Gnar is the best edition
>6.12 Patch Notes:
>6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
Gnar is the best edition
>6.12 Patch Notes:
>6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
Who else /WinNao/ here?
>E onto carry and press R
>Half their health gone before I even start attacking
Last game of my promos into Bronze 1.
Wish me luck.
>first game was uncarriable
>second game fiddle went afk
third time's the charm?
>balanced 0 cooldowns Irelia with an actual ulti
>buff his HP to actual tank status
What the fuck is rito doing
do you stream overwatch?
I love Trundle! He's my husband!
d-don't nerf him too hard riot o-onegai...
I think I know where all the touchy angsty teenagers went.
xth for foxes
And then you get CCd/enemy moves away/knocks you back and die because you can't reengage or live.
He literally only has one chance ONE chance to get in.
Like WW he needs tank stats or he is going to be a garbage in comp, only soloQ champ forever. And WW is STILL garbage in spite of his tankyness.
He's a lot riskier than Irelia.
That being said, I've been loving the Irelia FOTM. It's adorable, they actually think they can 1v1 me level 3.
>Bad at top lane
Well no helping that.
>Can chunk turrets fast
But that's ALL she does. Compare that to other top laners, most of whom also kill turrets fast.
Irelia and Jax can fuck people up 1v1 and 1v2 as well as escape
Darius, Renekton, and Pantheon can dick the enemy laner so hard they uninstall, and usually fight 1v2
Trundle just does whatever the fuck he wants
Malphite and Sion can force engages and still make decent splitters. They also have hard escapes
The only advantage Trist has over these people in regards to splitpushing is slightly faster turret kills, and some people like Jax can compete with her for that.
We've already established she's shit at doing an ADC's actual job, and she's only mediocre at doing someone else's job. Just pick a real ADC and a real splitpusher.
>tfw all they do is shit up that general with their crying about forced 50 and muh team
>tfw they've got some delusion that if you're winning too much in Overwatch, you actually start to get a damage penalty
They'll literally stop at nothing to preserve their delusions of not being shit.
>tfw play with unranked player who went fizz mid and did less damage than our alistar support
>3715 in a 35 minute game
Goddamn not getting to my promos to gold tonight it looks like.
He's actually surprisingly good in teamfights, most people don't even know you get Armor/MR from your ult. Also, once you get bork you can melt almost anything, you don't really need more than 2 damage items.
Also, if you snowball (likely) you can delete squishies before they can even Flash.
>Irelia trying to 1v1 anyone at level 3
That's not how its done, you stun away any engages and sustain up. You all in at 4 if they fuck up or 7 otherwise.
Or have both of them in the same game? If you have any of those duelists they can spot-check you or help you melt the turrets. You're going at it from a top point of view where you could have both and be pretty effective.
Hit and run tactics are Trist's bread and butter.
not really
i think most people who watched my stream found it boring :v(
plus its hard to connect with viewers if im playing in a six stack or with friends and communicating with them instead
wots this stop that katarina shouldnt cry i dont want her to be sad ;_; shes a cute lady who deserves only happiness
Xth for finally getting out of bronze then immediately losing games in silver V
Does sona have back pains?
4 and 5 are probably the worst times to 1v1 Xin.
He wasn't talking about the matchup with xin.
Sona doesn't stand, she floats everywhere so I'd say no.
I'm talking strictly what Irelia should be doing in a more general sense
Any level is the worse time to 1v1 Xin
That's why DFC is superior.
He didn't explicitly state it, but he was responding to a Xin/Irelia post so I figured that's what he was talking about.
Actually I'm fairly certain that she'd beat him level 6, in a "Final Destination No Items" scenario. The problem is that the moment she starts ulting he'll just walk back into his creep-line where she CANNOT fight him.
mine too
>You can't blame all this on a retarded playerbase
Yes I can. Every time she hits 50% average winrate she feels completely busted and dominates the meta. 48% is what a balanced Tristana looks like, similar to how Poppy and Lee Sin are still solid picks in pro games even though their winrate is below 50%.
But then you have no actual ADC and they just roll you in teamfights.
btw toned and tight midriffs
>small boobs = flat
That's not how it works.
Yea but what if she floats because her backpain would immobilizer her otherwise?
>He didn't explicitly state it
He literally said "Anyone" in his post.
>The problem is that the moment she starts ulting he'll just walk back into his creep-line where she CANNOT fight him.
Have you ever played irelia?
Sounds like you haven't.
Yes I know, I do play Xin, which is why I mentioned his crippling weakness to CC or enemy disengaging. But doesn't change the fact he NEEDS to be able to stick to people.
And this HP buff helps with that indirectly, so there certainly WAS a reason for it to happen.
xth for ruining tight and toned midriffs with a baby.
So, is Triforce Poppy actually legit? Here I was thinking it was just a meme.
Is it just straight up metagolem but replacing the IBG with TF and then more full tank items to compensate for the loss of armor?
Oh it's you. Hey.
That's true, and I'm not saying it's gonna work. Most of the time you push causing a distraction two or three dudes are gonna wander over to where you're at and try to kill you.
Surprisingly I take teleport on Trist specifically to be everywhere at once.
xth for femdom Vi. She's getting a baby, HER way.
No I don't play Irelia. I just know that when she walks into my creep-line, draws aggro then I slap her with my passive she gets destroyed.
No items means Irelia gets anally pounded by Xin's Q. His damage boosts and sustain have more uptime, he has bonus armor and mr, and he can stick her if he uses his dash after she stuns instead of dashing onto her like a retard.
Hard to say for sure though. And my general policy on Xin is just don't fucking fight him that's what he wants.
but what if she doesn't have backpain because she floats?
I actually do post about the game sometimes
It's a viable memestrat, but from a pure theorycrafting perspective, its not worth doing.
>She's getting a baby, HER way.
femdom impregnation is excellent taste.
The passive would knock off like 4 armour at this point.
And the only time Irelia will continue the chase is when she recognises she has the kill.
In which case you ult the creep wave xin is walking to and Q to a creep then kill xin, while healing off of the creep wave from ult.
Unless a wave is like 2x waves big, it just means more burst healing for irelia.
My bad, by "Final Destination No Items" I was referring to the SSB meme, equivalent to "1v1 me u won't", I didn't mean LITERALLY no items.
In my experience, Trundle and Riven can fight him, and I'm like 50/50 on Olaf (the only one I fought smashed me, but I made a colossal fuckup level 6 and I think I might've won if I hadn't).
Granted I've fallen for the meme and begun playing Ashe for when I don't get support in ranked (let's fucking face it, I never play Ashe.)
I play the game too. Just in a very very low ELO.
>Castlevania music
I'm really not sure what makes you think she can 1v1 Xin in a minion wave even with her ult. Hell even without the Armor Pen passive I'd be skeptical if she could. And once he finishes Ghostblade she loses pretty much all hope of every 1v1'ing him.
Mind posting IGN?
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Yes it is. Try it by yourself. Is either TF or BC.
>tfw losing streak
>usually from literally one lane on my team feeding hardcore
>finally win a game
>I do fucking horrid in it though
Its like I just didn't get to have fun tonight.
his point was that being in a minion wave is an advantage for her(ult healing offsets minion damage) rather than for xin
I know I was just generalizing items to give roughly the same power to the champs, assuming they aren't building purely to counter each other.
Honestly, I think the outcome of that fight depends on how much of Irelia's W time is spent autoattacking. If her W isn't going Xin will shit on her for sure.
He's actually pretty cancerous with a TF+TH tank build, instagibs squishies well through midgame with hydra active right after your Q and outsustains pretty much anything else
Who needs ELO when you have super tight waifus
>Get less shit for playing Sion support than I do Taliyah support
and by less shit I mean it's literally never been brought up once outside of confirming I'm actually going to play Sion support.
fuck I even got less shit the one time I went Darius support.
Is it just that everyone blindly believes plebbit that Taliyah is terribad and it's hip to hate on her?
because she's literally zyra2 as support, with more focus on death combos and slows than poke and roots
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I tried it out and I felt like she was a little squishier and that I had less waveclear, but that may have been my fault becuase I got excited and rushed TF instead of sunfire.
>more death combos than zyra
is this really possible? if you land a root with zyra you're going to rqww and erase them if they were remotely chunked
She only heals 10% on minions, that's what 9-10 health per minion? And the ult-width is pretty thin, I can't see it hitting more than 2-3 minions at a time. All in all she'd only be healing slightly more than the minions hitting her would be doing, meanwhile there's a Xin Fucking Zhao who just ulted her and is now ramping up his Q on her fat ass.
>play ap urgot support
>both teams give me shit
>end up being the only reason we win because rylais on urgot is bullshit to play against
Sion support is legit bro.
Also fuck patches, haven't gotten into my promo yet.
Go Sheen/Phage > Cinder > TF/BC.
>That feeling when you smash QWER with auto cast on and get a double kill
The new trinity seems like a decent get on Xin.
I'd never get it before the recent changes and I wouldn't rush it though.
By the way fellow XinAnon, have you ever had the orgasmic joy of running Xin bot lane? It's surprisingly doable. Works best with Taric, Leona, or Braum.
e+w combo with thunderlords will literally take 80% off an ADC if you max e first.
He's really fun as support yeah
It seems unlikely that sona has spent her entire adult life floating
>changed tripcode because everyone was filtering you
fucking sad lmao. back into the filter you go
I want to hold Lulu.
just filter the name instead? that way you even see why you made that filter
>Someone getting hit by Tali W + E.
>still replying
Lmao bronze shitter.
There's actually a very good theory that Sona is dead and it's actually her Etwahl that's possessed her.
Makes sense if she's mute.
Id. :-DDDD
It's an expensive as fuck item and only like half of it is useful.
>Sheen component
Xin's ideal combo is using all of your abilities as soon as fucking possible, if you wait 2 seconds for the Sheen to ramp up again you're losing damage. You want to W ASAP for the AS, you want to Q ASAP for the knockup, and your Ult does %Current HP so you want to use that ASAP too. Ideally you want to hold onto your E in case they try to run, but that's a luxury that doesn't happen often. All in all you only get like one sheen proc off per combo.
Seems good on paper, but the MS boost really isn't all that special. If someone Flashes away from you it's not really gonna help at all.
Only good component.
You'd be better off going Ghostblade IMO, the flat Armor Pen early is fucking massive paired with your passive. I haven't played him Bot yet, want to hit Gold before I start memeing.
>still being a wetback shitter who literally enjoys getting told to fuck off
>changes trip because constantly needs attention
She will just kill him.
Anything not a tank and not trundle can more or less just be 100-0'd by Irelia with 1 part of trinity after her powerspikes.
You could even just bait out xin ult by doing enough burst without ulting.
I'm in love with Swain
not in a homo way
the lux posting last thread has me on a lux kick
What are you saying about patches? There's no patch happening
what if she doesn't float her whole body but just her chest, which is why she doesn't wear a bra?
>not playing renekton/nami bot
Please go back to /owg/. You are so pathetic.
Somewhat this
Chances are she can use her floaty powers to prop her chest up too.
Look I'm not trying to turn this into an elo dick measuring contest, but would you mind posting your IGN? I've seen at least half a dozen Irelia's, all of them have tried 1v1'ing me, all of them have died horrible deaths. You seem to have an exaggerated opinion of Irelia, she's not THAT good.
so what else do you guys even play when you're not playing league? i'm looking for something new to play but literally everything else in the f2p market is shit
His CD's come up often enough he'll get the proc, and his base AD is good. I happen to have a thing for Phage, one of my favorite items.
Ghostblade is 420% a better rush and basically made for Xin. I'm just saying I could see it working better than it used to.
his trip wasn't secret
I'll reply as many times as I want. And since you seem to enjoy it so much, here's one for you.
Fuck off tomoka.
>needs to change trip because constantly ignored and filtered
No seriously, fuck off.
If you like Phage I feel like Cleaver would be a better buy. All in all Triforce isn't bad on him, but you could get better for a lot cheaper. Also FUCK the Sheen build-path, no I don't want to blow 1050 on some mana.
So, how DO you play Sion Support? Sounds fun.
I like how you keep asking for mine without even posting your own though.
I don't know how anyone really loses to xin in lane, he feels absurdly weak before finishing an item.
>tfw you grab sonas tits but don't feel the sensation of their hefty weight because she's floating them
You get the sheen component last
The thing with Cleaver is it works against your passive (both are less effective if you stack them), and it doesn't give attack speed and Xin loves his attack speed
>Weak early
you've never faced an even slightly competent Xin. He's risky to play early, but not weak.
I got home about two hours ago and didn't get on League immediately, so I have to update still.
Lux is a good choice. No qualms about it.
I've been going through my backlog of games like The Witcher, Hyrule Warriors (Wii U), Remember Me, and I'm about to get though Transistor and Toren.
As for F2P I play Warframe, HotS, Hearthstone, and other MMOs.
IGN Rasklapanje (I'll save you time I'm Silver 1).
Going through your match history it looks like you've never really played the Irelia/Xin matchup in the last couple weeks. Wasn't trying to turn it into an elo dick measuring contest like I said, just that I think you're severely underestimating Xin without ever having laned against one.
I hope that cute user decides to do it again and take lots of cute pictures for us!
Abuse the thing where if you Q in the bush they can't see it.
Even if you Q in the open they often can't afford to punish you because there's someone else in your lane
Scream minions at them for targon stacks
>constantly ignored and filtered
>by a literal who
>meanwhile I'm just telling people how to Poppy
Just how MAD are you? Stop shitposting, no amount of rage and mad from a silver random shitter is going to make me leave. Discuss League, not about the fucking poster. My last (you) for (you).
>you will never ever be this triggered
will Overshit have their own auto ban tribunal