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It's not gay if it's a feminine penis edition

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xth for buff d.va

how many times are you going to post this garbage shota reaper without the mask

First for Hanzo Funzo

>get potg left clicking heads as mccree

>other team still gets assmad about e + rmb

>Get potg as Reaper
>To lighten things up allchat "nothing personell... kids"
>People laugh at my spelling
>Teammate apologies for me being an ass
Time to listen to linkin park, I guess

>dva ass cosplayer

How long do I have to leave a match without getting penalized? Can I leave during setup or do I have to exit before the hero select phase ends?

I just want them to be happy together !


>chingchong tower
>continuously trap health pickup on the enemy team's side
>continuously get kills
>next round enemy team ignores all health pickups

>tfw more hours in Zarya than all the other characters combined

someone save me

>She will never give you this look

They're nerfing Tracer right?


Its fine zarya is best

Thank you for putting the non shill links back.

Did this guy ever get sued for hitting that car?


So how should D.Va get buffed?

>its not gay if it's a feminine penis

Um, what is a "feminine penis", exactly?

Asking for a friend.

>inb4 ugly D.Va fatass

xth for katanas the most powerful swords ever made folded over 6 million times

Mains are the problem that people complain about in their pub games but they themselves do it so honestly nothing happens anyways.

Lower c/d on defense matrix, no slow down when shooting.

>Nerfing Tracer

Why? She's only difficult to deal with if the person playing as them is good which the same can be said for most of the other heroes.

replace her shotguns with pilot pistols

Tracer is "balanced" in this game, in that some other characters do a lot to shut her down and she generally cannot accomplish as much as quickly as other, more objective oriented heroes, even if it is hard to kill her.

Genji is picked more in comp for a reason

>So how should D.Va get buffed?
+100% move speed while firing (vs hero standart), no other changes


fuck off your swordfu
katana a shit

Reaper should have 12 shells, not 8


No slowdown while shooting.
Give her guns that aren't shit.

Are you joking?


>no slow down when shooting
She becomes top tier

She becomes top tier

People are so fucking stupid about balancing this game

is there cusplay roadhog!
i wager it very ease for USA's

Top Gun Pharah skin WHEN?

I never mind seeing him on my team.

I never mind seeing him on my opponent's team.

In fact, I wish I saw more of them instead of all the tracers and genjis running around doing fuck all.

He's not over or underpowered.

His legendary skins are terrible if you don't have origins.

He's got some fun memes.

6 of them on attack is fucking ludicrous.


this game makes me SO fucking salty in groups for some reason, i should really avoid playing on teams because when we get put against a much better team we're fucked and it feels like we can't do anything to win

hell, the game's so chaotic and random that we can lose to a much worse team just because no reason

>with randoms at least you can blame it on garbage teammates or bad matchmaking

For the lurkers if you were here 2 threads ago, got some new spots worth considering. Also letting go of [Forward]+[Jump] has helped consistency. Almost have it 100% down. still experimenting

>0:16 stars playing during her Ult


Because no shotgun on the planet holds 4 shells

where can i find skins 1st person views? I wanna see what look like soldier76 gun with the vietnam skin

I think he's kind of dumb but he's my second most played character since he's almost always a good pick.

>tfw genuinely good at reaper but don't want people to think you're an edgelord who's only playing him because he's "cool"
Mariachi skin unlock when? It really takes the edge off him.

I like all his legendary skins
But I like all of his skins

Why is the flag the wrong way? How could they have missed this?

This game isn't balanced for dual heroes. Just looking at the DPS sheet without even taking abilities into effect show a huge disparity in numbers.

It wouldn't even make a very big difference. Reloading doesn't take that long for him and he can do a ton of damage in 8 shots if you are very close at all. If you don't die before you spend your whole clips you have probably killed two or three people

And no flashbang on the planet only stuns people that it hits after throwing at them like a rock but you don't see retards asking for it to be changed to a blind

Oh wait, yes you do

Nevermind, carry on

you aren't good at video games and you will never 'go pro'

if this makes you visibly upset maybe you should graduate middle school first

>stalk myself just to see how I'm doing
>see this

wait what how
I've definitely quit a hopeless game but how the fuck does this site track stats

How are you supposed to play D.va? She's really weird when you think about her skill set. I tend to use boost to get into a flanking position or a bost/defense rush and try and put the enemy team off balance. Would I be better off staying closer to my team?

Probably something to do with you can't have accurate representation of the us military in anything other than real life senpai.

Sleep tight tight tight lil' Reapydoodle




Confirmed for never having seen a military uniform ever.

>You automatically get a leave if you pick a character
>Leave game with Escape button
>Escape button locks in character

Exactly the kind of trash I expect from Blizzard

Nigga I wanna slap you so hard right now

11/10 fell for the b8

Are you trying to tell me that Overwatch isn't a realistic game?


And another one

who said anything about going pro? i just want to have fun and getting shitstomped, or suddenly getting ground to a halt for seemingly no reason is ZERO fun


I love you. Play with me.


i didn't know about that tbqh

Google Overwatch first person view skins

and yes, it is the reddit link, use them for what they're good for.


What is this trash?

Are you 13?

Is this legit senpai?

It's supposed to be nothing personnel newfag

Blizzard trying to cuck PC players yet again

You don't.

Do you have the cooldown turned off or does it not put it on cooldown when you cancel the animation like that?

>low-hanging fruit on youtube

Pick Junkrat, there's your nerf

what the fuck are you talking about?


>on the offense
>enemy team has bastion and torbjörn

Every game. Every single fucking game. This is so tedious.

And another one, not as useful, but good if you're team is shit and stuck at spawn or something

Is this a cringe thread?

This is so out of 76's character that it's painful.

Is this how you feel when people post Mercy x Pharah?

Where can I find an accurate hero matchup infographic/chart? Still learning counterpicks.

Realism aside
>Resident Evil
6 shells
>Doom 3
8 shells
>Max Payne
6 shells
6 shells
It's a gaming staple at this point! Come on now, user!

>Y-yes I do prefer thick girls, dad

She's good at contesting objectives with a team because she has two lives, be annoying on the front lines until they focus you down then pull back and be annoying in the mid range until you get your mech back.

I only use her on KOTH and defending anubis B

>you will never get to sniff tracers butthole

sleep tight reaper

Why the fuck does it count leaving games you just joined as penalties? The moment you pick a character it locks you into the game no matter what even if there's only 2 people on the team.

And I can't leave without picking a character cause the Escape button autolocks a character.

Why is the game like this?

reminder that spawncamping is a bannable offense and blizzard takes reports seriously

>5. Tracer
>4. Widow
>3. Mercy
>2. D.Va
>1. Mei

His opinions are correct though.


I turned off cooldowns since it was a lot faster to try and find some spots to do the trick on.

And another one

reminder that you eat bees

They should make the second half of his melee animation shorter so he can reload cancel more efficiently

tracer is perfectly fine. get good shitter faggot.

>Finally get one of the mecha skins for Pharah
>her mouth is yellow