Previously on tosg : TOS Info: This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.
>What is Tree of Savior? Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.
>Servers - kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak) - iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)
>Official Translation Project - Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.
Cookie cutter builds: >UNDER CONSTRUCTION
>/tosg/ Guilds info There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute/Orsha, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a templar. If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread. >Klaipeda Futureproof (Lolipan) FOE (Jinsae) Clover (Karga) Cake (DeliciousCake) cute (Hiraku) CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica) Empire (Louvain) >Fedimian CoffeeHouse (Capyba) NiceBoat (Tello) >Telsiai Comfy (Katzenberg)
Xth for Klaipedo tosg is full of fucking sub 250 casuals that will never ever be relevant. I should have ditched this shitty guild for Aistra when I had the chance.
>He's not even in a /tosg/ guild Whatever you say shitposter kun
Colton Rivera
I feel your pain. I've been waiting for a week now for my 245+ friends to catch up so we can do Storage. How fucking long does it take to level to 252? I did that in a day ffs.
Jaxon Lopez
will this game die?
Julian Evans
I just bought 150$ of TP, so I hope no.
Connor Martinez
It's already dead
Jaxon Perry
>all the cute /tosg/ are forever leveling alts so you never get to play with any of them
Carson Hughes
>Made a Storage grind party with one guildmeber in level range who was willing to do it too >needed a cleric >Cleric1Priest2Pala1Monk3 join >constant 12m/h and no slow down at all Misinfo agents Monks are decent
Jayden Clark
>getting several 'dps' cleric krivis c3 >blow all my condensed on these fucking run because they heal only themselves and do subpar damage to anything but cold ghost enemies
Kill yourselves, every single one
Lucas James
I'm still in a tosg guild, only reason now is for the gvg since Aistra and Crimson are pve carebears and won't turn off their neutrality.
John Cooper
I agree that monks are decent for grinding, but for storage the average exp should be 15m/hr. 18m+ with chrono.
Landon Anderson
Ready for bunny girl costume?
Daniel Gutierrez
Reminder that her left tit is not disproportionately huge, that is just her elbow.
Jackson Morales
You shouldn't have started an Archer, you'll put your Monk to shame
You're not in a tosg guild because we have a lot of 250+ players retard.
Cooper Perry
I'm ready for cocks.
James Wood
They're busy raising hamsters.
Noah Nelson
Zombie Bokors got buffed last patch! Everyone else will surely follow! kToS content soon! Buffs soon! We're all gonna make it!
Benjamin Gray
Good job user that kinda money will keep these shitty servers running for at least another few months
Kevin Richardson
Really faggot? I can count the number of 250+ players on 1 fucking hand.
Nathan Powell
>Zaibas 15 >Subpar damage Nice try disinfo shitter. Even if you went full dps on your hahaman you will never out damage them
Juan White
Average in Storage is 10m/h With chrono and cookie cutter you can get 12-15m/h
Angel Parker
Prove it. Post your guild window.
Cooper Davis
You must have some mutated fucking hands then you alien. Go back to Mexico
Adrian Hughes
Could TakeItEasy be added to the OP? We have more Veeky Forums members than /jp/ now and we are recruiting. I'm going to sleep though so don't PM me silly boys.
Jeremiah Young
I don't know, that seems pretty low. My parties were fletcher (shit aoe), fencer (no aoe), musketeer (shit aoe) and the other two spots cycled between random monks and cutiemancers. We never got below 15m exp/hr.
Mason Baker
Reminder that last 3 threads we got 140~ unique IPs. Don't believe the doomposters. The thread is alive. The game might be not.
Ayden Roberts
From my experience in CnL: everyone who talks in guild chat is civil to each other, and most people in seem relatively chill. Of course, this just refers to the people who actually use the guild chat somewhat consistently; there's a few members I've never seen in chat, or in some cases online at all, for that matter.
The only relatively circlejerky thing I can think of is the amount of dunking everyone does on the Lalameme, but that's done in good cheer.
As for the being left out of activities part, hell, I'm a fucking autismo kiritomancer who never really talks to anyone in online games and still feel comfortable, since people still listen to you if you have something to say. The fact that being in an active guild facilitates game discussion only helps, in my opinion. You can even get a party rolling for whatever you want to do if you just ask.
It's pretty fucking good, all things considered.
Jacob Nelson
Are you sure about that? The highest I've ever gotten higher than 14m/hr even in an optimal party with a chorno.
Charles Campbell
Elijah Sullivan
Highest I've seen was 12m with a good party. Didn't grind for that long though but it was steadily rising. Maven Abbey feels the same desu. Must be lucky with spawns probably.
Thomas Butler
Jordan Morgan
I've only gone through storage once, so my experience was with this party that doesn't really sound optimal for it at all Though I do have token, sometimes tome and team lv 25 which I guess helps despite the map multipliers making those less relevant.
Matthew Bell
That's some pretty shitty groups you've been in. On average I was getting around 14-15m in Storage, more if the group was efficient and torch popped. A lot of it comes down to your pelt desu, there is so many tanks that are disgustingly bad at their job and don't pull in any logical way which completely kills your exp/hr. The highest I've had in the place was around 16.5m but that was with a well balanced group that you aren't always going to want to wait for.
Jason Bailey
thanks user
Camden Brooks
Logan Wood
My exp viewer always showed values between 11-15m/h, always had elememe,chrono and cannoneer in party I am ready to go Abbey, could grind Storage a little more to save cards, and basically 3 days ago i was in Evac.
Blake Flores
I'm usually getting 10m/hr in parties without chornos. If you can find a party with a chorno, pelt, ele3, archer, and healer you can get up to 14m/hr. Maybe 15m/hr with the even. But 18m/hr is just not possible.
Isaac Harris
Pray you have a good healer/tank for Abbey. The monsters there hurt a lot. Might want to bring Barrier scrolls too, to secure all 3 events.
Mason Price
How do you do the event in multiple channels? Did abbey for the first time yesterday and whenever we were done with it in one channel we switched but the torch was always gone already
John Diaz
What does he meme by this?
Jackson Hill
Dev console add-on
type that
100% reveal map
Jason Morris
The same way you secure all events in Storage.
John Bennett
That's not exactly helping, never even did it in Storage since the other channels were always taken.
Hunter Murphy
David Gomez
What events? Is theren't only a torch defense in Storage? Never had a group who switched channel there. And what is a logical way to pull in Storage?
John Wright
A ticket for 30-day ban
Lucas White
There's a torch defence in storage, there's a torch event in investigation room.
Caleb Harris
>highest limit price on klaipeda for honeymeli stingers is only 800 now >no one wants to sell an item with a 3% drop rate from a mob with a shit spawn for only 800 silver >no stingers on the market now, or in the foreseeable future for as long as this is the case >every nigger who RMTs is way too lazy to actually farm the stingers themselves, so manamana through RMT is not even feasible now >the other night I saw people literally begging for honeymeli stingers in chat, some saying "WTT my soul for honeymeli stingers" out of sheer desperation
LOLLLLLLLLLLL, this market price limiter shit is fucking hilarious. I have never been this entertained by game systems completely breaking a game.
Levi Nelson
Thanks for reposting this again dudester
I was about to give you a (You) in the previous thread but it just archived
Either way, I can only agree, this banal system that IMC came up with is the most hilarious shit i've ever seen. It fucks over legit players ten times more than any possible botters or rmters
Joshua Wood
>And what is a logical way to pull in Storage? By doing what makes sense, that's literally it. Don't stand around and wait for everything to be dead, you can leave early and keep up a good pace, don't stop to kill less than 4 mobs, keep leash distances in mind and pull clumps together, make sure you pull melee mobs ontop of the ranged ones, basic shit that's expected of tanks in any game, yet most swordsmen in ToS seem to fail spectacularly at it.
Juan Roberts
I might not quit for /tosg/ being shit I might not quit because lack of thinfs to do I might not quit for a lot of reason BUT I MIGHT QUIT BECAUSE THE FUCKING RETARDED MARKET.
Adrian Stewart
The thing about the torches is that it triggers when players are close to it. For example, let's say all 4 channels of Grynas Hills are empty. You could go to another channel and trigger the other torch there and repeat the event.
Thing is Storage is a relatively populated area because it's a popular grind spot.
Jacob Butler
>130 dungeon >see Xenization >PK, start small battle >They have a ScoutCannon >I am Hunter2 >Companion sniffs out hunter while everyone else follows >Stealth 100% denied >they later bring a Kino >Counter Raise with Detonate >Rekt
This character was the best thing I ever made.
Hunter Watson
There's a new forum section that allow you to report on what item's price limit is ridiculous in market.
Brody Lopez
Try to play the game once in a while, LV16 Cure outdamages Zaibas single target. Hard. Even harder on bosses since more than 70% are Dark elemental.
Hunter Roberts
Wouldn't the mobs spawn and just kill the torch after you trigger the other channels though? Or do you just delegate a good AoE DPS to keep on switching and making sure the other torches don't die or something
Josiah Sanchez
Ranger 2 > Ranger 3 > Fletcher
Ranger 2 > Archer 2 > Fletcher
Jeremiah Reyes
>get em onii chan
Ethan Jones
liked and subscribed
Jackson Lewis
First one with cutiemancers and krivis 3s to hold hands with.
Second one is more self-sufficient fletcher who don't need no support.
Jordan Ramirez
>visible pet Git gud lolipa my friend.
Kevin Campbell
Bentley Diaz
I don't know who you are but thanks shycute friend. I feel like everyone in the guild trys to be nice. I've never seen any drama or fighting and almost always if people ask to do an activity/needs help someone offers quickly.
I think some people feel left out of some activities but it seems related to level restrictions rather than intentional exclusion. I'm sure no one would ever do that.
Christian Barnes
Please queue for missions 240-260 pals. Please and thank you
Eli Roberts
Logan Taylor
No one but useless alchemists queue for those fuck that shit, I aint carrying these nigs
Carter Ramirez
269 is the black hole for missions. I never had an issue queuing up to 268, then I turned 269 and nope no more missions for you.
Brody Gutierrez
Lalaco is literally a stupid cow.
Landon Parker
I just did, it was fun since people knew what Ein Sof was and said cute things to me for using it
Charles Phillips
I always say cute things to Kabbalists when I get one in mission!
Hunter Nelson
Maybe you should play the game? Zaibas has overheat you retard and no one takes Cleric 3.
>Even harder on bosses since more than 70% are Dark elemental. Nice %, straight out your ass.
Evan Bailey
Are you telling me people have fun grinding in Evac and Storage
Henry Foster
Storage is meh, it's supposed to be a quest map more than a grind map Abbey is the same. Evac, demon prison and bees aee fun
Aiden Taylor
Evac was honestly the best place for me maybe because I found multiple blue mobs there Storage map is pretty shit and Abbey is actually alright since the map is small. Alemeth is pretty bad if you don't have a sorc with bats to feed the annoying black holes.
Eli Sullivan
Bentley Hernandez
>Grind Alemeth on a SPR cleric build >Get pulled in and resist the stun every time
Adam Diaz
Some equate cliques = small circle of people that regularly do things together. Well no shit, that happens anywhere, people like to be around those they have fun with. It's not like the "clique" is excluding or talking behind you. People might just not be in your level range, timezone, or already did their daily instances. Unless you're unbearable, then the problem is not with the "clique."
Sorry for the number of lalamemes that spawned after joining. :^)
Brandon Campbell
I bet you're glad you can sniff out invis, means you get to see the person oneshotting you as it happens instead of it being a surprise
Must suck being unable to do literally anything though.
Nicholas Hall
Hit me for kinky ERP action at discord @Azebu xoxo
Daniel Mitchell
He literally can't do shit on any of his characters. Funny how FP guild lead is the most worthless of them all.
Liam Sullivan
These are your cows tonight.
Adrian Garcia
A whole heard of neet meat.
Liam Long
i wonder if I have more likes than lala's iq
Bentley Sanchez
Fuck off discord
Chase Hughes
Is rank 8 outside
Daniel Thomas
I never agreed to being a farm hand.
Caleb Richardson
How's that box doing mimi?
Luke Johnson
You're going to milk those cows and get a good deal for it on the market.