Were communists the ISIS of their time?

Were communists the ISIS of their time?

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No. But equally as bad.

No. Leftist terrorists actually attacked political targets. Military, police, elected leaders etc.
Religious terrorists attack random inocent people and not the actual criminals.

Look at what they did to Korea.

Were Fascists the ISIS of their time

Communists killed a lot more than ISIS ever could even if they decided to rage quit and kill everyone in Mosul and Raqqah

Morally wise ISIS is mored fucked up than many Communists while others such as Pol Pot and even Mao match them in Brutality and savagery

So it depends on which communists you are talking about

Were protestants the ISIS of their time?

I know of no group of writers in church history that can so benefit your mind and soul as the Puritans, and their writings can give us more real help than those of any other body of Christian teachers, past or present, since the days of the apostles

They were far more organized and actually did do some good things among bad ones, so no

+no religion bullshit


North Korea was better to live in than South Korea until Kim Il-Sung died and the USSR fell, then his idiotic son took over and the stranglehold of Imperialism overwhelmed the nation.

Also they are now using Juche as their official system, they are no longer aiming to achieve communism.

Mao was not brutal nor a savage. Errors and poor planning led to the huge number of deaths, neither of those things invoke the traits of brutality or savagery. Pol Pot however, was obviously very evil.

terrorism caused by religious zeal is far more dangerous than left-wing terrorism from 60's-80's because civilians and random infidels weren't the target back then and the terrorists weren't fucking suicidal

Left or right memes asides, between RAF, Italian fascists and so on, I think the islamic attacks death toll only reached the 60s-80s one with the Nice thing, if even.

Kind of. Early North Korea's economy was basically completely propped up by the Soviet Union (who also chose Sung to "lead"), so when the Soviet Union fell, the quality of life in North Korea plummeted and the centrally planned economy fell apart. Towards the end of his reign, Sung was increasingly paranoid and erratic and essentially the same as his son would be

no, simply the fact that Communism had over 40% of the entire planet living in a communist state made them a much stronger force in the world. hell even today it's still over 25% of the world under communism. ISIS doesn't even represent .01% of Islam, and is negligible on the world stage.

until you see ISIS armies rolling over half of europe and installing government, it's a pretty fucking far stretch to compare the power of the two.

Not at all, what do you mean?

ISIS wants to establish hierarchy. Communists want to destroy it.

North Korea wasn't too bad until they abandoned Marxism for Juche monarchism

Not really. ISIS are to the Muslim world what fascists were to the West

No. The Fascist Blackshirts regularly tried to avoid killing anyone in general.

>until you see ISIS armies rolling over half of europe and installing government,
so 10 years or so?

>Its another Fascists were reactionaries episode

ISIS is supported by the west, communists were(still) labeled as terrorists by the fucking west

>ISIS is supported by the west

How so user?

>communists were(still) labeled as terrorists by the fucking west

That's why the US is all buddy buddy with YPG right?

The US is moreso buddy-buddy with the Iraqi Kurds (Peshmerga), who are their own group run by a conservative Kurdish nationalist party. If you listen to most politicians talk about the Kurds, they rarely if ever talk about the Syrian Kurds (Rojava) because the YPG is associated with the PKK. Turkey would flip its shit if the US actively supported the YPG, and the US isn't willing to risk losing ties with Turkey.

how the fuck do you come to that conclusion

The US openly flaunts that it has special ops forces embedded with YPG who every day fight with them and call in airstrikes. Where are you getting that the US does not actively support the YPG?

>Also they are now using Juche as their official system, they are no longer aiming to achieve communism.
Juche doesn't contradict communist economic practices, I'm not sure why people pretend this. Thinking a nation should function like a hippie commune on the national level in order to be called "communist" is asinine. North Korea is absolutely communistic in it's economic practices, and if anything Juche is an adaptation to a changing environment. Weighing more resources towards citizens who reinforce the system is literally sociopolitical advancement as far as communism goes.

North Korea had famine issues in the 90s. Other than that, before and after, it has not been a terrible place to live, and has better living conditions than large swathes of the planet.

what would marx have thought about socialism in one country?
would he have defended the USSR since the attempt at a global revolution failed?

not him but because suadi arabia funds them, both financially and ideologically. also nato and un drop trucks and ammo there and it goes to """"""moderate rebels"""""" as if the tiny rebel groups arent defeated and engulfed on a weekly basis


Fascists, if anything, were the ISIS of their time, which is made more accurate by the fact that ISIS has been accused of genocide.

It also makes sense on the fact that ISIS is a far-right movement, as is fascism, except based on religion rather than nationality obviously.


t. communist.

nazism was actually pretty different from the other fascist movements and the original vanilla italian fascism. Also the only ones that participated in genocide. I wouldnt say genocide is a fascist thing

Barzani is hated by the Younger Kurds for not being liberal enough and for how friendly he is torward "the enemy" aka Arab/Turks/Iranians.

Why is fascism seen as right wing when its creator was previously a socialist, you don't willingly switch sides do you

I'd say it was anarchists more so than communists

yet end up- albeit ironically, installing hierarchy.

what we normally call communists weren't against hierarchy by principle, they interpreted society and saw different opposing classes developing and thought that the working class was the next revolutionary class after the bourgeoisie because bourgeois rule can't sustain itself due to certain contradictions

Not really installing. Every socialist state has emerged from the ashes of one which is more or equally repressive, either through explicit contract or by coercion.

Fascism is just extreme nationalism with the trappings of social democracy to appease the proles, supplanting class consciousness with natural consciousness while maintaining the hierarchy of capital.

>fascism is socialist!
This fucking meme

>fascism isn't socialism
When will the memes end

It's not socialist at all, friendo.

Socialism means that the control of industry is placed in the hands of the workers. Nazi Germany and fascist Italy both allowed the upper class to control industry.

de facto socialism

forgot linko

Fuck off SJW

I didn't know that this much bad faith was even possible lads

Right, but a superficial resemblance to shitty socialists does not make fascism socialist in the slightest. Workers' unions were some of the first to go in Nazi Germany.

Aren't SJWs liberals by definition?

leftists can't be liberals

come back after you read the article pinko

nazi germany is socialist, what then?
how is that anything other than
"everybody i don't like is hitler"?

because leftists use that """argument""" all the time while their viewpoints are often in line with the Nazis

more bad faith

not an argument
you can keep saying bad faith but it won't get you anywhere :^)

but all you're saying is
>you are a nazi
>muh 1000000000000,0000000000000 never forget
there are no actual arguments there just flinging shit at everyone and having a tantrum about your emotional moralistic views

Libertarians because the liberal parties would still be racist towards non whites, see liberals in 1900 Britian

but that's where you're wrong guy
I posted a source, take a look
Or wait
You're going to ignore it
Because you're a pinko

but the source is what i called bad faith in the first place because it's all emotional reasoning and fumbling around fixed in certain views looking for confirmation

Would you say hitler hated communism and normal socialism because he saw it as the work of the Jews whilst national socialism was the work of true Germans eg himself and Röhm

How would you know that when you haven't read it???
Oh right, too thick of a skull
He was a xenophobe which is respectable in some cases, but communism and national socialism are two studies of the same coin

**** sides

what makes you think that i haven't read it?
>listening to people that literally reject science

Are SJWs really leftists if they universally celebrate capitalism?

>muh 60 million!!!!!!!

Even staunch anti-communists put the number at around 20 million, the vast majority of them being people who starved.