I just realized why Tripwire made these retarded changes that make ARs the best weapons overall. Take a guess which perk has the most weapon skins. Go on.
Connor Torres
>start playing KF2 again because sharpshooter finally >lever action is complete garbage, cant even one shot headshot Husks or bloats >go to /kfg/ to complain >find out about this weird resistance system Game is fucking dead.
Mason Foster
Commandos had options like taking Crossbow, C4, magnums or whatever as secondary weapon before this system
Leo Peterson
>Crossbow No skins. >C4 No skins. >Magnums 2 skins.
Blake Davis
whoever okayed these damage resistances deserves to be raped to death
Alexander White
James Baker
It really is the one thing that has single-handedly killed the game.
Cooper Williams
>tier 1 weapons should 1 shot medium zeds
ok fag
Nathaniel Smith
I posted a review but it doesn't show up in the store page, why?