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fist for a non-flora thread celebration

Now that's what I call true love.


Azura is shit

Oooooh. A certain french shitposter is gonna be feeling that one.

>not flora
>not azura
>not severa
Is it Christmas already?


I don't know, but it's something
I like it

I'm barfing

I love Oboro!

Spell it with me lads


Why are enemies in Birthright so pathetic?

I don't even care if this is a attempt-to-trigger-belkaanon thread, it's a change of pace that feels good for some reason


This is Severa.
She's the cutest girl in all of Ylisse and Nohr.

Let's keep the ball rolling fellas



Maybe I'm in the minority but I felt like shit when I chose Hoshido over Nohr


I love Pieri!
To be fair, he's using a Blessed Lance.


>all she does is call me names and make me buy her stuff
Don't know what I did to piss her off but I don't like this parasitic relationship


Isn't that the map where enemies have weird stats? Like no def generals, high def swordmasters, etc.


>mod to make other eye visible
I want this

That's the chapter with the enemies with the wonky stats, that General may well have 0 defense.


This is now an Arthur x Beruka thread. Post Arthur x Beruka art or even make some new ones. Don't be intimidated by shitposters.

>marrying a tsun
What the fuck did you think was gonna happen?

>No Oboro/Peri support

Missed opportunity desu. Oboro loves fashion and Peri loves girly and cute things so they have some common ground to talk about stuff. Plus spear fighter Peri would be pretty good.

A little more dere and a little less tsun
I mean, it'd be nice to not get called a name every 10 minutes every once in a while, or better yet, her tell me she loves me

IS can't write women for shit so the support probably would have sucked honestly.

Is there anybody Beruka WON'T fuck?
Other than beta French faggots

Azura a literal shit

Peri would just further enable her racism.

Azura is your lovely canon wife who gives you two beautiful children that will carry on your legacy.

I see drill is here again

I want Oboro/ Leo.

>Leo wants to look cool
>Forrest wants to look pretty

hurr durr calm down flora"pal"!

Azura and Flora are both very pretty and attractive young women.

You wanted a spiteful bitch (modern tsun) and not a woman that slowly grows to love you (classic tsun, though it's not actually limited to tsunderes and even the classic ones are abusive shits like Tharja).

>Don't be intimidated by shitposters.
This shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Poor Vate got blasted by Berukafag and his defense force just for posting drawing a few days ago. It's not right that Beruka doesn't get to get any new art due to autistic shitposters. Most people here agree that Arthur is her best support, and vice versa. Fanart should be able to reflect that.

But no, you must not hurt some autist faggots feelings. Fuck that. Pic related is what would really happen if a loser like he who shall not be named were to even try to talk to Beruka.

You make her pay you back with her body, user.

fuck off, drill

>caring what shitposters think
Hot spicy new Beruka x Camilla. Fresh off the presses.


Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Then why not just marry Charlotte? She's much nicer and has abs you can lick.

Don't even feed the autism with derisive replies or else you will make your imoutos very sad and disappointed.

I wouldn't be bothered by fan art of Belka with other guys, if the responses to it wouldn't be 20 'BTFO/lol rekt/chickensound' posts.

Agreed. Pieri would be instantly sympathetic to Oboro's lack of parents, and they'd hit off from there. And, in addition to Spear Fighter Pieri, Oboro could get Cavalier, Elbow Room, and other Cav line abilities without marrying Silas. But I can forgive it, since Oboro's support with Belka has plenty of background for them.

I just wanted a good tsundere...
I chose wrong, apparently. Hell, she just got even more worked up/sad for some reason when I confronted
She hasn't even wanted to have sex, even after we got married.

Two of my imoutos are dead and the other lusts after COOOOOOCKS, they are of no consequence.

Kill yourself already drill

Post cute Beruka pairings.





I honestly would rather see Oboro get a conversation with someone who isn't such a one-note-gimmick shitter.

She's a disgusting and ugly whore just like her nonexistent faggot son.

What is even the point of playing this anymore.

How about Flora?
They can talk about how much they hate Nohr together.

I know it's contradictory.
Iliked Selena, but after we got married it's like she a seething hate for me grew inside er


Do not bully your canon waterwife and son.

She's the canon wife as much as Lyn is yours. No, you're not Hector.

But she's my advisor.
And Shigure is just a friend.

Is it Hard?


Who is the Hector to Shitzurafags? Arthur?

Is that birthright dragon castle?

Sorry, but IS has already made the decision that you are going to canonically have a cute barefoot family whether you like it or not.

Should I pair up a lot or not in Fates?

>fist have a weapon rank
I never really noticed until now. A bit silly it is. Which difficulty are you playing?

>wake up

>Tfw love Shiggy Diggy but don't like Azura


Oh wow, a year later a second person decided to draw that pairing.

What difficulty are you on?

desu I found it weird how generic Nohrian mooks don't get skills until near the end but Faceless have skills a lot earlier.

Same. DLC made me love Shiggy but I hated the Azura force ghost shit.

>wake up
>start shitposting

beruka is shit

who cares


i dont

i dont care

use have to use both attack and defense stances at the right times,never send a unit by themselves

Are you really expecting anything else at this point?

>liking a deadpan retard
Even a corpse has more personality than that piece of shit.


unless that unit is Cumilla/spoiler]

Will we ever get Martial Artists in FE?
I mean, fists do have a weapon rank now.

That was a complete waste of time
Hard but only because I played Conquest first and I didn't want to do the first 6 chapters again

>anti-berukabro standards



Is Beluga a good mom for the fujo?

figures,I'm doing Lunatic right now and I'm fighting tougher enemies on 11,which I really could use some help with

You mean, who is the character that Azura is pushed with? Gee, I dunno user, that's a great question.


>waifufags supposedly dont want to be bullied and just want to be left alone
>they all run around screaming HEY HEY LOOK AT MEEEEE with KICK ME signs on their backs

Just an invitation for trouble my friend.

I don't even know why I asked what difficulty since you are playing Birthright. Coming from Conquest, the game is much lax in the difficulty aspect.

Who the dominant one in that relationship? Takumi or Azura?