/wfg/ - Warframe General

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>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

> forums.warframe.com/topic/660347-update-lunaro/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

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first for delet

1st for asking you guys, how is Lunaro so far?


>Dhurnam wields Dual Heks and a Brokk, throws flashbang grenades and can Switch Teleport.
>“Silent Battery” is a new uncommon shotgun Mod that may drop from Executioner Dhurnam.

lunaro WE

>movement 2.0 gets nerfed to absolute shit just in time for sports

>Dual Heks

Is it just the basic "Doesn't make noise" mod?


Conclave Changes & Fixes

• You can now use Emotes in the Conclave!
• Fixed Ammo spawns disappearing forever after a Host Migration in Conclave.
• Fixed Energy spawn points duplicating in certain tilesets in Conclave.

Bursa Changes

• Bursas will no longer drop Common Mods (Revenge, Ammo Drum).
• Increased the Mod drop rate on hacked Bursas.


• Improved matchmaking to be more reliable overall.
• Revised the UI icons for Operator hair to display better.
• You can no longer send gifts to those who have not finished Vor’s Prize.
• Drekar Hellions will now spawn on Uranus Survival missions.
• Slightly increased the Mod drop chance on Locust Drones.
• Slightly improved screen-to-screen latency between remote clients.
• Dregs and Lancer Dregs will now drop Morphic Transformer.
• Other context actions will take priority over picking up Volt’s Electric Shield. This prevents accidentally picking up the Electric Shield that you placed down to protect you while you revive your fellow Tenno.
• Improved the ability to teleport on slopes/stairs.
• Improved Interception AI to better prioritize their attacks and hacking objectives.


Remember this is a thing and he literally just started up again.


t-too lewd, user.

Reported. Enjoy your ban you filthy degenerate.


>Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria draining twice the amount of Energy as per: reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4nh5fs/fyi_hysteria_energy_drain_mechanics/

Fug man here comes the nerf

>• Increased the Mod drop rate on hacked Bursas.

So the more I fuck them, the more rare stuff I get?
Sounds like a paradise.

s t i l l w o r k s b o y s

It's actually kind of fun. They need to set up real servers, but its a fully fleshed out game

Liars burn in hell you know

How about you play the actual game mode sir.

fuck off

Just play a frame with a natural speed over one and you'll find its a beautiful clusterfuck of people trying to get the ball then immediately knocking the ball from you unless you pass it.


Holy shit, it really was that they couldn't get it right the first time.

RIP Valkyr, time to get another cheese frame.

the new end of mission tune is awful

the new armor set actually looks pretty good


They are literally nerfing movement

pls respond

i thought i felt slow

"it interferes with lunaro"

fuck you DE

this is it

i can feel myself slipping away

>dhurman is a spin-off of Clem
>headless knight using dual hek's
>only way to get shotgun silent mod
>grineer bathroom
this image is literally posted once in every thread

what are its rewards

the standing per game

since you are so eager to shill

>twin heks
>twin motherfucking heks
>it's a vaykor hek clone with fire rate instead of crit, why am I so excited

What's the problem here?
I always thought DE was a bunch of speed-hating hacks since they nerfed coptering 3 years ago before I left. Has this ever NOT been the case?

Holy fucking shit is this guy's "vision" of Warframe to be a clone of fucking Gears of War?

Like why the fuck would you destroy all kinds of momentum the players can create?

I'm calling it, fucking riot, movement is shit, they can't keep getting away with this.

you got a skin, you ned to build the split dark sword, the BP will be in your clan dojo tech lab.
use the wiki next time

sure glad DE spent so much time making a clusterfuck of a game within a game where u cant see shit and mobility is compelete garbage, was waiting until ash was nerfed but if lunaro is required for something ithink im just done. making lunaro just pointed out the complete lack of fixing on existing issues, the new game mode actually makes me regret having spent the time putting 6 forma into every weapon

>mfw valkyr's energy drain



I was didnt find it

this is so fucking gross, they're lying out their asses off about still being able to do it too

i had the timing for this shit perfect and now it's fucking impossible

time to go bitch and moan on the forums until the end of time

ha ha

the PC gamer code is a skin to a weapon no newbie can make

what happened, let me enjoy this

>Do Lv. 85 Rathuum
>It rewards exactly the same amount of Judgement Points as Lv.60 Rathuum

What the hell is the point?

How the fuck do you throw the ball? It says push M1 to "fire" it but all it does is make my frame melee. wtf am I doing wrong

More enemies spawn in, so it's faster.

is eff/dur Valkyrs dead?

please be quick.

>someone asks if its good or not
>if someone says it is they must be shill
why do people even ask if they know what answer they agree with already?

>dat epic music when the launcher finished downloading lunaroooooooow's update
already cringe

>first game of lunaro i win
>only time im ever going to play that gamemode

so uh when is de offing themselves

What would be a good weapon to use for Chroma, specifically a heat build?


Energy drain at 100% went from 0.93 to 3.75e/s.

we want to see how many shills do we have here right now

>3.75 e/s at max duration/efficiency


This was literally the only remnant of coptering type of speed there was, like, what else do they expect us to do? Fucking sprint?

Jesus fuck i hate Steve and his "vision" now.

>those sudden jumps in energy
ignore that, that was me alt-tabbing and game not recording

>Get team of 4
>Start lunaro
>one of our guys gets put on opposing team and it becomes 3 vs 3
>Make 2 goals
>Our guy on the other team starts hitting me lmb
>Literally get stunlocked and can't move because of how shitty the stun /knockdown system works
>Spend 4 minutes on the ground thanks to this
>Finally stand up
>Frame is disarmed
>still win
Well that was fun but never going to play lunaro again

you didnt hate steve and his "vision" before? where have you been?

You're meant to use nyx/mirage with elemental parkour mods and do nothing but bullet jump, obviously.

What's a really good loadout for conclave rep farming?

steve and his "focus"


Dear sweet fucking christ that energy drain.

I wanted that bitch dead the day she came out.

>new armor set
>just used up all of my plat to buy shit i needed an hour ago

God damn it.

So we got Lunaro. cool. Any reason to play it? mods, weapons, achivemetns, skins.. anything?
>duuuh same thing as conclave?
So jack fucking shit, and anyone that would bother with this shit already have whatever useless scrap there might be.

So i ask you: who the fuck will be/supposed to be playing this shitfest after the novel 1-2 tries, after a day, let alone a week?
>uhh, whoever want to get a headstart on esports?
The only even remotely "skillful" mechanic there is, is curving that shitball, which is meaningless becasue by far the most efficent strategy is to bunch up as 4, passing the fuckball between them for a distance of 0.001m, while the other team zerges the group, as 4 again tryting to get lucky and hit the guy taht actually has the ball at the same time (good fuckig luck).

I simply cant even begin to comprehend the thought proccess behind any chain of thinking tah lead to lunaro. i just... can't

At 159% dur/175% eff my energy drain is about 1/sec

that leaves you with 34% rng and 170% str

so its not terribly bad, but base the energy drain is indeed brutal

you can get it through tenshin but you have to get conclave points

>not liking fun

all frames have the same speed, and stats in lunaro.
If not, its not working as intended.


ayo hol up play some b-ball and calm down nigga

>1k standing for winning a 10 minute game
>500 for losing
>People lagging everywhere
>Being knocked over by ghosts
>Ball passing to people behind me

Stop fucking being dependent on Hysteria you shitter

>Already skins for the new Lunaro "armor"

To be honest, it's very bad, but it could be enjoyable for a few days, possibly until The War Within comes out. I don't think any mods have came out of it yet but yeah, not good in anyway but just a bigger time waster. I'd like to see the development process before they ruin my ability to like it by nerfing my fuck toy excal.

Honestly I just wish U19 or U20 would just be a phase where DE takes the time to fix and patch everything and look into their mods ingame and on the forums rather than another event.


>good for anything but Hysteria

it's just regular cosmetic armor

there's a skin for the arcata though

>not knowing you can dash away by pressing 'E'
>being this bad at a game

Well, there was that one ripline build, but that got nerfed with this update too.

> • Improved Interception AI to better prioritize their attacks and hacking objectives.

Ivara nerf?

scratch that, drain is about 1/s at 0%, caps at about 3.5 at 100% just like the webm showed


Eternal War build, all day every day, Hysteria for absolute emergencies

>He doesn't use Paralysis



you know what would be fun instead of this?
-having a UI where i dont have to click/press esc 4 times for every minor thing i want to acomplish, if there is even an option for that.
-not having to spend 4 minutes and possibly restarting the game whenever i want to play in a PUB on a node that has more than 5 groups playing it.
-not getting stuck/my drops not getting stuck 2 out of 5 times
-not having to deal with instadeath from out of nowhere because:bugged hyeka hitdetection, insanse scaling issues, visual FX not appearing for enemy abilites- or dmg taking efect before the FX is shown, all 142 enemies on the map have a moment of cality and 100% accuracy on their hitscan weapons, an ancient dragging me from behind a wall at a 160° angle, and many many more, regardless how "git gud" you are.
-have a viable weapon selection larger than 5% of the current avaliable armory

>Lunaro is actually fun

This is conflicting.
God its so satisfying when you catch a pass and hit a goal right away. Or catch a pass in the air and run away with it.
There's a half time like a real sport.
Bullet Jumping is like a fucking reflex, I keep losing the ball, but I'm still cheerful in the meantime.
Team win twice in a row, suprisingly good synergy between everyone. Knowing when to throw the pass to who.
DE MIGHT have not fuck this one up if it goes well.

its so fun i want the lunaro armor

i guess its kind of fun

still pretty dumb tho desu

>Overwatch comes out
>Reaper has dual shotguns
>New Warframe update comes out
>New executioner has dual shotguns

>New spider-man game comes out for PS4 soon
>DE just so happens to add a spider-frame a week later

Coincidence? I think not.

>sprint sleek works
>flash stepping across the arena
>"wow that dude is so laggy"
"Have you ever met a brazilein before? Today is your lucky day"
>win 3 games
>everyone thinks it's lag and the replays only show rubberbanding

2 more weeks of nothing.
Baro gonna be shit
Prime fury is gonna be shit
Back to watching anime and devbashing
Gonna start watching Space Battleship Yamato

it is fun
but it's p2p and that makes all the potential fun completely ruined

>Reminder: I told you people would be playing Lunaro.

Fucking /wfg/-shitters. I'll be back when LBGT frame is out.

Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with my game then, it feels like playing rocketleague against brazilians and autralians.

>Fixed Valkyr’s Hysteria draining twice the amount of Energy
I don't get it, did they make it drain more or less? It sounds like it was draining twice the intended amount, so they fixed it so it doesn't now, but everyone in this thread is acting like it got worse. Am I missing something?

>look guys people in a general about X is gonna play the video game X when x update comes out. Wow you actually play x? Wow a bunch of shitters playing x in the x general hahaha

Test it.

git gud?

>"s-some people said Lunaro would suck! thats mean EVERYONE thinks it will suck! Better make a post and prove EVERYONE WRONG!" *tips fedora*
>"HAH! I knew EVERYONE would like it! EVERYONE! I proved you ALL wrong!" *nods in own self approval*
>thinking anyone cares what one user says
>being this autistic

Go cry about it on the forums, shitter.

Get better internet and git gud mang.