League of Legends General - /lolg/

Nami is the Best and Cutest Fish on League

Old: Eyosongive.us


6.12 Patch Notes:


6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:


Other urls found in this thread:



wrong thread faggot

Friendly reminder that if you have 60+ chat messages in a single game you're probably toxic because you clearly don't know how to shut the fuck up

since these threads are shit i wanted to ask you guys something thats been bothering me for a while

why are dogs so much fucking better than cats?
who even likes cats?

Too late LUL

Thus one was linked 20 seconds earlier, get fucked

>ward at x
>champ flash
>champ tp/exh
>hey drag is soon reminder
>im getting utility item if you're not


reposting because im a shitter

>only role I like and feel genuinely comfortable enough to consistently carry with is Mid
>I do very well in Top and ADC but don't feel as impactful on the champs and general roles of those positions
>cant jungle or support well
>game says I get one of the 4 positions I don't feel as good on even though i waited 10 minutes just to do it
I dont understand. I win with mid way more often than other roles and im actually really trying to get better. Its just so hard to learn when you switch up how im supposed to play the game on me constantly and even when I win I very well might not feel like I learned much?

Please what do I do. Im trying so hard but the way the game makes you learn it is just inhuman and frankly just a pile of shit

Quit like most other people are.

queue mid/ad

>tfw you will never be a righteous young woman looking to punish the forces of evil
>a stunning black mage will never corrupt you, body and mind, in various ways, and have you serve his dark purposes like a puppet
>repeating the same words you said as when you were free, but never quite conscious enough to understand how far beyond them he's dragged you
>you exist to collect souls for him and please him sexually

I like to imagine this is the story behind SS Vayne.

>tfw couldn't protect my adc from zed, talon and rengar

Based riot with fizz nerfs and syndra buffs.

The mastery tweaks seem right too.

Vayne skin is pretty neat too.

Pretty gud patch.

Plus Sona changes!

>threads are dead as shit and one thread takes like 15 hours to fill
>people still trying to snipe threads


just quit the game user, why do you want to get good at a game with less than a year of life remaining?

try playing a poke support like vel'koz

it's just like playing mid except you don't focus on CS at all but just on landing all your abilities and peeling for your ADC



You're not going to type that every 30 seconds for an entire game.

i told you, we can use the other later, sounds good to you ?

Reminder Vayne didn't even exist when Vlad was created.
Reminder this skin concept predates Vlad's skin.
Reminder you should kill yourself immediately and preferably in an extremely painful way.

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Sure I do

Fucking remove zed when? 80+% ban ratio in all elos all regions. Nobody wants to play againts him.

kill yourself bitch

>Varus wants to be poke-oriented
>With sub-Caitlyn auto range, an ability that requires auto attacking and then casting one of his mediocre abilities with relatively long cast times to get anything out of it and having a passive that really doesn't service his kit at all.
Varus is a shit character design.

If I play my waifu more often than any other human being, does that make me her rightful husband? Food for thought.

i just played for a bit with her on PBE

and holy shit this skin is totally P2W

her ultimate dosent have any sound

It's just a meme ban at this point. Almost every assassin is better than him

those are all easy mode
talon and rengar you just drop a pink and they're nullified
zed's a little trickier but you just cc him or some shit

now go ahead and tell me the counter play to Vi pressing R on your adc

mind you R has 800 range so Vi can effectively zone your adc from doing any damage and if the adc walks into range Vi skillfully presses R and removes the adc from the equation and the team fight

No, you dont, unless you're calling every single enemy summoner which is being used on CD for the entire game as well as trying to dictate every item build.

I think he's banned just as much to avoid your own team picking him as to avoid him being on the enemy team

>zed on your team
usually has brain damage

>zed on enemy team
There's always one dumbass on your team who doesn't understand how to handle him and gets gibbed every fight

>vi presses r
>I pop my plants and ult and win the teamfight

they most likely haven't added them yet

Black shield

that's not even remotely how it works unless ur bronze

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>black shield
>flash+dash her into your team
>cc her on her predictable landing point

I call the same sums more than once
They need to be reminded

whats the point of a ward if hecarim is gonna sprint from the riverbush to inside my ass before i can blink

I want to go swimming for Lulu.

that's nothing user, and sometimes it just happens accidently

>made almost a full minute after this thread
>getting this buttmad you made your thread late

Whos getting the season 6 victorious skin?

Remember, it has to be a champion that had a high impact on soloqueue and LCS

eyyy i was one of those threads

I see my post with the pic lol


i have my money on poppy

I guess that's understandable

I just know the most common trend I see among toxic chat logs is upwards of a message every 25 seconds. And maybe 1 in 10 is actual comms

Lucian or Maokai

Viktor, Rek'Sai

Going through each role? Hm.
top would probably be ekko or poppy in terms of impact (mao maybe), but he was hated by the community so I doubt it would be that.
mid probably azir after he phased back into the meta thanks to BDD.
jg maybe kindred, graves or nid, though nid got the challenger skin recently so probably not.
adc felt kind of stale to me, I guess kog'maw pre nerf? jhin had some hype but doesn't see much play anymore.
if I had to vote on most impact from support I'd say bard for sure.

that is why i just mute kiddos the second they start spewing retarded shit

god bless mute all

Maokai or Rek

I want to say azir but they probably won't because of the SKT skins

Why would it be rek'sai?
she has been left untouched until the last few weeks this season.

Ekko, Maokai, Poppy or Lucian.
Probably Ekko because he only has 2 skins.


It's funny cause there's even psychology behind it.

People who feel the need to say useless shit want to be the center of attention, and if the only way to be the center of attention is to flame they'll do it.

I can't really see Kindred or Nid get it, Graves maybe

kindred and nid have had massive impacts this season.
people saying lucian, do you have any concept of time?
he was overpowered for a few weeks with his korean build and apart from that was a regular adc.

tru tru

i mean sometimes i type a little more than necessary to try to lead my team to victory but 99% of the shit they say back is worthless so i usually just mute all

cus when i turn mute all off there's just so much flaming lmao it's gross like play the fukin game

kindred and nid had skins recently

>8 months ago

Dead General

>Tfw you will probably quit the game before a real mid champ is given a victorious skin

No morgana and j4 are meme mids. They don't count

>top yas feeds first blood
>ww jungle dies to invade
>ezreal is lagging
>brand is doing okay but not enough to carry
>i firstpicked janna
well that wasn't a very good first game of the day

>Sivir got chosen over Sej

Riot choosing the victorius champion makes no sense and it's kind of just given to any champion that gets picked all the time (and performs consistently well) in LCS. By that logic it won't be Kindred or Nidalee as they're either permabanned or have a bad game.

I'd say Ekko, Graves or Azir.

>Morgana is meme mid

I think it's about time Riven got a skin. Huni needs to memepick her in LCS and make her fotm for the next months.

there's no fucking way it's another female champion, we haven't had a male one since j4

Literally the only people that play morgana mid don't play the role and pick it so they don't feed

Unless you are in s2

>not playing power leveler janna

boobs amirite?

>it's a "never surrender we got this just farm and play passive" episode
>it's a "you lose more lp if you surrender than if you just lose" episode
>it's a "oh i was lagging sorry" while getting damn good lasthits episode

Yare yare daze

>Vayne at a rock bottom 44% wr in diamond


>tfw you gained weight and don't fit in your skirt anymore

After Corki and Kali are relevant again

Ill make you lose weight

>Riot releases two skins for a shit champion no one plays (Gnar) all in one year



>guy executes a combo that requires 5 precisely timed button presses in the span of 2 seconds
>loses because opponent is 2 levels up
"I lagged"

You can always still post feet though

>implying ekko and fizz aren't meme mids


i thought i meant "give me a break"

No, they're meme junglers.

do you think ekko is muslim?

I'd say Lucian, but I don't think Riot would give it to an ADC 2 years in a row. So my guess would probably be Ekko at this point. But we still have a long ways to go before worlds and the end of the season, so even now it might be a little too early to tell.

Do you have memory loss?

Lucian has been really strong in Solo Que AND in the LCS this entire season.

To all these people arguing who will get the end of season skin:


How can one word repeated twice mean a bunch of different words in another language?

you must be lost, this is the league general, not lgbt

because Japanese is fucked

same thing
what a pain also works

I'd actually dig this and I don't even play trundle

he wasn't really ahead of everyone until his korean build, before that he was on par with sivir/jhin etc

dear deer
they're there

it's called a kilt, familiar

>Vayne is in one of the weakest states she's ever been
>30% pickrate in shitter elos and 20% in diamond when people start realizing she's insta-loss material

How the fuck, do people enjoy losing?