Be a forcibly converted Muslim nation

>be a forcibly converted Muslim nation
>as your country's flag use the flag of a rebelled slave of the same people that forcibly converted you

Are Albanians retarded? Where's the logic behind this? Is the only reason they use it because it's cool as heck?

it is a pretty cool flag desu

Is there any account out there that they were forcefully converted to Islam, and not coerced into conversion for benefits?

From what I gathered (I haven't looked much into Albanian history, mind you) most Christians left after the Ottoman take-over, and Albania was used as a strategic admin site by the Ottomans in the Balkans because of it's ports and favorable sailing currents it had access to that made it easier for sailing towards Italy or along the Northern Adriatic coast. Because of that, a lot of Turks were allocated there for administrative purposes and managed to grow significantly enough to be a large part of their population and have their own off-set beliefs, that differed from the Ottomans and were used to push for independence later on, that were too significant and ingrained in for the rest of the Albanians to kick them out and condemn them during their rebellion.

That, and I imagine that it was easy to convert them seeing how by the time the Ottomans rolled around a lot of Albania was occupied by a largely vagabond people (Slavs) and never really had the literary culture or worldly influence like Greece had to aspire them to uphold their past traditions and resist to subjugation, that made them easy to influence them.

> Are Albanians retarded?

>Are Albanians retarded?
They are.

>Are Albanians retarded?

>Are Albanians retarded?

better question, are albanians human?

>are Albanians retarded?
Pretty much


>are Albanians retarded?
the answer is yes

Before this post there was one post per id.

Fuck off Behar

there is still a substantial minority of albanian christian, mother theresa was one of them
also i imagine conversion to islam was largely voluntary for political convenience like with the bosniaks (who were also followers of christian heresies before so they were already religiously different to surrounding population before. i don't know if there was a similar situation in albania)

also a few decades of radical state atheism in the 20th century probably resulted in albanians being less attached to religious identity and thus maybe they don't interpret their history through a religious lense as much

>by the time the Ottomans rolled around a lot of Albania was occupied by a largely vagabond people (Slavs)
are you suggesting that albanians are slavs?
>a largely vagabond people
what's that supposed to mean?

Are Albanians retarded? Yes, some of them. One of my mates which is Albanian is catholic and not a mudslime.

Am I poorly educated or are all famous Albanians Christians? As in those who don't got a fetish for bunkers. Tinking of people like Mother Theresa, Skanderberg and John Belushi.

Yes pretty much. Theresa and Skanderbeg are the only relevant albos and they were christian, lol.

What about Zog? Smoked 200 cigarettes a day and avoided getting murdered several times while modernizing the country.

Sometimes I forget Albania is in Europe.

tonibler go and stay go

what about the forcibly converted saxons' descendants?

Zog was a T*rk

Better question is - how to convert Albanians to fuel