Official FAQ :
Chungor banned, lighthouse burning to the ground, aqualads disbanded edition
/discussions/0/594820656447032287/ >Play with /arkg/ Open Steam > View > Servers > Favorites >
Official FAQ :
Chungor banned, lighthouse burning to the ground, aqualads disbanded edition
/discussions/0/594820656447032287/ >Play with /arkg/ Open Steam > View > Servers > Favorites >
What's happening on the server?
>tfw senpai squad won't log on
>we will teach them a lesson !
>gets fucking rekt
they probably only play on weekends
Hey guys, I'm back after a year of waiting. Is the game optimized yet?
Devs said they will start optimizing the last three months before official release.
It's not like they've done anything else right, why would this be any different?
Oh, I thought you were asking legitly. I didn't realize you were just doing it to bitch no matter what.
I hope you find something else to have fun with then.
I'm not the second user. I've looked at their steam page and saw that they aimed their release date for this month. But I guess that's outdated since it says December on their website. Is this the only pushback they've had?
>Is this the only pushback they've had?
Literally every patch except one has been pushed back. Release will be the same.
pls no die thread
you better not let thread die you double niggers
Is /arkg/ back?
Playing with the Aqualads was some of the best times I've had in online gaming. Now I actually have a rig that can run this shit well.
Yep. We're back and stronger than ever
Yeah, I was surprised too. Didn't think I'd enjoy the game again but having a blast now getting back into it
If you are looking to rejoin I'm sure someone's on to invite you
Just don't go into global chat saying something like "Hey, is Oceania on? The tribe from Veeky Forums (Video games general). You know the one from Veeky"
Well that settles it. Count me back in.
Posting better days
My first building on NFA. Was on a raft. It got chungored
When can we raid some shit?
I'm getting restless for blood and gore.
As soon as we take out Senpai Squad we can start looking at new targets.
Besides we already had incidents in the last few days with the spino claim and the alpha rex kill.
That reminds me
>Offloading some metal
>Suddenly get shot in the head
>Turn around and see Jak holding a shotgun
>Take out my sword and beat Jaks armor off until he dies
>Turns out Jak didn't shoot me
>Chungor shot me and Jak and Jak was trying to shoot him back
I fucking love our fireplace
senpai squad aint even a threat anymore.
If they ever come back online. The shame might have been too much and they left.
>tfw they thought because we were only on the server for 3 days they could wipe us out
>Brought 3 (three) Gigas to attack a 3 day old tribe
>Throw all the riders off the cliff
>Killed all 3 Gigas
>Only lost a few tames that were left outside
>They even begged us to let them run away after they started losing
>We lock their Gigas in our base to finish them off and take their saddles
Ah, what a good day that was
Fuck I wish I had been there for this.
>Zom went from level 6 to 78 during the raid for killing the Gigas
Too fucking funny
Last day of the first lighthouse. This was taken a few hours before the chinks rekt it in the first war.
This sign was the one that drew Pashitys ire and eventually sparked a war. It was placed twenty feet outside his front door.
The last day Oceania was on 355.
Daily reminder that Gigga the Ultra Trigga is a boat thief that can't be trusted
Looks pretty comfy.
Speaking of comfy, I miss our apartments. Ya they were a terrible waste of resources but damn some of them were comfy, and that was before furniture.
House boat mang
Get one.
Make a nice stone cabin on one
Game needs more saddle skins
So whats the goal of the neo-lads now?
I'm itching to kill that smug ass spider boss myself.
oh my :3
Page ten bump
Baby Rex Bumpu
Somalian Bantz edition Plus retarded bal edition.
Yeah but dude got his shoes stolen by Outrage. I mean, it took outrage a year to do it and all, but year or not would you trust a man with no shoes with your child I wouldn't.
Please make more of these Giga. They are what began my dinolust realtalk
Eventually sea cave and eventually mercenaries I believe. And also to just have fun. Apparently the admins set up an arena so theres that too.
Me and two friends are going to start playing this again to pvp after not playing for a long ass time, any tips on how to be effective faggots?
make oceania great again
tfw tired and sick
Why are everyone offline tuesdays and thursdays
I'm at work right now
quick reminder that dire bears are the best dinos
Reminder that Chungore raid boi is not to be trusted
Naval Battle is coming!
XXth for boats.
XXth for raids.
XXth for raid boats.
It has 300 confirmed kills,and i`ve wipedout alpha tribes before with it.
I fucking love my boat.
You should checkout my boat.
Am I doing it right?
If Senpai Squad won't log in we need to find a new whipping boy. I say we go for one of the other tribes that raided us with them, like White Wolves.
I think they're the ones built on that volcano island. I wanted to build on their spot last night. Fuck those guys.
Ayo hold up. Admins and Long Hunt wanna do a mock naval battle. I'll be on in about an hour with the details.
FUCK. I'm at work til 9.
Nah don't worry. It's tomorrow evening.
Tamed new dunkleo, now our dunkleos are mate boosted.
I should buy a boat
So what's the average player count on this server? I was on Dinos 'n chill towards the end
38 people on right now. It's usually around that or more.
Boatman here. The mock naval battle has a prize of 10,000 turret bullets straight out of Popeye's pocket.
The rules are max 3 boats, nothing above primitive tier, no weapons or armor that you make in a fabricator, boats can only be made out of stone at best, no dinos, all skill, Fox only, Final Destination.
Over 50 when I got on last night
How are you guys liking the centre map? Pros and cons?
>Twice the size of the island
>Cooler biomes
>We get to build a base on a fucking waterfall
>Much more water
>Buggy geometry at times
>Mosa spawns are absurdly rare
>The center island is clearly the best building spot in the game
>The waters are FULL of dangerous spawns
>Naval battle while I'm stuck at work.
How do I into joining server?
Sweet, probably will be joining you guys when I get my new computer built.