/twg/ - Total War General

stupid sexy saxon edition

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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

>not ANSCHLUSS edition



white power

>fail 49% assassinate 6 turns in a row
>turn 7 crit fail

>group attack
>quest battle teleport

>full stack of VC, half trash to tie up units, half good stuff
>fight 1 hp franz and 1 hp gelt
>power balance is 50/50


How the hell do you kill this fucker? He just dances through my entire fucking battle lines all day long.

Taken Moscow as Sweden because the dookies decided to declare war on me. None of their allies joined. Stupid dookies

>Weekly mods video
>Mousillanon gets a place
>Radious isn't even mentioned

After 3 years I realise I don't really have any of the FotS Clan packs except the Tsu for whatever reason. Any of the clans worth it?

First for the rich forestry of Chaos Spawn rear ends

>you'll never be dp by an orc and a beastman

>marinberg's last army containes about 100 men
>auto resolve
>their general runes away with 1 hp
>*le sigh*
>attack him again
>fight battle
>lone 1 hp general start running towards my army
>double right click him guy with franz on pegasus
>franz swoops down and kicks him in the head
>enemy general goes flying
>instant end battle
>start laughing hysterically

I saved the replay. I should record it and upload a webm.

>starting the first campaign
holy shit this weird chick is annoying

>months after playing
Her voice is so soothing

>tfw playing so much Shogun that friends and family asking why I am speaking with a weird accent.

I should just learn Japanese shouldn't I?

>>*le sigh*

Is this supposed to be bait or something?

my lord, victory will SOON be yo'se


>check sieging army to see how a sally would go
>literally all cavalry, most of it ranged
>VC garrison has no cavalry



bats > any ranged cav or ranged unit

Fuck off Gelt, worst start other than Kemmler.

What's the most reddit faction /twg/?

My vote goes for "LE ORCS" die humies xD

>Not using Molay's Magic Mod


Kremmlin has a decent start, but he just get's overshadowed by Mannchild

Night elves

>*le sigh*
Delete it while you have the chance.

"Dat's one 4 da books" xD "Settle le grudge at all costs" Xp

caught you :3

i'm cringing

Empire, most autistic faction by far

>Inb4 le butthurt man-thing xD

>play campaign as bret
>pretty funsies, cant wait for ca to release the real thing
>start seiging city
>realize I have no good infantry

oh... do i just need to bring 5 trebuchets? Too bad you can construct mass seige towers but not projectile seige weapons while you are beseiging a city

So I'm gonna try Empire on legendary again. What should my strategy be? Do I only cap the first town then spend the first 30 turns building my economy, then raise 2 armies? Do I just start capping a ton of shit and if I have 2 full stacks no one will war me?

Every faction that isn't Pontus

Just like any other lord, high damage, high armor penetration units.

So basically your own lord, heroes, canons or great weapons





fucks sake

more tww meems


Literally a meme faction

Cluster everyone on him like honeybees on hornets, he'll die of overheating


Pls someone make edit

>le butthurt man-thing

butthurt rat babby detected

You're wrong.

Skaven are the deviantart faction.

butthurt man-thing detected

Depends which faction, If Britain then build a navy and blockade the french ports then throw two stacks at spain. Prussia is basically slogging through Poland and getting Austria to attack the independent states.

Either you don't know he's talking about Warhammer or I'm reading his post wrong.
When someone writes Empire I'm always confused

What is the point of these enormous unit sizes in Darthmod for FotS? It is next to impossible to make good use of your units cause there's not enough space for these huge lines of infantry.

And no matter how hard you try your line infantry will be 3 lines deep, I'm not even sure the backrow is firing, even with kneel fire.

Either use lots of trebuchets or download the mods that add dismounted brettonian knights to the game.

>dismounted brettonian knights

>add dismounted brettonian knights

Radious pls go

why do you need a trip? Fuck off and die, even Mousillionbro didn't use a trip

I want to have a threesome with them

>that pic
River Trolls confirmed?

he also posted that he used to use radious, can't get any worse

Why does Snarkeesian look like she's in her 50s? She's barely 30.


Shes a jewess.

I don't like her at all but come on, that's not what women in their 50s look like, she looks 30.

I'm pretty sure she's not.

Armenians are jew-lite


Feminism, not even once

Have a better taste, why dont you?

>tfw civ is more significantly popular than TW

why guys, I can't even enjoy that game it just seems so..... shallow

>Spot the rat: Begginer edition

This fucking post is EXACTLY why Skaven are the most reddit.

That's the problem user
I got a thing for average girls.

>it just seems so..... shallow

Worse yet, it's shallower.

There's a trend with games that the mechanics need to be puddle deep for people to understand them.

>tfw this single tank was the only participant out of thousands that didn't route and took about 4 minutes to destroy

use ~8 man-at-arms
4 trebuchets
2 pegasus knights
1 general on a pegasus
Use the pegasi to harass enemy soldiers on the walls while your trebuchets knock down the walls and certain towers

maybe that's why I love this series so much, it's one of the few that's not streamlining itself and making the games more casual friendly

the only civ worth playing was heavily modded civ 3

I've had to redo this fucking first battle so many times due to legendary emp requiring restarts I've become an expert at it.

It's happening with TW just a lot slower.

Total War Warhammer crack when???


Isn't civ a lot more shallow than total war?

Are you just kiting with ranged units and rear charging with reiksgaurd?

thats xer point

Map painting is something any pleb can do, real time battles are just too hard.

Ah, ok then. It's not a problem, user. Go for it.

Having tried to write a simple suggestion for stonehearth and those retards on the steam forums not being able to understand it made me realize how completely fucking retarded the majority of the population is so it's no surprise that it's been so that they dumbed it down even more and that total war is too complicated for most of these ADHD instant and constant gratification mouth breathers.

>Skaven: The post

Oh, right. I misread.

>tfw want to try an empire campaign but can't be fucked finishing my vamps campaign that has ~50 turns left
>don't want to go in without finishing it because then I'll never finish it and I don't want to play another vamp campaign

Life is hard

Do we have an estimated date on a possible TWW patch? Multiplayer is so unbalanced it's retarded.

Plebs can't ever hope to understand Radious mod.

Why is Chaos so shit?

>it's one of the few that's not streamlining itself and making the games more casual friendly
fuck off shill

>Removed formations
>Removed nearly all unit skills
>Removed dismounting option (MAY be GW's fault)
>Removed all troublesome campaign aspects
>Multiplayer battles slowly turning into a shitty MOBA

I took a break from my vamp camp to do an orc one, and then I went back to the vamps and enjoyed it a lot.

Guys I finally got Shogun 2, what mods should I get? Anything essential? And I only have the base games, none of the DLC

What's with the low kills with your black knights?

Vanilla. There are no essential mods for S2.

Last roll was Azhag. Got buttrammed from all directions because my WAAGHs all fell to interceptions

Rerolling plz no chaos

>what mods should I get
you don't really need any really

>tfw total war is significantly more popular than grand strategy games

why guys, I can't even enjoy that game it just seems so... shallow