Gravelord edition
6.12 Patch Notes:
6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
Gravelord edition
6.12 Patch Notes:
6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
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whats a good name for a dr mundo only player
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
best waifu
xth for darius is a big guy
Who here top 10%?
xth for waifus
Xth for Annie a CUTE!
How do you feel about your wife being destroyed Riot?
kat best waifu
I made a short meme vid hope it makes u smile :]
For you
Jhin is an idiot
isn't top 10% like plat?
yea boi
Even gold shitters are top 30%
Makes you think huh
if youre into dirty whores
i only like pure waifus though
i devoted my life to this game but it's not fun anymore
It's a shame I don't like this guy's art style, otherwise these pictures would be 9001% boner
xth for skill
who should i buy twitch or jhin
>Tfw the Warwick and Nunu on your team hard carries the game and spams all chat with "MECHANICS" all game
>that bit of ass peeking from under the skirt
twitch for wins
jhin for fun
>plat 3 is top 4.4%
jesus christ that's depressing
Why does riot need to FUCKING research everything and tell us what's best?
Jhin if you like "Through my work, you shall transcend"
Jhin is cooler
How mad were the enemies
This is my gold 5 0lp acct.
They played Lucian, Karma, Rengar, Jax and Azir, so pretty damn booty blasted
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
light is out so I'll just say I love Vayne
also I asked gypsy if Vayne was on the balance teams radar, I'll tell you guys what he tells me
My friend plays ranked just for skins, so he always stops at gold 5 which is roughly his skill. He's humble and knows he's shit, and actually didn't believe me when I told him he was in the top 30%
Honestly though how do people manage to be this bad
what do you think of the Lulu changes?
I've played Urgot support a few times recently, and it worked better that I thought it would. Decent base damage and an 85% total scaling on his q makes trades in the bottom lane one sided, if your ad commits. You also offer peel for your adc with your slow shield and ult. I want to practice it some more before I go in ranked with it though.
What do you think about it? I've played Ryze support before, and that went well too
>he doesn't care about Lulu being destroyed by Riot
I should've known you never loved her in the first place.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Reminder that Riot is adding a mark of shame to your profile if you actually use dynamic Q to queue with others
Since there's so little art of the snek right now I decided to contribute to the cause. Fully shaded and refined version coming later this week.
more like a mark of being a good summoner who will get a free mystery skin at the end of the season for having that mark
I mean like 70% of ranked is bronze and silver. I have a friend who is stuck in silver 5 and hes played way more games then me this season. Its kinda sad desu.
At least for me, one of the most satisfying things in this game is when an EBIN PLAYZ champion is desperately trying to outplay a derp champion and is just too far behind.
>be 15/3 darius
>catch enemy yasuo
>he goes apeshit dashing everywhere, knocking me up, and ulting me
>take 15% of my HP
>auto W Q auto dunk
>outplayed :^)
I'm not worried about riot's buff/nerf cycles.
>can't even win 5v4 cause retards can't group for shit nor take advantage of it in any way, shape, or form
What did I do to deserve this? Was I Hitler in my previous life?
Thankfully most of my friend group is at least low gold so whenever someone comes up saying they're stuck in silver or bronze we all laugh at him and tell him why he's shit
>top 10% good
Never said it was good.
post win ratios and guess ranks
oh my shit
not me but i'm making progress, might be there one day
silver 3
I was spectating a friend's game a while ago and saw a Yasuo and Bard try to outplay a Trundle and he just beat their faces off, shit was great.
MtnDew Pitch Black
almost top 1
wrong shiit
you better not abandon her
>tfw when I placed higher than some of my friends have ever been
>they still believe in ELO hell
>Karthus Presses R
>As Soraka I press R
Karthus tears are the tastiest, I swear.
Graves or Cait? Or Quinn?
i like both of these
xth for Cute Vi
The One and Only Baby
I cant.
She's my woman.
godspeed, vaynebro
tfw placed silver 5 and climbed to plat 5 feels too ez.
gold 1
I should start playing trundle, I like mechanically simple champs that dumpster dash obsessed faggots
I want to gank Lux
Are you cashing in on the US economic collapse?
Just play support :^)
I placed gold IV and was like 6-4 in placements. I have a few friends that have spent 2 seasons desperately trying to get out of low silver.
I've given up on giving them advice at this point because they argue with every fucking thing I tell them
>260 perma ping since yesterday
>making shit up
killyourself bronze faggot
no, I'm not that smart, I don't think there will be another collapse soon anyway
>you will never be LeBlanc's pet
I'm feeling like I'm stuck. For every game I win, there's another game where a lane (usually bot) is uncontrollably feeding the enemy carries. I'm normally top, so if I leave lane too long we get pushed to the nexus, but if I don't we get trashed in fights. I don't know what to do anymore. Climbing seems a lot harder since Dynamic Queue was implemented. I don't know why they haven't reverted yet, it's literally the worst idea they've ever had. I'd play with my own stack but the people I know are all faggots who refuse to use VoIP clients on top of being shitty, greedy, unaware dumbasses and they'll never take criticism of any kind. It's always excuses.
Exactly. I love how they cry about how low-skill Trundle/Garen/etc are when they play squishy assassins and then get fucking destroyed when they engage and you cave their skulls in.
I'd ask for advice among my friends, but none of them are placed better than me have any advice other than play better. Other than that all the friends that are worse than me never take my advice because they're fucking retarded. None of them understand what playing fucking safe is and they keep fighting the enemy laner when behind, then act surprised when they get killed.
I went like 3-7 in placements. I have a few friends who have been silver 5 for 2 season now. I try to help them but they say "I'm good its just elo hell" its sad.
Pls don't do this to me
it's pretty easy to carry from support or jungle if you really are boosting
Heck, botlane gives you two people to get fed off of.
>that one loss was from internet fucking up
Oh hey thanks for posting my winstreaks. Hopefully I can finish my promo game later tonight.
>not thinking I haven't faced Karthuses as goatpussy
If you're gonna stalk me at least do it right, mate.
its fucking lit
Why are they straight buffing Leona?
cause she sucks donkey dick right now
No she doesn't.
I main top too also what rank are you? Who do you play I almost only play riven top. Also I've been starting up curse calls and just linking them ingame chat I usually get 1 or 2 people to join. I find it helps win games and I've made a few friends that way.