I kill more people than most attackers with Symmetra. Best allrounder in the game imo.
Blake Richardson
raiding is not allowed here faggot
Eli Kelly
blizzard where are the buffs
Jackson Fisher
Someone please post the sauce for the twerking D.va
Idc if she's ugly
Tyler Peterson
>Two roadhogs on my team >Dragons and rip tires coming out from the enemy every 15 seconds
Nathaniel Kelly
>tfw games with a good Widow are still awful I love needing to have 1 or 2 Winstons. Winston is a very fun and mechanically demanding hero. He makes the game fun for both teams.
>implying this is not cheeky as fuck >they launch it amidst all their enemies so they're all aware and run
>woah didn't run Woudn't make it in time anyway.
Henry Carter
what the fuck is this OP
Liam Myers
speed boosting the team out of faggot mei ults is the best feel, second best feel is booping the faggot mei away from a frozen teammate to deny the headshot.
Joshua Smith
I only play Soldier: 76
Jace Howard
>mfw I get PotG by pressing Q as Okami Hanzo
Evan Cook
The Pharah put her in that shit position to begin with
Luis Collins
>lose 5 games in a row supporting for retards >snap and pick Genji in a team of offense heroes >shitstomp them, feel like a god and get potg
So this is why you all do it...
Hudson Flores
>200+ Looks like you're the loser, loser.
Luis Lewis
Camden Harris
Yo you remember these vids busting surefour and the C9 faggots with aimbot and shit? good
check this shit out
twitch .tv/faceittv
some E3 lan shit and they are playing rn, lets see if they are utter shit now
Jayden Peterson
>Junkrat >yfw tricking someone into eating consussion mine by distracting them with an obvious beartrap or vice versa
>Winston >yfw surprising the enemy team and knocking half of them off a cliff with enrage
Cameron Murphy
>want to watch someone better at me play the game on twitch because I feel like a piece of shit after losing a gorillion matches >seagull and ster both almost always run 4+ man premades
Adrian Russell
>196h >lvl 22 looks like someone enjoys raping the KI
Jaxson Howard
yeee soz lol i just googled owg op and found some pastebin looks like it's a pretty old one heh
Julian Ortiz
Sebastian Collins
u cheeky fukker
I don't know what that means
James Reed
>you losers >196 hours
Jacob White
oh wwow man cool keep it up def subbed donated liked and favorited
Luis Bailey
The won the lan they played last week, you're behind the times
Caleb Rogers
Name my band
me on the left
Asher Robinson
You look pretty average. Maybe your damage is a bit higher than normal considering your lucio and mercy time.
Henry Gray
Jayden Martinez
Has anyone else been having connection issues since the patch rolled out I've never had any issues with the servers prior to this
Parker Scott
>tfw I recognize that name from a couple days ago I remember you being pretty decent desu
Adam Campbell
op is a fag
Ayden Richardson
Olaf and the Grimdarks.
Evan Torres
you should give me the phonenumber of the middle hottie ; )
Alexander James
Assuming this is your team? You don't really win, but you pick Lucio to maximize your chance.
Parker Gonzalez
takea break faggot
Lincoln Edwards
Where's the McMcree poster with the 5 facts. I miss her
Easton Diaz
>Someone stands more than 2m from you. >You are now useless.
Jack Perez
Tracer a cute. Post more best girl
Carter Ramirez
post your MOW i wanna see how you rank in score/min on lucio
Tyler Ward
The stupidest part is is that people who pick Roadhog and take a load of damage and think it's fine because they can heal don't even realise what they're doing half the time.
Luis Wright
is roadhog often the nonsupport hero for support mains?
Jack Thompson
Trench Coat Mafia
Charles Bennett
>someone left a game 1 minute before they "lose" >I replaced them >VICTORY screen before I could even get to the point alright then
Jacob Thomas
im pretty sure hes cheating
Jordan Sullivan
don't do this then
Nathaniel Jenkins
>no accelerator >bangs and earrings on the wrong side
Please stop posting this picture.
Elijah Thomas
>Zarya must be a girly girl
fuck off.
Jacob Harris
>average healing done 4050 that isnt even good roflmao ?__?
Mason Diaz
>Enemy premade team has a Reaper that only scores headshots and is impossible to kill >I'm stuck with a premade that has a Torbjorn. On Attack.
Forced 50, amirite?
Noah Sanchez
Serious question.
What do high MMR players notice about the way their team behaves compared to low MMR players?
pic unrelated
Christian Moore
0 Days since School Shooting
Sebastian Taylor
but 9/10 times it's a loss becuase some kid ragequitted.
Hunter Smith
Imagine strangling Tracer and having her pass out in your arms
Isaac Adams
How much do you think I'd have to pay that Mei to let me fuck her in her costume?
Joshua Richardson
You're right.
Zachary Hall
I want Reaper to sit on my face.
Jackson Williams
I was going to make the same comment, but it looks like he spends more than 33% of his time on non-healing champions.
Christopher Sanders
I hate the fact that is game is also on consoles, it's annoying when you try to discuss the game and you see people spout retarded shit and you can't know for sure if they are just really that stupid/shit or maybe they are a console player and what they are saying is actually true in their land of handicapped controls
Jeremiah Rogers
>hook a boosted Reaper >shotgun him right in the face >hook did no damage >shotgun did not 1hko him >it didn't even drop his HP by 1 >I go from 100% to dead the moment after What the fuck is this shit? I man seriously what the FUCK is this?!
Eli Bennett
rule of thumb: anyone that complains about Torb is a console player
Jayden Cooper
Isn't this a Zen line?
Isaac Ward
>Widow has 200 health LITERALLY WHY???????????
Matthew Moore
yeah but heroes that don't heal at all don't count for your average healing do they?
it might be pulled down by roadhog and s76 sure
Brody Russell
One Night in Paris
Landon Powell
What buy?
Jonathan Nguyen
so that she cant get oneshot by other Wid-
oh wait
Juan Hall
depends on your most played heroes, decide for yourself dude
Sebastian Young
>literally stops for 2 seconds >w-wouldn't have made it anyway
Camden Garcia
Gavin Davis
Gun Free Zone
Levi Phillips
Does she fucking bathe with that hat?
Nolan Martinez
It's 123 :^)
Luke Sullivan
>Ching chong ding dong! >Beep boop beep!
Luis White
that's pretty fucking based ;_;
Adrian Walker
Tyler Martinez
No idea, I assumed they did. If they don't, then yeah 4k is low.
Charles Allen
getting this obsessed.
Isaiah Sullivan
source on pic
Liam Sanchez
damn how much is that >tree fiddy
Grayson Nguyen
bad PC players complain about him too. he has the highest pub winrate on PC aswell after all.
Chase Campbell
Nathan Cooper
He's right though user that picture is fucking terrible