Akali is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: EU LCS Edition
>6.12 Patch Notes:
>6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
Join us in the /lolg/ stream, find the link on Eyoson !
Akali is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: EU LCS Edition
>6.12 Patch Notes:
>6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:
Join us in the /lolg/ stream, find the link on Eyoson !
1st for dead game
tell me about vayne why does he wear a mask?
Vladfag i miss you pls take me back...
xth for Anivia is a sexy
>client is still shit even on lan
wew Daryl is buff
what would you do in this situation:
>you land your preffered role ,in this case it's jungle
>mid laner picks a shitty jungler and picks smite, says he's gonna jungle
Lets say he's not joking. What do you do?
dr mundo, im adc
>tfw I'm not turned on by this but have to admit it's well drawn.
crashing this rift
you know, sometimes some dude on the enemy team picks ziggs
and then im reminded of how shitcanning him was probably the best decision riot ever made
For the first time in forever lolg OP is not some "Random Champion something something best edition thread." I can get used yo this.
You can fuck right off
I used to do that to Zed. I don't trust anyone with those two champions.
That was after 15min of queue
deded gem
pick nunu and still jungle
If I can't have fun
No one can
this desu
or just pick shaco, steal their red and counterjungle for the entire game and never gank
Go mid and carry
Ran into a yasuo main who was absolutely convinced he was better than me last night because his team won but he went negative as fuck while I maintained 0 deaths throughout the whole game.
I was anivia.
I refuse to negotiate or conform to terrorist threats
>Akali is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Jesus Christ.
I like picking Anivia into a Yasuo because 9/10 I can guarantee that I'm a better at Anivia than they are at Yasuo.
i dont get it
please, elaborate
Wat that isnt even a good pick what happens when he slides thru the wall and hisagis ur dumb bird face
Dont you just get fucked at like 1-5
>When you dumpster Yasuos with champs he's supposed to shit on because 99% of Yasuo players are retarded and have no sense of awareness or self-preservation.
>League is finally living out its final moments
I didn't think I'd live to see this day.
only Flash can go through azir wall
Vlad is for marriage
>pick nunu
>have Nunubot
>have Mastery 7
>constantly spam laugh and mastery emote while taking every single camp from him
>follow him everywhere until he ragequites or runs down mid
>if he quits stay at base and spam emote and laugh as a message
>if he runs down mid just stay at the edge of the screen spamming laugh and emote
That's pretty well done tbqh
>losing hard as fuck to rengar in laning phase
>farm until hydra
>1v2 rengar+khazix
Damn son
I very rarely ever do that, but I was working on mastery since she's close to mastery 5 for me.
There is nothing dumber than performing your combo 100% right only to get it negated with his FREE windwall while your combo chunks through your mana.
Essentially, he can dash for days and take pot shots for free but then you can't do shit, even with glacial storm available, the E+R combo is hit hard just as much.
I normally pick Azir into Yasuo because he doesn't give a shit about the windwall and his ult can tell Yasuo to fuck off should he go for something.
Stop ignoring me
Is Corki good again?
get filtered fag
remove your trip and maybe he/she/it will talk to you again
Yes my friend I too am a superior bird player he gives raggetoni the ghost poker special and at worst can just farm from max distance for free
My trip is related to content creation purposes pls do not shit post rule 11
you can fuck right off
anivia deserves a cute shota she can mother
wait do people still play?
haven't played since season 4, is zed still broken and ranked absolute shit?
>stealing another baron with my hook
reminder that Thresh is balanced and his kit is perfect
Yes and yes
I don't pick it because it's a good matchup. I pick it because I'm good at Anivia and most Yasuos are dogshit.
what content creation?
ur shit at the game so nobody cares?
What do I do after I throw the fish with Fizz? Go in with Q or E?
Q is you're close enough, E if you aren't. If you're close enough for Q, basically save E for if they retaliate.
xth for cassfag a boosted animal
can't win on most broken midlaner
WHY would anyone click on this
Why is the twitch chat going crazy about azir getting zerkers? Wernt they buffed?
Speaking of which, what is the AS cap?
gg :(
First of all im one of thr best 1v1 players in lolg history second if you dont know what ive done this is clearly your first summer try again "-)
They may pick the cancer but u r the tru yasuo main at heart
>literally abusing the most broken mage for several patches to get your welfare plat
>expecting me to do well against fullblown cancer as an immobile and squishy champion without any way to fight back against oppression of that kind
bg no re
>only 2 damage items on vlad
Why is this a thing? I even see pros do it. Wouldnt having insane ap be broken on vlad?
jokes on u i've been here longer than u
ur actually the worst trip of all time, i'd take the avatarfags back any day
Not really. Health and survivability are more important because of your passive, your short range, and the fact that two of your spells cost health.
vlad is strong in the right comp but can't carry on his own unless he's FAR better than everyone else
cass on the other hand can
as seen by winrates
>most broken mage
that would be swain, malz or cass, vlad is onyl good in 5v5 competitive
hell no, im just here to shitpost
Well thats something new for me to try.
Though he misses out on magic pen, even with void staff every little bit of power helps, but attack speed should cap.
also yeah they got +5%
Lol not even close bubby im one of the originals. Turns out some people lurk b4 posting u shud try it haha xD
Ty tho im going for bottom 3 wait till my next attention grab stunt wew
and i was here before you
stay plat!
Then it makes sense. That AS is going to help more now than the pen unless they got like 3 tanks.
how about the champions are still like 80% of them unplayable?
I mained Urgot, did he improve anything in these 2 years?
Vlad is far better at handling tumors like Fizz due to having access to his bloodpool and being able to build tanky, meanwhile Cass can't do shit against Fizz' bullcrap. He has complete free reign over her and can delete her anytime he feels like it without any risk of being punished, he's completely out of control.
I love Sona!
How do i farm with lux after 20? After teamfights start and everyone groups i cant get more than 50 farm every 10 minutes or i'm afraid my team will get caught.
should have asked to laneswap then
and should have snowballed after lane
Lol? Ok
Iv been waiting to gatekeep nazz but his mmr isnt high enough i want me ashot at 1v2ing him n charles
they have 3 tanks.
I guess the logic is that "this kills the squishies faster"
>Late game Jhin and Azir
My sides
you've never broken above plat u can't gatekeep anyone LOL stay shit
stop feeding the tripfag, jesus
Sona a cute
>play yi
>feed all game
>get a quadra from sheer luck
>"Yi is so broken gg no skill champ OP"
why do people like this exist
maybe you can ask a fast farming teammate to help you or just plain out take the farm
Oh hm well im guessing more rylais procs and ya, kill squishes faster.
>Gillius is literally paid to be a jungler in the LCS
>League is no longer the most popular game in Korea
>competitive scene will die in ~2 years because its impossible to know who is actually good anymore because of dynamic queue
>balancing has been a joke since S3 yet somehow gets even worse every year
>riot alienating solo players for silver tier "b-but i play with muh friends XD" shitters, rank will mean absolutely nothing soon because all of the good players are leaving for Dota and overwatch
how does it feel?
Man I feel like feeding on Yi is a legit strat, people will forget about you untill you penta.
I always get fucked up the ass by 4 ults when im fed as yi
pink a flank and hug it, 1 shot caster creeps with ludens E
Because Yi is a broken no skill champ.
Wow u r new did u even opgg first wtf lol
Riot is taking out the retards in the game little by little.
Everything is good.
feels good man, I'm glad this shitfest of a game is over
if you just run the numbers AS gives more dps than pen, and you can do calculations like this since azir is a dps champ
sorry forgot u hit d5 in s4 because ur incapable of climbing past that l ol!
dude lookin like Brainiac over here
Lulu has a smelly pussy!
I hate winning by doing absolutely nothing.
stop playing toplane
well then maybe you should stop sniffing your own farts up in the top lane
>Top Lane.jpg
>full tank champions getting 100-0d in less than the duration of a hard cc spell that can be a point and click one
How am I supposed to have fun