/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #287

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #287

Pure and Innocent Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common&hl=en

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

/ssg/ Rankings : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dESdfv9W4oGxwdahmod5CTgIPKobv-DONSSJP-P5D6Y/edit#gid=0

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

June 17th - 18th: Nari, Nikita, Enthia, Sky, Gerrard, Metatron, Choi
June 24th - 25th: Gaphyl, Griffith, Evylin, Hercules, Zibroi, William, Serestia

Current events:
14 Days of Miracles 6/10-6/24
Jess and Helena rival matches 6/5/-6/19 and 6/12-6/26 respectively

More info can be found in-game

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>snowball-tier tits on a skinny girl with a huge gap
DMYO is a hack.

Finally a good thread, also next major patch is
>Cassiel EE
>Orses EE
>Saramir EE
>Butcher EE
>Renee EE

shut your FUCK she's perfect as is shura

>Lia ace with Silla in the frontline
>Sharr has 1300HP
I never thought about it, but god damn, she has an unnecessarily high Vitality.

Nice meme but its a Milky EE

patch preview today?


Sorry, but it'll be a Muspel EE.


Damn, that boy has a glorious ass

>Renee EE
It had better be Erica EE

>stealing Sharr's heels
That's lewd.

>staff in between her legs
That's lewd.

i bet rize smells nice.
like the ground after rain


>this week's rotations
>every player has an EE
>next week's rotation
>obligatory new player and everyone with an EE but Evylin

It's Shura

>low in champs
>find another cancerous Silla team
>this guy has Jin, Khirel, Willy and Ass
>it's a nice Ass indeed, hypermaxed and all
>frontline is Silla/nera/willy/elizabeth
>weird as shit, will be an easy win
>match starts
>his khirel in mid has the ball and can't steal from him so pass to enemy nera
>active pass
>active shot
>my jin active blocks
>500 for jin, almost 2k for my silk and nerua
>pass to my kiki
>nerua revives
>kiki passes to her after failing to penetrate enemy silla
>elizabeth turn
>she steals from my nerua
>she shoots
>my jin is killed

Last thread I got memed on, so I wanted to ask again.
Is this team solid enough to reach champs?

Almost anything can reach champs with enough SPUs

That team could even reach galaxy with enough SPUs and a non-meme GK

>meme gk
So, this team would be better without BT and Jin instead, and with Kiki in it?

Pretty much.

How does this sound?

Definitely. There was some arguments a few months ago about Jin vs BT, people said it's better to run BT with Jin as a totem. Jin then got buffed twice, he's far better than BT.

Nice cookies.


>it was his plan all along

Between CoT 2-10, 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 which one is the easiest?

I have an IC forward passer, Kevin, Miho, Meiran, and Milky.

Are the best friend aces to look for Bell, Hilde, and William for the 4-X floors?

can silla/luka/sharr still reach galaxy?

dont be bad like me and almost forget to do your club match for the daily gold box

Hard to answer without knowing how invested your 3-4* characters are
>4-8 and 4-9
It's mostly reflex fuckery and spirit sapping which will get you through those, Milky and Miho are good here
Easy with William, can even use a friend's William for it. May take a awhile because Nera CAing or Virgil using his active when you're already at 4 shots.

4-10 is a RNG nightmare.

4-8 and 4-9 needs a lot of CA steals so you need invested Milky/Bell/Meta/Miho.

2-10 is probably the easiest if you have the right formation.
I just stack a lot of speed totems there.

>Still no tri-color ace for my ww/thunder/light team
I'm waiting, BB.

>talking about tri-color aces when there is not complete set of decent dual-color aces

But there already is one. Silla.

>tfw no light/dark hp/reflex ace

Okay, thanks.

I can do the other 4* floors pretty easily. I don't have Didi so spirits been an issue. I tried swapping in IC Hyun and that seems like it will fix it.

>no hp/reflex ww/thunder ace

>Tfw no jund ace

Reminder that Milky is the nemesis of Silk.
Milky's ace is a direct counter to silk's.

>silk's ace : hp/reflex ww/dark
>milky's ace : hp/reflex light/ardor

The day Milky gets an EE will be the day WW gets bullied again ;_;

This is the pure and innocent edition. Please do not talk about sluts getting EEs.



Bully the Milky!

What ever happened to him?

4-10's pretty easy since you just need a gk that can tank and 3 totems such as milky, meiran, Yuri etc. Just borrow a friend willy/choi for the actual killing.

>Tfw running WW/Ardor team
>Tfw most of my team is Ardor except my Striker, GK, and Silk

Is WW just bad, or am I retarded when it comes to understanding what works?

What backline totems are you using? Most of the common strong ones are WW.

>running a ww striker
Why? What's wrong with you?

> Silla recall
> No Long/Forward passers

What one player would you guys recommend for colo or just being good in general? I'll probably just go Linmay but just wanted to hear other options.

Sammy is the only other one I would consider.

Both can hold IC for colo and have places on pvp teams depending on your colors.

>> No Long/Forward passers

It's disgusting what BB did with strikers. They made William the strongest and left him be for several months, they pocketed off a bunch of people spending money to buy William.

Then after the striker rework William became mediocre and Vonchi is the best PvP striker without a doubt. Now they're riding on people spending money to get Vonchi and they're just going to repeat the exact same process in 6-12 months when some other new hotshot legendary striker gets added.

Don't forget to recall your Silla.

That post is poorly written if the statements and context are meant to convey that suggestions for long/forward passers aren't wanted.

>well written

Stop misusing greentext you fucking retard. You're not quoting anybody, so just say "Are there any inline I should recall Silla for?"

guess I should properly punctuate and capitalize, watch my grammar and add emoticons too right

What if I'm quoting my own thoughts?

>that neris blob thing
Kek. Love it.


You mean quit through 5 club matches so you can use a ball to line up the 5 you will quit through tomorrow?

Got 150k in my box tonight. That was neat.

I'd blow him.

I do 4-10 with meta - Milky - isillia - Meiran - Vonchi, as long as both healers don't use active it's pretty clean

Are they related?
I think they are.

What stones do you use on Vonchi and do you have an SC on Milky?

Scout linmay superb y/n

I don't run SC on Milky, would if I could. Vonchis stones for 4-10 are WoM, light crit, red dribble, dark crit dmg. TB is probably better since you don't need all that crit, I'm just too cheap to change it

All cot match becomes easier with higher spu Linmay

Thanks, that's the setup I was trying to get a feel for the floor. Didn't want to redo skills and stones, but I'll try it out now.

Beatrice buffs hype !

Silk is the most gorgeous character in SS. Prove me wrong.

Irre exists

That's Shanti.

But I think we can all agree WW girls are the best.

Come round my way and I'll give you a feel for the floor, kiddo.

It's Mariel

Patch notes today ?

She's trash tho

No, Japanese version is out though.


How do you install it on droid4x?

Go grab the apk off one of the websites that does that shit

Canon main hero confirmed.

wew lad

So we've all agreed to quit if JP voices don't get added to Global, right?


I thought we all quit after the previous patch?

>not quitting after the legend patch

>try login with my com2us account

how/whered you get it


Maybe it's under maintenance, i can't log in as guest too. i hope it's not a gaijin block

JP version doesn't have S2 at all

They have latest S1 characters, e.g. Zhen Long and Irru

why would they, theyve not even had a season 1


More uniques when

>fagnus hates beatrice
As if being a fag wasn't bad enough.