Why are commieboos some retarded, suburban...

Why are commieboos some retarded, suburban, privileged white boy whose family has always benefited from living in a capitalist society?

Man I was in prison and met black dudes who thought that black men were the image of Allah and even they thought Communism was retarded. All the Cubans I was locked up with would sodomize you commie boos if you started getting on your soap box.

So why do you pasty white boys get into that bullshit?

>pic related, a man with more intelligence than a commie boo.

Did you have a nice time in the gulag?

Do we really need to discuss this again?


How many times did you get raped before you developed Stockholm syndrome for criminal highschool-dropout minorities until you cared for their opinions on any topic more than that of educated upper class whites?



shut up nerd

>14 y/o suburban edgelords
>educated upper class whites

Those are more Ayn Rand types. Conversion to communism happens in college.

nah the ayn rand types are usually stemlords or out of touch richfags. communist tend to be legit tippers especially the militant ones.

You're a cuck

>No arguments to refute the OP

They are just edgy losers going through a phase like /pol/cucks and are equally as clueless about economics. Some of them are hopeless but most will realize that freedom and individualism are not so bad after all.

Communism is directly linked to the interests of the intelligentsia, not the working-class. Working-class are merely cannon fodder, and can be easily substituted, as shown by the works of Marcuse and Laclau, who basically ditch the working class for blacks, women and gays.

The reason why intellectuals love communism is because it gives them power. If your whole society is based on the writings of a XIXth century Jewish philosopher, then those who interpret those writings are going to become the ruling class, like the Brahmin of Vedic India and the Magi of Sassanid Persia. That's right, communist intellectuals literally strive for a theocracy with Marxism as the official religion.

Because the only kind of people to actually have the intellectual development to analyse the unfairness of international capitalism are typically those from a privileged bourgeois background.

A reason why communism is so popular amongst these people in their youths is because they do not fully benefit from the privileges capitalism does provide them. Once they earn a decent wage and buy their first home and Mercedes, these thoughts are soon forgotten.

ayo hol up
so you wuz sayin
we wuz dumbasses n shit?

>if I pretend not to see it, I win!

because communist are mostly just LARPers rebelling against mommy and daddy. sad, pathetic beta males who are too pussy to ride a motorcycle and get into bar room brawls so they decide to explore safe "omg forbidden!" ideas.

And its all just a show of course. None of them give a shit about workers rights or anything like that. In fact, they utterly despise the working class. They are simply wannbe aristocrats who envision a new world order where THEY are the ones in charge because they have been told since the day they were born how special they were by their dotting mothers and cucked fathers and overly sensitive estrogen fueld school teachers (aka glorified baby sitters) Just look at all the people they idolize. Marx, Engel, Castro, Lenin, ect. None of these guys were working class who rose up for their people, they were all elitiest rich kids who promised desperate plebs paradise in exchange for crowning them and their lackies kings. At least Pol Pot made all those college kids go out and work in the fields lol.

So Maoism it is?


thats your SJW type, not the typical sophmore communist OP is referring to.

Because they're either edgelords who want to disagree with the current system or people who want the world to be "fair".

Note that I'm referring to commieboo kids, I don't think I've seen an adult in a capitalist country praise communism.

I'm pretty sure you stole this picture from me OP
I posted it here the other day and what a coincidence that it appears again a few days later
I demand you delet this thread immediately or face the reprocussions

If more people actually understood basic economics then naziboos and commieboos would not be a problem and we could all be rational, socially liberal, fiscally conservative individuals.

You literally know Zero about Socialism.

We have no interest in theocracy or making Marxism a religion.

Do you think that being a neoplatonist would also give intelligentsia power?

How about Kant or Hegel?

>We have no interest in theocracy or making Marxism a religion.

top kek

You are a retarded shit.

I am a Communist.
I served in the US ARMY during the cold war.
My father was a career soldier.
My mother is from the petite bourgeoisie.

I rode a motorcycle in my youth.

I have seen capitalism enrich a few, and push down those below.
I have seen capitalism rape the planet for short term profit.

Pol Pot was a perverted product of Maoist cultural revolutionary China.

So go fuck your trap boyfriend and shut up.

Top moronic fucktard.

>I have seen capitalism enrich a few, and push down those below.
>I have seen capitalism rape the planet for short term profit.

jesus christ thats even worse. It just means youre a gullible retard who actually believes in this shit

On the topic of environment. Communism as it was practiced was hardly any good for the environment either.

Even indigenous tribes have been somewhat destructive to the environment. The only ones that actually did good were tribes in the Amazon who made half-natural food gardens and increased soil fertility (compare that to slash and burn). See the book 1491.

But as a graduate student of ecology with interest in evolution, I happen tot think that nature is much stronger as people think. If we consider it a-whole, individual species can be fragile, while nature a-whole is antifragile.

>Even indigenous tribes have been somewhat destructive to the environment.

The indians were notoriously destructive and would burn down entire forrest to hunt game. This noble savage myth needs to end because its just a secular version of the adam and eve fable

Why do petty aristocrats like this enlightenment ideology so much? Why is it always them that claim that the Church is a manipulative greedy liar and the divine right of kings is bunk? If aristocracy and organized religion are a con to deny freedom to the common man why are the peasants the biggest fans of both? Shouldn't the commoners be the ones reading about the FAILED Athenian democracy and harebrained theories about social contracts?

What would socially liberal entail exactly?

Im okay with homosexuals who are not huge advocates of there sexuality.
Im okay with the physically disabled..to a point. I feel some disabled people are so damaged it would be kinder on them and there families to kill them humanely.

I absolutely deplore most Interracial birthing, particularly euro-African mixes as its quite clearly damaging for society.

Im lenient enough to accept whites with Asians, even middle eastern peoples (provided you remove the poisonous culture and religion from your lands)

Also, if you wish to indulge in sexual activity with Negroes, its fine, if unsavory but id advocate castration of both sexes to avoid creating children with them,

Where does that fit in social liberty? Im not trying to be mean but if i was trying to create the world your describing alongside you, I would have a major hump regarding those things.

I agree. Though some species benefited from that. In the book 1491 it was also mentioned how the Indians would especially kill pregnant deer as well as raccoons because they competed with humans for nuts.

What is also fascinating is that in the Netherlands, heavily degraded environment is now protected and even recreated. This includes heather and sand drift, which resulted from destructive farming and turned the soil poor.

>I served in the US ARMY during the cold war.
My father was a career soldier.

"I have no experience with the actual job field in the world, i just come from generations of people who suck the states dick for money."

Of course you're an ameritard, why don't you take a visit here in E.Europe to see the benefits of communism you fucking parasite.

Does him playing the skinflute give hem the magixjuix?

>I absolutely deplore most Interracial birthing, particularly euro-African mixes as its quite clearly damaging for society.

In what way? Your inferiority complex is showing.

>sad, pathetic beta males who are too pussy to ride a motorcycle and get into bar room brawls so they decide to explore safe "omg forbidden!" ideas.

What is your reasoning behind the interracial birthing? Do you not know about hybrid vigor?

My reasoning is it adds no benefit to society and activley causes division in society.

By all means call me a racist, as in that particular sense i am, however it is not borne out of ignorance, it is from many years of study, both professional study and personal observation.

The best way i can explain it is If there is prominence of a black/black mixed society, it always devolves into an almost anarchic society which does not require outside intervention to fail. In fact i would be sop bold as to suggest Africans cannot function suitably post feudal systems on there own.

Also, is this the notion that breeding with those outside of your local pool of genetics helps with combating defects/inbreeding? If so i agree however you do not need to venture from Europe to gain 'hybrid vigor' as simply bedding say, a Germanic with a Celtic would suffice.

However, if im misunderstanding hybrid vigor, im open to you explaining it to me.

Also, id like to add my point that i disagree with certain societal liberties to such an extent id be violently opposed to it, however if we were brothers in arms fighting for a vague notion of 'social liberty' id be with you until lets say that point.

> hybrid vigor
but I thought that race was only a social construct and we're not any different genetically?!?1

There are both benefits to outbreeding and inbreeding, and both have their problems.

Too much inbreeding causes genetic defects while outbreeding may cause incompatible genes. With inbreeding there is more likelihood of compatible genes, but with outbreeding less likelihood of genetic defects.

you write like a high schooler attempting to sound sophisticated

We are different genetically yea. Race as how it traditionally was used makes little sense. There is as much difference between different sub-Saharan people as those with dark and white skin.

But I know more about animals as humans. So I know the concepts of species and subspecies within animals and plants is difficult.

>expecting anybody to care about your rape story
>expecting anybody to care what your one experience was like

this is off-topic /pol/-bait.

Your /pol/ is showing, bumblefuck.

Git the fokk back there.

Interesting points, however isnt sickle cell found mostly in mixed-breeds almost exclusivly? I wouldnt dare suggest there might not be some genetic benift from any interracial birth, however most sub-sahrans seem to offer no benifts other than speed and there melanin skin making them more resistant to the sun. which could be found in middle eastern peoples.

Ultimately i see a benefit in creating such a child, it is not fair on the society, the couple or indeed the unfortunate child.

Im no advocate of inbreeding i assure you, i myself have a anglo-Mediterranean mix within me, which has caused no issues for me or my health. I suppose i look very different to my father though, who is very middle-England looking and cant tan as well as me or my Mother lol

Its called having vocabulary chum. If you'd rather we all speak like morons that's your gripe and prejudice you have to deal with.

I'm sorry if the conversation is making you uncomfortable but I and a few others here (i think) are on to an interesting discussion.

In short, feel free to shut up and/or fuck off unless you have something interesting to say.

>incompatible genes
what the fuck does that even mean