Tfw no Christian Egypt

tfw no Christian Egypt

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>their 10% minority is dying out

Feels bad

I have understood it that comparing Copts to non Christian Egyptians is a general proof of how shitty Islam is, anything wrong with that?


It's not like Copts are exceptionally rich.

/Risk/player spotted

>tfw no christian copt speaking egypt
>tfw no christian syriac speaking syria+iraq

Hello darkness my old friend

There's more than 10%, they're rigging the census.
They are, on average, a lot richer than Muslim population.
It's same in Syria and Lebanon too.

>ywn have a Copt waifu
>ywn be a glorious Copt fighting Nestorianism

God punished you for your heresy the same way he punished Israel with Babylon

Well, what you gonna do about it?

Did he punish Ignatius?

Why are the distinguished from regular Orthodox?

literally the only billionaires and former Egyptian UN secretary are Coptic

Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics are both dyophysite, meaning Jesus had two natures one human one divine
Copts are myaphysite, believing Jesus had one nature both divine and human at the same time
It's a big deal, mate

>Why couldn't Egypt have been conquered by THIS foreign Semitic religion instead of THISone boo hoo hoo


Literally nothing but semantics, Eastern Orthodox says, "Two natures, human and divine," Oriental (including Coptic) Orthodox says, "One nature, human and divine". The Fifth Ecumenical Council approved their formula, and said the Eastern formula is strictly a semantic distinction, which Copts already agree with. Other than that they are identical to Eastern Orthodox in faith.

Egypt wasn't conquered by Christians, it was conquered by pagans, and a long, long time later the empire it was in converted to Christianity.
>Pope Saint John Paul II signed accords with the Coptic Orthodox and the Syriac Orthodox (both miaphysite) recognizing that their Christology is currently sound and orthodox – fully in accord with Roman Catholic Christology. The Catholic Church recognizes that the debate was essentially linguistic and political and it’s worth noting that ALL the miaphysite churches belong to the Eastern Provinces of Byzantium and were non-Greek speaking nations. Hence, there is little separating the Oriental Orthodox from joining into full communion with the Successor of Saint Peter in Rome.

t. Eritrean Orthodox Christian (priorly under administration of the Coptic Church)

Somali pirates pls go

Eastern signed something similar, except also agreeing that the distinction of "two natures" is purely a conceptional (which is what the Fifth Ecumenical Council said).

Afaik, while Copts recognized Eastern Orthodox Sacraments, they don't recognized Catholic Sacrements

kek I know your joking, but it's funny how rarely I've been called that. from the

>tfw real Egyptians are a Minority in their own country

>tfw no Christian Franco-Arabic Levant
>tfw no Latin cantons across Africa and Asia Minor
>tfw no silk road
>tfw no Chinese social democracy following the teachings of Sun Yat-Sen
>tfw no Mesopatamian city-states forming a power bloc/trade league
>tfw no Zoroastrian Iran
>tfw no Orleanist/Bonapartist French constitutional Kingdom/Empire with a modern-day Richilieu by the monarch's side
>tfw no Solomonic dynasty on Ethiopia's throne
>tfw no benevolent American dictator uplifting and educating the populace to prevent social and political decay
>tfw no post-Reformation, post-Enlightenment Muslim nations (yet)
>tfw no Romano-Briton Britain
>tfw no Kingdom of Two Sicilies
>tfw no surviving Indo-Greek kingdom
>tfw no Pontic Greek state
>tfw no Zaphorozian Cossacks
>tfw no Second Mexican Empire
>tfw no Gran Colombia
>tfw no stable, prosperous Liberia
>tfw no Hanover

Memes or not, it hurts bros.

Genetics studies show arabs didn't have that big of an impact though

Call me when you're crying about the death of Egyptian pagansm.

Yes, I'll call you and then we can cry about the decadent and secular priesthoods that essentially ruined Egypt together

Nothing of value was lost

Aten AKA Ancient Egyptian Jesus should have won

>four of five sees of the Pentarchy are at Muslim hands

Christcucks are pathetic.

Akhenaten was an ass, and was even worst that the priests. He said only he could worship Aten, everyone else had to worship him and ask him to do it for them. Basically, he outlawed worshiping any god but him; Aten was just the god he worshiped.

The Pentarchy doesn't exist anymore and hasn't for a long time. There are a lot more patriarchs today.

Bullshit only 2 maybe 3 Christian.

And religions change

Pentarchy is orthodox bullshit, either you're catholic or a heretic.

We always had a bad image.

Papists seem to completely misunderstand what the Pentarchy was. We have a lot more than five patriarchs now anyway. Yes, the idea that the Pope didn't have jurisdiction is a major element, but even from an Orthodox perspective, the five Patriarchs would not equal the power of what Papists attribute to the Pope, they couldn't get together just on their own and say, "This is dogma", they just had a higher administrative function, but their office was still technically just a bishop, as the patriarch's office is to this day.

Leo IX, when he precipitated the schism, appealed mostly to the Donation of Constantine for the Pope's authority. Now THAT is bullshit

What about that whole 'accepting the bishop of Rome having authority over the other patriarchs' thing?

They're separated from Catholics on the same grounds as the rest of the Orthodox. Copts don't even recognize Catholic baptisms, though they recognize the baptism of other Orthodox

How are Orthodox heretics? Why is it that they allign closer with the church fathers than the Catholics do?

>tfw no glorious Basileus to lead the united Church from Constantinople

Orthodox deny that doctrine develops

Those were unironically all shit with the possible exceptions of the Pontic Greek states and Zoroastrian Iran.

Islam destroys everything. Truly AIDS: the religion.

So, then you're saying scripture is the final authority?
Protestantism confirmed Orthodox
"Evolution of dogmas is really destruction of dogmas"
-Pope Pius X

Scripture is of course a higher authority than any other writings, because they are infallible. That doesn't mean other writings can't be authoritative, it just means they can't if they contradict Scripture.

Protestants don't interpret Scripture in an Orthodox fashion.

>Pope Pius X
This statement wasn't ex cathedra, so it holds zero authoritative weight

You are either describing a Protestant position or admitting elevation of the traditions of men to the level of God, by describing scripture as the highest authority and the word of God, distinguished with church traditions.

The Orthodox conception of Scripture is that it is the crown of Tradition. This crown is supported by other aspects such as the Regula Fidei, Church Fathers, mechanism of intepretation and Councils.

These supporting tools are used as the key to Scripture.

Following the original context of Scriptural reading, Scripture is described as the book of the community and thus must be read and intepreted in context of such community.

This is different from having all of these support structures having to submit to Scripture.

What about the Orthodox Icconoclasts?

Where do you think they got it from?

Also, they weren't Orthodox anymore than Cathars were Catholics

Islam infleunced them since the success of Islam is perceived as God telling them to stop venerating icons and shit.

Patriarchate of Constantinople is a meme, they arent a real apostolic see like Alexandria, Jerusalem or Rome.

if it had remained christian, the middle east and north africa would be a continuation of southern and eastern europe.

Islam broke the unity of the mediterranean world that had been achieved by the Greeks and Romans.

So what was Saint Andrew's See?

Also, Saint Mark (who founded the See of Alexandria) wasn't an Apostle, unless you count the seventy.

All dioceses are Apostolic, ultimately, of course, since all bishops carry the Apostolic authority. When they needed a new Apostles to replace Judas, they said, "For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take."

>Islam broke the unity of the mediterranean world that had been achieved by the Greeks and Romans.

Good, Med a shit. I hope they break the rest of Europe so that the Sino sun may rise triumphant

>So what was Saint Andrew's See?

An invention led by the Byzantine Emperor, after he moved the capital, and this canon was never recognized by the bishop of Alexandria, Antioch and the Pope.

>bishop of Alexandria
That's Coptic Pope for you.

No, they all agree Saint Andrew founded a See in Byzantium, and installed Stachys

Whether they have equal honor is the only issue, and that has zero to do with Constantinople being the See of Andrew. Whether or not that is accepted doesn't require the approval of those bishops, it was ratified by the council, they just dissented on that one canon.

He was always called Pope

>An invention led by the Byzantine Emperor, after he moved the capital, and this canon was never recognized by the bishop of Alexandria, Antioch and the Pope.
It actually was recognized by the Pope during the Latin Occupation.

Well done on displaying the fact that you have a poor understanding of Christian theology. Orthodox and Catholic don't view each other as heresies, they view each other as schismatic.

It's "Catholic" roleplayers from /pol/ who think the Church is like space marines.

This so much. /pol/ Catholics irritate me so much, I'm glad someone else realises how idiotic they are.

You can tell they were never really religious in the first place. They just became religious because "it's right wing" and "leftists are undermining faith". They automatically chose Catholicism because they thought it was "the true church" and others were "heretics!!!", displaying their poor understanding of theology.

I have no problem with legitimate Catholics, but /pol/ catholics are pure cancer.

and heretical, you retard

Catholics see the Orhtodox as a sister apostolic church, not as heretics.

Read: Also, insulting people isn't a very Christian thing to do. :/

I don't think /pol/ has legitimate anything, they're almost all roleplayers. I mean shit like "I'm a tranny national socialist who masturbates to anime" is posted there daily. To a great degree a lot of people there are just posters who grew out of their /b/ phase and now simply want a label of their hip edgefaggotry. Back in 2012 it was libertarianism, now it's alt right, a few years from now it might be fucking communism for all I know. And I'm saying this as a (religious) right winger.

You do realize they have massively different doctrines and view each others sacrements as invalid, as well as both declaring no salvation outside their own church, thereby damning everyone in the other, right?


They literally do not view eachother as heretical. They view eachother as schismatic.

The Orthodox identify Filioque as heresy and the Catholics view rejection of it as heresy
Schismatic and heretical are not mutually exclusive

>christian egypt & turkey (and all in between) should be a thing by now

Catholics don't view the rejection of the Filioque as heresy. Eastern Catholic (in communion with Rome) liturgies won't include it. The only fundamental doctrinal issue is the supremacy of the Pope

Catholics don't consider noninclusion of it as heretical because Catholics consider it a safeguard against heresy, which is why despite not saying it Eastern Catholics consider it true