Thirsty forever edition
>Character Planner
Thirsty forever edition
>Character Planner
100% better than the other thread
This is a non-lucifer thread. Let's use this thread
Bumping the superior thread.
How do I transfer characters from an alt account to my main account on Steam? I just got un-soft banned and would be to play on my main account again
The Wolnir conversation is the best shit I've read on this general for days
Alva time is almost here
I'm just really fucking hungry
What is the unanimous soul level for endgame pvp in dark souls 3?
When the fuck are we hearing about the DLC
I wish I was better at art
why is this still a question
SL100 will allow you to PvP with both the SL80 and SL120 camps.
>not having the last panel be Gwyn genociding
>I wish I was better at art
Because fuckers in the other thread are giving me varying answers and I do not frequent /dsg/. Thanks.
You don't need to draw well to do it. Copy DaS1's intro.
>dragons fucking a car
it's been too long
Sometimes I think everyone in the world is better at art than I am
user its ok
your art is beautiful to me
80 for high-level invasions
100 for if you want to fight 80 and 120
120 for endgame duels/fight clubs
my art is better than his
Please help me I'm stuck and can't do anything what the hell?
i need to make more shitty oc
never finget
Is that a picture of your TV?
Are you asking /dsg/ how to reset your gaming platform?
i'm on ps3 and my character is just frozen pls help
I hope you die you nigger
>tfw you realize you're why thieves never come back from lothric castle
but seriously these drop rates suck
i lived and got 150000 souls you faggot
Reset your console
>posting in a lucifer thread
for what? flamberge?
if so, i feel you...
Is the flamberge even any good? I get the impression that bleed is kind of shit on the great weapons
it's decent enough and good fashion
the moveset is pretty jank though
I just like the flamburger
So the Dark Soul Series is over, right? DS3 was the last one? So which character is the best waifu? Do you have a top three? Or even a top five?
Does prince Lothric count?
fucking queer
Yes, and so does Gwyndolin.
I hope the DLC bosses are as hard as the Orphan of Kos.
I hope you kill yourself
you make me as hard as the orphan of kos
Lucifer wins again! Haha, GGs :^)
How do I git gud at pvp? I don't understand how staggering works in this game.
Doll Gwyndolin and Lothric are 10/10s
I'm tempted to cheat just for this fucking flamberge, it's taking longer than ears kjdsaolj
Is the Winged Spear any good? It has really good scaling with pretty much every infusion, thinking about trying it but I'm not sure if I want to waste the titanite
faggot nigger
If you get hit you get staggered
If you are swinging a big weapon or doing some WAs but not all WAs you don't get staggered
The end
The first step to getting gud is to learn how to identify how much lag there is.
If there's high lag, choose a high damage weapon. High lag can devolve into who can do the most damage in any single hit.
If there's low lag, you need to learn how to judge spacing properly as well as roll-catch.
It helps to use straight swords or thrusting swords. Those are among the best at roll catching.
no user, hang in there. it's worth it.
Trying to transfer my characters I saved from my own account to an alt account and then back to my main account. How do I go about this, from my alt account to main account?
Try doing constant invasions and then afterwards do some fight clubs/duels at pontiff.
Doll chan
>mfw the Crescent Halberd's stamina consumption
It's almost longsword tier. If only it had hyper armor with its warcry R2s
>crescent halberd
It just occurred to me that every game in the series has had a rematch with the tutorial boss at some point. Even BB had one
It's pretty okay. It has the typical halberd R2-R1 combos as well when two handed.
And warcry R2's are great against parry fishers, when not fully charged, and fully charging is a good chaser but it's pretty fucking easy to parry.
u wot
I was about to say DS2 didn't, but then I remembered the last giant is the giant lord.
Is the Corvian Great Scythe viable in pvp? I really want to use it on my dark build because of it's A/A scaling with dark infusion and its aesthetic
This thing. I meant to say Crescent Axe but I it is a halberd too after all
Oh I know. The low stamina cost allows me to roll catch and chase way more than usual. I guess not everything needs to be top tier to be usable. But it still bothers me that r1s get hyper armor but not the r2s. I'll still take your advice to heart though, thanks
It's shit.
It has high scaling but trash base damage, which means its total AR is still bunk and you end up just wasting a tonne of points to arrive at the same AR a better weapon breaks with half the investment.
I've used it for a few days in PvP. It's good, but if you're not using its warcry to your advantage you're better off using pretty much any other halberd.
Holy fug you're right.
>Vanguard in 4-1
>Stray Demon in both DaS1 and 3
>Giant Lord
this is depressing
>bought 80 homeward bones to farm for a flamberge
>down to 20
>not even a single drop of anything at all
I feel I've been rused
just keep being a miserable fuck and keep farming. It took me three fucking hours to get one carthus curved greatsword, drop rates are fucking horrific in ds3
Boo hoo, if you give a shit whether something's "viable" all you'll ever use is Estoc/Dark Sword/CCS/whatever the FOTM meta is.
As long as you git fucking gud you can kill people with any weapon.
.... i sincerely hope that you've been farming the thralls that actually have a flamberge, right? Right?
I have like 50 carthus swords from trying to get shackles
yes, but you guys told me the US was the fastest route to use so I've been doing it
are you using all of the item find gear? drop rates are all shit without it
took me 5 hours to get a Harpe for completionist autism, but i didn't use the dual Crystal Sage Rapiers
420 AR +10 Refined, 40/40.
Pierces shields at all ranges and has a good moveset.
Heavy, but does fine. Very good at parry baiting due to fast recovery time.
uh im not sure what user told you that, but the hidden bonfire outcrop place to the molotov throwers to the the thrall that drops down from the ceiling is way faster IMO
>has a good moveset
>fast recovery time
Loving every laugh.
not an argument
I need Twin Prince sex DLC. Just walk into the room and watch Lorian fuck Lothric into the bed.
>tfw took me longer to get the hood than the flamberge
>implying Lothric isn't the top since Lorian's dong is broken
This is what I've been doing.
sorry for the tiny resolution, it's the only way I could fit 46 seconds into a webm
Cliffside bonfire is much faster you dongus
If he can temporarily stand for an attack, I am sure he can get his dick up too.
I've been taking advice from you guys you dodongos
he can only stand because of boipussy magic
I hate that From ruined it as a faith scaling axe in favor of making it some kind of quality halberd with niche appeal.
Like the game needed more quality weapons and less options for faith.
>lothircs boipussy getting stretched
>another faith scaling weapon
I would cry for joy
At least three have dropped for me throughout all of my runs
Without even stacking IF
I can just give you one, user
pass and where
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, I think I just lost 5 of my 7 characters when trying to transfer from an alt account that had my previous saves into my restored main account