on the transcript? I don't even know how they calculated it but I do know it's better than a 3.0.
That's the thing. They don't send it in sealed envelopes anymore. All official transcripts are a PDF with a verification link.
My major was environmental science with a minor in GIS.
>how was I supposed to explain that my 3.6 course work GPA wan't just made up without it on the transcript?
show them the college website that has that number or ask them to speak to the college themselves. Or ask the college if you can get a transcript for coursework.
I dunno. But I'm pretty sure even a 3.0 is better than going in with forged documents.
Not here. I went to San Francisco State. Literally just a purple colored paper and the person who gave them to me signed the envelop. You can try it one time test the waters. Who knows. Edit the link to direct them to a web page you made that reflects the unofficial. Just some HTML.
yea, you're prolly right. I think I'll just cut bait on these jobs and use only a legit transcript in the future.
Do you think it's wise to keep using my 3.6 on my resume?
If it were me I'd list the 3.0 and the 3.6 and clearly label what each one is.
then when they ask, show them from the official transcript the relevant grades. Or not, I'm pretty sure they can figure up an average too.
I don't know shit about HTML.
Maybe it's easy.
Why do people need to lie about their GPAs? If you just get a 4.0 then you won't have this problem.
What field?
If its small dont burn bridges and just back out and say you accepted another offer.
Strange though, when Im asked for a transcript I just call up my college and they send a 1 page thing saying I received a B.S. of accounting. No GPA on there.
I got away with that in my first real job and never have been asked GPA in an interview since.
If there is a dedicated HR dept at this place they might not have anything better to do than fuck you over.
In accounting, its notorious for the BIG 4 HR being secretly interconnected and blowing it at one will prevent you from working the others.
>Do you know of anybody who has been prosecuted for lying?
nobody gives a shit.
Just put 4.0 on there. If you are going to lie just lie all the way.
Equifax runs the shit list; it's part of the standard automated background checks they offer that are an option in most applicant tracking software.
You can get a free report per year from them here:
Unless it's for the government you're good to go.
It's obvious, you should forge the official transcripts. Unless they send them back to the uni how are they going to find out.
Bitch please, a 4.0 might attract attention, you are looking for the highest gpa that wouldn't attract attention.
I heard my gpa shouuld be 4.0 so I'm gonna write 4.0 on this forum lel.
I thought chinks and Indians did this all the time?
Maybe people are starting to wise up to it