Sure, so long as you don't come crying here afterwards.
Gabriel Perez
Todd is 45 years old
Joseph Ramirez
>filename hmmm
Ryan Sanders
I'm gay for big horsecocks
Henry Thompson
And why shouldn't I?
Josiah Hernandez
I'm gay for you :3
Joshua Stewart
that's also called beastiality
Ayden Martinez
No lewds, what do?
No. I'm here for this hour only.
Wanna see hair down?
Jason Wood
Mods are asleep. Post tiddies.
Austin Fisher
>Todd looks younger than I do >He's about twice my age What a weird world we live in.
Levi Ward
Fucking a bosmer is not bestiality. It might lead to cannibalism though
Zachary Wood
>I'm here for this hour only. then leave forever
Nathaniel Barnes
Parker Gutierrez
And? Its legal here, unless you hurt the animal
Justin Rodriguez
Yes, why no...? Oh no, I have been caught by the guard. What do I do now, user???
Alexander Green
fuck off!
Eli Turner
You pickpocket the guard you silly exhibitionist!
Wyatt Rivera
is it just me or are there a lot of new people her today?
Nathan Myers
But user that's against the law!
Lucas Barnes
Give him your bandaids.
Austin Robinson
>mfw probably each and every single one of the avatarfags has diana filtered and hates him >mfw nobody wants to admit it because ain't nobody wanna cause a shitstorm
Chase Sanchez
what are you expecting? skyrim 2 was announced
Jason Gonzalez
Just wait til October 28
I don't filter him, but then again I am capable of ignoring things I don't like so I don't filter anyone.
Charles Roberts
Not really. Its just the normal amount of newbois october on the other hand....
Diana do you ever plan on making a UNPB version of this clothing mod?
Samuel Lewis
I am the law.
Asher Moore
will the influx of new people be good or bad? at least we will be less ded
Lucas Johnson
>will the influx of new people be good or bad? Why is that a question you even need to ask?
Ryder Collins
just..making conversation
Henry Thompson
I probably will ask wtfuun to convert it to UUNP. Ima be away from this community for at least a few month starting next month. I hope things go better for you, user. Being this bitter over someone on the Internet is not healthy.
Andrew Edwards
Bad. New blood means things won't become a stale circlejerk and that can't happen.
Ian Morgan
>guise my game is full of red triangles what do I do? >Why use anything else than NMM? you get to one click mods with it >what do you mean bella is bad? it looks good to me
Oh gods
Gavin Lewis
Julian Sanders
What mods can I get to make player skill matter more in Skyrim - but also not necessarily make the game harder? So, blocking matters & there's dodging and such, but you're also less likely to get fucked by the random number generator and you're also less likely to run into something that will just stomp you.
If they talk about the game rather than waifus it'd be good, yeah!
Jose Parker
Nice, real nice.
Eli Morales
You need to have harder difficulty or else your "skill" is entirely irrelevant. Stop being a little bitch and go hardcore with the mods.
Jose Morris
Adam Lee
>I probably will ask wtfuun to convert it to UUNP. I've offered more than a few times to convert stuff to UUNP with a passion (I'll be doing it for myself as much as others so you know I'll keep at it) provided somebody makes/links a _good_ guide for making full-conversion packs to work with all the default slider options. Best anybody has ever done me is a nexus forums guide for making ones owns conversions to your generated meshes.
Andrew Reed
Someone needs to find a way to make nipples look good on big breasts. They get stretched to fuck so easily
Juan Cruz
>guide for making ones owns conversions to your generated meshes Gib link please.
Jaxon Smith
Reminder that Finns are filth that must be cleansed from /tesg/.
Xavier Gomez
They have, it's called UUNP/CBBE body with racemenu slider integration. It adds body slide to your racemenu slider options so as you scale up the breasts you can also independently slider-fu the nipples to scale however you feel appropriate.
Wyatt Hill
We are gonna have some UGLY waifus.
Luis Carter
Ach, user. This is what happens when you just lightly skim posts. That's exactly what I'm asking for; so I obviously do not have it if I am asking for it...
Joshua Foster
Oooh, Donald's Snow Fight! I like that episode.
They can come here, but they must come here LEGALLY and they must integrate.
Evan Taylor
>I probably will ask wtfuun to convert it to UUNP. Ima be away from this community for at least a few month starting next month. Ah yes i remember you told me about it.
I wish i could help you but i find myself just as often without any guides about many things and have to "reverse engineer" it
Pretty good, but its gonna get old answering the same questions 50 times.
Logan Scott
Just don't use the max weight. They usually look fine.
Hunter Harris
>they must come here LEGALLY Your ISP blocks Veeky Forums so in a way you're here illegally. >and they must integrate. 99% of this community hates you bro
Jeremiah Long
Joshua Stewart
Gonna need to see proof
Blake Walker
Well, instead of everybody reverse engineering somebody who reverse engineers it should just make a guide so there would be more total converters and then most good things would be UUNP sooner.
Jose Edwards
How well does your waifu handle rejection?
Dylan Edwards
Sorry user I read that as saying that that kind of guide is the only thing someone's given to you and I assumed you'd still have a link.
Hunter Rogers
>Have 128GB ssd as primary drive >960GB one on sale for £140 >Don't want to have the hassle of reinstalling everything >but 1TB ssd
help me tesg
Alexander Ortiz
Proposing to Windhelm's local drunk nutjob? That's... a pretty weird taste in men.
As for your question, I don't know, she's too young to understand romantic love.
[>: (
Anthony Powell
Can't you just copy over all of the files from one drive to the other?
Michael Anderson
Why can't you just keep everything installed on your current SSD and use the 1 TB SSD as a secondary for games and shit? It's not like you can only have one drive at a time.
Unless the 1 TB SSD is also considerably faster
Wyatt Walker
just clone the partition, move it over, and expand it/ would probably take like an hours start to finish
Jacob Ortiz
Good luck trying to get at is over our airspace pelle
Brayden Evans
O-oh my!
James Reyes
UNPB on weight 60-70 is perfectly fine
Easton Sullivan
DO IT! And think of your shining uncle Sam while you do.
She's always playing wiht boys like him. She usually rejects THEM in the end though, so the reverse happening drives her a little CCUUUUURRRRRAAAZZZZYYYY!
Brandon Hughes
RIP you glorious bastard of proof.
Cooper Jones
afternoon /tesg/
Jose Hughes
Is there any way to scale down just my character's head? With lower weight it looks ridiculous.
Austin James
What's the point of UNPB if you don't go maximum turbotits mode?
Hunter Roberts
Afternoon, Nord
There should be a slider in Racemenu in the Body Scale tab
Oliver Gutierrez
Hello Mr.Snekstein!
Jackson Harris
She is never rejected, Hamster-chan Google clone partition and use any free software that comes up.
Blake Cox
To have a more diverse 0-100 weight scale.
Matthew Evans
>pussy wow that's like extra forbidden
Xavier Hernandez
It's strange, I remember that option being there a long time ago and now it's not. Did they remove it with an update?
Adrian Stewart
>that filename You play Yandere Simulator too?
Yo, howzit?
>Snek(((stein))) Oy vey.
Henry Long
where is this?
Christopher Hernandez
no Yeah that might be okay actually, but either way I'd have to reinstall skyrim most likely, since that takes up close to 60GB of my drive currently. I thought you could only clone if you had two of the same drive? >Cowboy Bebop I love you user hmm maybe
Landon Sanders
What weight is Erin? I know it's extremely rude to ask a lady that question but still
Easton Johnson
0 weight unpb also has a much different breast shape than unp
Jaxon Walker
A better shoulder to boobs ratio in a single body type. Basically one body for all my characters from Meara to Ylfa. Though I will be fine tuning them soon.
Connor Martinez
No I remember seeing it there, must be some weirdness between the XP32 skeleton and the Racemenu plug-in. I have no idea how those two things work together.
Sebastian Foster
Goaty hasn't been in that scenario
Aiden Hill
>fine tuned Ylfa tiddies I don't think I can adequately prepare myself for this.
Isaac Harris
what the fuck is wrong with your textures
Thomas Robinson
what textures, all I see is blur
Mason Carter
I....Is she tipping a fedora? I hope that ass can deflect hammers. I don't play it RN, but I'll probably check it out for a little while when it's done. I'm loosely following it because I love yanderes as a trope. Glad to help friend
William Bailey
Juan Scott
I know user it was merely a jest. 100 but I actually use a bodyslided version of UNPB that has bigger legs and ass and very slightly smaller tits
Hunter Hill
The Rookery
Angel Diaz
Of course she isn't!
She's tipping a trilby.
Jason Lewis
I like your pictures :)
It was funny when people thought you were me yesterday
Luke Reed
well, the image only contained my hands but with you in the focus, so it was understandable