League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sona is the Best and Kindest Girl on League

78% CDR Sona Edition

Older: Nuked: Eyosongive.us


6.12 Patch Notes:


6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins


Other urls found in this thread:



>Crying about Zed

I want to BREED Sona! Preferably against her will.


Why doesn't Riot do anything against high elo scripters?


Next patch can't come soon enough


Why do people think they can Adc with a Ez?
Explain this bullshit to me!

That's a nerf you goddamn moron.

Ez is fine. Most of them just seem to forget he has an autoattack

>when you finally corrupt bae body and soul

you post it at 680, i told you dude

i thought since image limit was up it was ok

>78% CDR is a nerf
pass that dank shit

Because he has self-peel, AA resets to SHIT LODESADAMIDGE and is fairly reliable to carry with.

People just fail with their comboing. He's the third most ADC I've seen recently (second now that Lucian's gotten his big black love tap.)

nah mods dont think that way

also you didnt remove your trip and add counterplay next time, they're pretty cool guys and desserve some adversting :3c

Fuck off normie.

They are literally killing her early lane bully potential. Extra CDR on her basic abilities isn't worth shit, especially when they're getting nerfed to oblivion with increase cd.

>pressing a button that doesn't even require you to click your target to automatically be a lane bully is a good mechanic

She's extremely weak to hard engages, that's why she needs a good poke in lane. They should increase her AA range if they want to increase the proc damage on her passive.

>rito drops all pretense of balancing kindred and just bins them

It's not like I was saving up IP for a name change to do a "only masked characters" account...

Because you can

He can literally solo almost anyone on the enemy team without getting hit once if he truly wanted to. His Q hits like a fucking truck, his passive is a built in AS steroid, he can escape anything that can't 100 to 0 him in one second, and he has a wide full map aoe.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

imthem what the fuck are you doing here abandon this shit game its over just accept it and make the full transition to overwatch you know you want to

xth for alcoholized foxes

I do... but
I am forced to take small breaks at times when my 6stacks are offline and im forced to play reinhardt for pub dpsers who think its fun to play teamdeathmatch bythemselves in an objective based game
then i come play my one or two ranked games a day and win them and then come back to OWG
at this rate though ill be masters in a few weeks :^)


>She gets horny when she's drunk


wrong screenshot, man.

>Kangs posting his rank in overwatch general
>People still mad he plays ekko and fizz
some things never change
Take him back

>Shen doesn't counter Zed or vice versa
who the fuck approves this champion designs?
I mean Shen can cuck him out of some kills but that's it.

>tfw no loli Ahri to creampie every night


Fuck me.


>Jhin flashing into LB's W
>expecting me to carry these fuckwits who have no idea how to endure lane for at least 5 minutes

>people are still mad he plays Ekko
People were mad he constantly shit posted about his rank despite being a one trick who got there playing cancer

Don't sexualize the cute fox.

what the fuck is wrong with gold players these days?
fucking stupid as malphite wouldnt take tp. "I like killing btiches wth ingite"

I don't know how I could one trick when ekko was pick/ban and so was fizz.
I played a lot of wukong, poppy, darius Fiora Annie and Jhin.
I just had a preference for playing ekko, and usually tanky AP.

>people STILL play karthus
one day they will learn.

>halfway through 2016
>Kindred still hasn't been removed
Who would have thought they would make the tranny character overpowered cancer

Oh look she gets a 1350 skin now too. What a coincidence

KANGS pls help me to win everything with EKko right now

>playing Poppy
Are you sure about that? 'Cause I don't believe you

then what do i do with her ?


If it's you, it would definitely be against anybody's will.

Can someone post Aatrox edgy nicks pic?
I requested it in the last thread but janny does it for free.

>7/0 Poppy with Triforce
Oh god is this a thing now

Wish you were falling asleep covered by her tails lying your head on her lap while she whispers into your ear that everything will be alright.

Panic-picking Zeds in Bronze almost make me want to not ban him anymore.

Oh wait, I never ban him because Fizz exists.
inb4 'its bronze nobody cares'

>imthem is back

Goddamnit go away we were fine without you

At least Cassbuffs is still gone

I played her a bit when it felt like darius wasn't a good fit.
What kind of Ekko are you trying to play?
Also I haven't played in like two weeks b/c of overwatch so I might give you slightly wrong information

Why do so many people think Jhin is tanky and they can just march into everything? Or teammates thinking they should hide behind him?

If shen ults right as zed does, he does cuck him, as zed's ult damage doesnt scale from damage done to shields.

can't I just fuck her face while holding on to those ears?

Lux is literary freelo but scrubs don't play her. I spam here every day and I'm climbing like a monkey.

It's potent as fuck on her. Not building Trinity on Poppy always felt off somehow


rip my heart

I mean you could, but I'm not sure she'd appreciate it at all.

not your fault all lanes lost hard.

at times like these it's the junglers fault for not counterganking, or if he's behind, overganking a lane.

>still gold 3


your shityness knows no boundaries

ok here's the thing bud

u can't win every game end of story lol, but yes there is a part of this that is 'carry harder'

there's a reason i have 5 accounts that are all plat+ now..

u just need to play objectives more, thats how u win at league of legends

thats how i hit diamond w shit kda, cus it doesn't matter that u were 10-2

i think a big part of the problem in lower elo's is people simply don't understand win conditions/objective control/pushing/lane and wave management.. it's just a mess

good luck tho pal

>J4 is utter garbage now
>other cancer champs just got slaps on the wrist
>Kindred is still cancer even after her nerfs
Why did the Demacian dream have to die lolg?

whats good for objectives that's not Tryndamere?

Yi with ward smite?

Post op gg or fuck off

Dude, he doesn't listen, he got stuck in gold 3 on LAN, blamed his team for every lost game and cried for people to carry him, then he moved to NA and he is still stuck on gold 3 blaming his team for every lost game.

read the pbe Kindred nerfs

I think she'd love it desu

yea i mean it is what it is, i use one of my accounts to play with my best friend who's hard stuck in g5 and doesn't take any advice at all

i just hate that at the end of it everyone complains about oh my god my team was shit but there's so many things u do wrong in a game that u never bother to focus on about after the fact, just gliding on game to game, muh team

No point. Most of you scrubs can't even master Teemo, let alone Lux and will only bring her win rate down.
Forget what I said, don't spam Lux in ranked.

Yeah, he just comes here to complain and cry about how he deserves challenger but the teams he gets are holding him back, kek.

>ANOTHER Vayne skin
>ANOTHER Nami skin
>meanwhile still NOTHING for Cass after 1223 days

>complaining about someone's summoner spell choices
i had 2 guys(not even premade) insist that nasus is op now since he gets 6 stacks per last hit
i told him that it was only on howling abyss, another guy told him it was only on ARAM yet they insisted he's op. This was ~P5
Or the other day while on a silver account i had an annie(in placements) which unironally had serious issues beating bots
pic related



sirens > shitty lamias

no skin can make turd-leggs look good

>hurricane annie



>win a fuckton of games, 0 LP to 1 win in promos
>play with friends
>I do very well one game then well enough to win another, massive dmg, farm, wards etc etc
>friend feeds hard, literally useless, other friend is pretty non-existent
>say fuck you guys and leave out of rage and frustration
>friend gets into an argument with me after, the less useless one
>"well u couldn't have carried anyway" even though I was doing the best of literally any player
>"lol their ziggs had a better KDA11!1!!"
>even though their ziggs fed off of them and was pretty useless all game long
>"dude ashe's ults were so the reason we were winning anyway! U dont know how to play from behind! even though I did the most damage in the game and our ashe ulted 3 times when she was already useless
oy vey

how do I get friends that don't make me want to neuter them so they can't infect the gene pool?

Autism has infected me and it runs deep in my
salty rage over a videogame

I did
>Kindred being nerfed again
>J4 being nerfed for no reason whatsoever

>Soulstealer Vayne is another crafting skin

I'm so fucking mad

I first pick Kha after asking over and over again in champ select that the support or top be a bit tanky and have some engage so I can kill Caitlyn.

Instead we get Nid support with Pantheon top, who lost to Singed and went Full AD with BT, IE, and Hydra.

Annie wouldn't flash tibbers to engage, even after I got her snowballed off of LB, same with Vayne bot lane.

I hate Silver 1 so much

having your fav character get a hextech-only skin sucks dick, dude. unless you're willing to spend like $200 or wait 3 years there is no way you'll ever see it unless you luck out insanely hard.

>700 skins
>some 130 champions
>like maybe 50 ward skins
so around a 0,1% chance to get the one you want, and this chance is static since you can get duplicates

it's awful because you get to see this great looking skin you'll never have

post mains, judge each other.

i've never gone the tank ekko build btw

Might as well not even add them. Nothing but the most extreme whales will ever see these skins, and they're 1350s not even legendaries.

Reminder it takes around 4-5 years of exhausting your monthly drops to get one of these.

man I swear every time I'm in a good mood to spam ranked something prevents me from spamming. I play with friends on a smurf during the day and at night I try to soloq, just won 3 games and now ranked is down. I just want to get back to high diamond.

How long do servers go down for during patch??

>Annie Bot blows hundreds of dollars to get Hextech Annie
>only uses Panda Annie now

>tfw not a booster earning money for uni

>"Please teach me how to get better. I'm stuck in Bronze forever."
>>"Ok, let's play some normals. I'll coach you during game."
>Goes Maokai
Friend and Voli are chasing an Anavia who's 200 hp in the river at one point
>>"Dude, use your ult. It'll reduce damage for temmates and the damage it gives off will help secure kills! That Anavia is going to wreck you and Voli."
>"Shut up! Does it look like I need ult?"
>>"Just turn it on! Anavia's ult is hurting Voli! It's better to kill champs quickly than be petty with resources."
>"I don't need my ult!"
Anavia proceeds run aorund the river with my friend and Voli until her friendly Yi gets there, killing both of my temmates. Anavia goes down to 50 hp but doesn't die.
>>"I told you..."
>"Now I remember why I don't like playing with you. You yell too much."

This is literary all of my low elo friends. They claim that their teams are what holds them back, but with plays like that and a refusal to admit mistakes, I doubt they will actually climb.

you fool..

people paid for that, he didn't even like the skin that much but people donated him money on the condition of using it to open cases

I have been a fool my whole life family it aint gonna stop now

>watching LCK
>try to move the map like a retard


an Ekko than can hard carry people
I played him tank top before and I think doing a RoA early helps him and then go full tank after it

>Endgame one teamfight and it's over time
>In enemy base
>Spot enemy adc off wanking on minions
>Ult to him
>Flashes away
>Oh well it's up in 30 sec
>30 sec later
>See adc thinking I'm not gonna ult him if he's just a screen away from his team
>ult and hit him with it
>Team decides to dive the nexus towers onto their top
>We quickly lose the teamfight
>I gtfo at 200hp
>Their top TP's bot near our base
>Ult and smack him
>We lose because there's only me and the jg to defend
Did I cause us to lose?
Did hitting their adc make my team feel like they needed to go in?
But why would they not go on the adc then?

When VR becomes more advance and you can use it to be on Summoners Rift.
Then maybe you can finally touch Ahri

>someone asks you to teach them
>they fight you over ever bit of feedback


>having blatantly shitty taste
lamias are literally the best monstergirls in existence, pleb

>wanting to touch bytes

man, real life isn't as bad as /pol/ makes out to be

anybody know??

I'm not sure what ahppened in the last teamfight. The only reason we could endure a lot it's because I started to get massively fed and LB got scared because I targeted her anytime I could. However, my peel wasn't strong enough to endure Ekko's, Maokai's and LB's dive, making Jhin flashing into LB's W for no purpouse. In fact, she got killed first for this, but Jhin panicked and stopped AAing.

I'm trying, I'm trying to carry. I will agree that I fell down on farm due to some random lag bullshit in between minutes 5 and 12, since I got FB, the Maokai tried to play hard to intimidate me, but when the lag went off, I started going rampant again. There was a moment when the GP was raging massively and I told him "stop trading with your enemy laner because you rae not going to win at all, just farm, you are the mid laner". He obey but eventually all came down to that single last TF.

pls stop calling me a shitter
I'm doing everything I can to improve

the patch downtime is already over