Be glad. If there were changes, it'd most likely have been a nerf.
Justin Harris
it should stay that way, buff other classes but don't fix what isn't broken
Lincoln Wright
Daily challenges NA #59086
Aiden Rodriguez
No please
Wyatt James
Carson Hill
It would be nice. But, I actually don't have access to that area yet.
Gavin Brooks
are there any jinfs - gonfs and yuns going to post butt webms this time with swimsuits ? CUZ IM FUCKING WAITING FOR IT
Henry Gomez
Then let's make a promise to hang out sometime again! I'll just have to ask my parole officer barrtok first.
Christian Ramirez
Leave knobby alone you giant lyn girl
Robert Bailey
Julian Edwards
Make me.
Andrew Reyes
Connor Mitchell
Any statics looking for a top tier assassin? I have hundreds of yeti, nexus, and asura runs. I can play at any time of the day or night for however long.
Prefer Mushin, but cross-server will be considered.
Kevin Long
what server is this, i wanna have fights in zeiwei
Jayden Nelson
Zachary Baker
Levi Young
Postan here because I didn't realise there was a new thread.
I would need to do the 3rf later since I'm in mid run atm.
Hudson Cox
Joshua Clark
It's just not as good without ten dragoncalls at once to nuke from full to zero in a second
Nathaniel Ross
Hopefully! It's just difficult for me catch up. I'm very slow.
Charles Lewis
I always love your webms they make the class look so great. And then I fear I wont ever be able to do the same.
Isaiah Gonzalez
old thread hasn't even hit bump limit or image limit
Tyler Johnson
Still looking for people
Jayden Ross
is this netopi again
Thomas Taylor
pic related
Brayden Perry
has kyoppi or eristic killed themselves yet?
Easton Turner
Delete this.
Charles Young
Who is asking?
Cooper Ramirez
Are you Pochi? If yes we can static up.
Elijah Murphy
I didn't even notice
Cameron Ramirez
>Wishing other people were dead just because of shitposting on Veeky Forums
I bet you're voting for trump too
James Martinez
William Reed
>tfw laying in bed for another 2 hours after waking up
Justin Sanchez
>someone is a horrible person >assume they're voting for trump
Austin Reed
It can't be helped user. While I am justice, Zhan is Law so I'll never quite meet him. I did do the one of my objectives when I came to EU. NEXT TARGET, SHIRUKA. PREPARE YOURSELF LUST DEMON AND PINKU.
Should've been choking her instead, I hear that has a better response :^)
Christopher Roberts
You're right, you don't have to be a retard just because you're an asshole.
Jack Hughes
how can i get in contact with you
Ryder Nelson
No I don't play sin anymore but if you're looking for a top tier FM I'm on my way there.
Brody Evans
dumb liberal getting butthurt because he won't be getting shit for free
Justin Ross
Owen Harris
then who is this?
Carson Martin
you'll come crawling back when those new changes get to na
Daniel Murphy
William Hernandez
why does bjarke continually shitpost his trump memes here instead of /pol/
Chase Richardson
trump posters are on every board
Matthew Cox
Daily Challenge, pugging in 10 if no one joins
NA #63518
Blake Lopez
Just hit level 18. This game is pretty fun.
Wyatt Flores
it is pretty fun, make sure you're on the correct server
John Roberts
Lincoln Gutierrez
because /pol/tards like to shit up the rest of the website instead of staying in their containment.
Lucas Rogers
Dylan Fisher
Daniel Barnes
>tfw your fms don't let you get the first block+ cyclone off and they think you're a shitter for not being able to hold aggro
Angel Moore
Jace Rivera
Not me.
Jason Perry
Christian Murphy
taking donations for swim suit
send all gold/stingers/moonstones to Park Seoul (NA)
Ryan Cook
We're still going to static up
Noah Campbell
Reposting for awareness
There was a another skill update on the kr server today