/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

It just works edition.

> Next Demo Day (Nine)

> Next Game Jam will be...
SPACE themed. Jam starts July 14th. You can start early.
If you want to collab read this pastebin.com/NEPv0pPC

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> Chats

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org/
LÖVE: love2d.org/
UE4: unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


Why aren't you making your engine in Rust?


Is there anything wrong with saving my game state every tick?


Am I stardew valley yet?

Fucking retarded me posted in dead thread.

Progress on Not Silent Hill

He already made it. You're too late now.

Keep going, you can release it in 3 years when people will be starving for another harvest moon clone

So how do most multiplayer games work? Does the game basically send and receive info from a server?
How much do they cost too? Like for example how much would it cost me to host a server for 100 people.

>How much do they cost too? Like for example how much would it cost me to host a server for 100 people.
Generally a lot.
For 100 it might not be bad, just figure out your bandwidth usage based on what data your game is sending per second.

Which way should I handle entities that are overlapping with walls already (no velocity known)?

A, B, or C?
Anything different?

are these explosions just a couple of large, animated billboards that always point to camera?

Though I don't see why they should already be overlapping with walls, use collision detection to prevent that from happening in the first place.

Is it a platformer?
Then I'd say C.

Otherwise probably B.

The case is ambiguous

they will overlap in case a wall appeared or moved into them rather than the entities hitting the wall. My code works for static walls but not for moving ones since even an entity with 0 velocity can suddenly overlap.

Most multiplayer games are just peer2peer which means the clients communicate with each other without a server. Usually it's one player hosting a temporary server and the other(s) joining.

Only in a case of an MMO do you as the dev really need to host servers for the players.

If you're this clueless about multiplayer then making a multiplayer game is too much for you for now.

I think I'll just roll with Box2D for now to see how it works but I'm 100% certain I'll go back to the collision code I was familiar with, it just feels more right. I also feel like while Box2D might help getting things started... more quickly I guess, in the long run I can see it impending me on mechanics I'd like to add.

Right now I'm still at a point where I'm learning things and building my prototype anyway. Thanks for the opinions.

>Anything beyond "this rectangle intersects this one and goes down this slope" is definitely grounds for considering a physics engine.
Sorry I'm not sure whether you're in favor or not of Box2D for what I intend to do.

trying to get some bloom going on, geometry wars style

>Most multiplayer games are just peer2peer
pretty sure it's the opposite

Using the smallest possible movement to resolve the penetration, i.e. C in this image. The vector describing this is easily found using a technique like GJK and for AABB-AABB will always be either horizontal or vertical (with one biased over the other in the case that they are equal).

Player-as-server is not P2P, it's still a client-server architecture. True P2P (which requires some sort of matchmaking server, although THAT could be player-hosted) doesn't privilege any one player over the others.

This seems reasonable. Thanks!

This. Usually one player is hosting the server whether they realize it or not.

What is the difference between A and B?

>billboards that always point to camera
Billboards, by definition, always point to the camera

Full GJK is overkill for AABB-AABB collisions, actually, although you'd still use the Minkowski difference in the process. Checking if a point is inside an AABB, and then finding the shortest vector from the pointer to an edge, is purely analytical (just comparisons & arithmetic, no iteration).

B's origin is from the wall's center. A's origin is from the intersection

A is overlap direction (the diagonal of the overlap rectangle and B is center-center

Yeah, I was thinking some pretty simple math to find the smallest movement required. And my boxes ARE AABB

That's all particle rendering is, in general.

Whats the appile of atomatotchi?

progress for my spoopy space game
pls no bully

Do A and B cause different results (like B and C), or are they just different algorithms for the same result?

>Player-as-server is not P2P, it's still a client-server architecture
>Usually one player is hosting the server whether they realize it or not

From the player's eyes it's usually all the same.

The user I responded to seemed to be under the impression he'd have to host all servers. Though more recently even FPS devs have taken to hosting all the servers themselves like DICE with Battlefront and Blizzard with Overwatch when they traditionally were all player or 3rd party hosted.

wr-wr-written in b-bloood?!!!


Got any gameplay webms?

>you have 10 seconds to give me an easy original game idea i can finish in a week

Changed the inventory cubes to shards. Still working on the textures of them though. Going to add the magical effects for grabbing each item.

>From the player's eyes it's usually all the same.
Sure, but this is a game development thread, so the distinction is important. Client-server is more secure, but P2P has less latency and uses less bandwidth.

Today is a good day to post progress and nutrients.

Btw, is it possible to make co-routines in GameMaker or are you stuck with state machines only? How would you approach it?

what the fuck

You should just stop using GM, to be honest. Coroutine support is non-existent, and GML is abysmal for any non-trivial state machine (i.e. anything more than a state index + switch).

>Gpd left us
h-he's coming back right


What are co-routines and state machines?

kek that picture

Is there any real reason to not do stuff outside of a room's boundaries in GM?

A state machine is a system whose behaviour depends on the state it's in. This behaviour includes changing states.

A coroutine is essentially a nice way to implement a system that would normally require manually implementing a state machine.

Reminder that if it's your first game, you have to post progress.

A state machine is something that moves from one state to another. For example if you're handling player input, instead of a bunch of if statements and shit, you can have states instead. IE

if(state==jumping) do shit
if (state==running) do shit

It's a lot easier than having a bunch of booleans for like attacking, jumping, moving, etc


ok. it's a 3d platformer

disk writes are stupid fucking slow. would not recommend even if you were on SSD.

If it doesn't slow the game down or you do it async it's fine

Well, technically, with buffered I/O, writes alone will not stall your program. They will probably lag behind a lot, and lead to a MASSIVE stall if you ever want to load something.

Same issue. It's not "fine".

node programmers, pls leave


really well done but that overkill glossiness is not realistic if that is what you are aiming at

nevertheless its excellent work

Doing some style exploration.

What are some games with similar styles? (tech/steam/pipes included into medieval setting)

I know there is thief, but beyond that I can't really think of anything I could get inspiration from (steal from).

Every tick seems a little too much for me. I can imagine why would you need it too. is not like you would gain a lot by loading a state made exactly one tick before the load.

Pretty pleasant, user!

Asynchronous programming is far more than just a Node thing.

>I can imagine
meant can't

only a dumb js programmer would recommend such a thing though

quick question, are you using linux?
i noticed because of the font and that tiling of windows behind

Arx Fatalis, to some extent.

Ah, you're that clueless "kys" shitposter from /dpt/.

Possibly Warhammer Fantasy, especially the Skaven machines

Thanks! I'll take a proper video when I get to my desktop computer. The cloud platforms disappear, so you have to jump off them quickly. Your character can jump and do a roll attack similar to Donkey Kong in DKC.

nice to know that people on /dpt/ hate you too.

Haha, that's clever, user

not him but using a tiling wm changed my life

>tfw love Haskell already
>tfw xmonad

off the top of my head, wakfu does this with the sufokia setting (rural mediterranean/atlantean style fishing society + pipes everywhere)

not a lot of games include steamcraft/pipes/magitek without going full steampunk

Isn't asynchronus programming basically just event-based programming?

Legacy of Kain.

i3 here. Gave up on haskell because of cabal/stack shit but I loved it real bad. Thinking of xmonad just hurts my heart. i3 is nice though.


Yeah it is, nice catch.

I removed the transparency from the config because of that.

This so much. I can't go back to windows because of this, its amazing that windows doesn't come with a fully featured TWM yet.

any of you linuxers rock zsh/oh-my-zsh?

Post dev music

Asynchronus programming is basically just event-based programming. [/spoiler](This is the part where you correct me with more passion and thoroughness than if I were to form that as a question)[/spoiler]

>its amazing that windows doesn't come with a fully featured TWM yet.
It barely got multi desktops on Win 10. Probably about 10 years for Windows to have TWM.

No, asynchronous programming uses a system like futures to start an asynchronous task and then immediately allow you to do other stuff before asking for the result (which blocks until the task is complete).

nice to meet a linux user
i3 was majestic experience, i dont know how floating is the norm nowadays

mah nigga

doddamnit i MISS linux!!! your setup is fantastic, extra points for pink floyd!
funny thing the distro i was using was Semplice, and its code name was (comfortably numb) lol like the album you are listening to

guise im still super sad my linked recap wasnt included with the recap monday thing =[

I feel like im not on of the cool guys :/

We just had one of these. But here you go, more 90s electronic sorta spacey jamz. Probably too distracting unless you're familiar with the album though.


Hey guys, looking for an engine recommendation.
Basically I want to make a bullet-hell game, with some heavy focus on shader effects. Think newer Touhou games, a lot of particles and chaos on the screen.

Not really afraid to dig in some code, I'm a computer science grad, but I don't want the development process to be *too* painfull, like going through raw OpenGL. And obviously I don't want it to be too limiting. I have some experience with Clickteam software, but it doesn't fit my needs - it's horrible performance-wise, and it lacks any scripting utilities.

Considered GameMaker and Unity already (don't have experience with either), with no strong preference between the two. Any hints/suggestions/alternatives? Main target is PC, but console exporters are a plus, definitely not going mobile with this one.

Just repost it. And make sure you followed the exact format and use a .png for the image.

What's a good book for openGL
pls no bully

Raise a tiny little man inside of a tiny little jar.

this may interest you if you are a windows user and want tiling:

Tiles and arranges windows by "drag & drop" or hotkeys, can "snap" windows side by side like magnets. Supports multi-monitor setups
Tiles windows using caption buttons and keyboard shortcuts, optionally maximizing windows to a screen part (commercial)
Tiles windows using "drag&go" feature or keyboard shortcuts. Saves windows position and size in a snapshot and can restore up to 8 snapshots (commercial)
Tiling window manager with automatic tiling
Tiles and arranges windows on sophisticated layouts with hotkeys and multi-monitor support
Amongst other flavours is a dynamic, tiling window manager, which tries to clone the functionality of dwm
A highly customizable dynamic window manager written in C#
Tiles windows on user-defined grid by intercepting windows that are maximized or using hotkeys. Supports multi-monitor setups
Tiles windows using keyboard shortcuts
Automatically aligns windows for you while you work
Very basic tiler

also for windows ricing:
excellent ricing tutorials for windows

Can anyone recommend a book for Unity?

Thanks user, I'll give them a try.

I prefer the more haunting melodies when it comes to space music. Ambient stuff.


I like that floaty, endless feeling.

>reading books to learn anything


you could be spending that time MAKING GAME

especially in an engine as fucking simple as god damn unity, seriously

The official tutorials are pretty good. Any reason to look for a book in particular?

That looks sweet

take my money already lol

Thanks anons, I'm trying to finish a rough version of this within a few days