>tfw major is finance
>tfw I have no idea what the hell is going on
Am I fucked? Graduate next year
Tfw major is finance
invest in $KNPD
pls no I lost like 6k within the past year because of Veeky Forums
Shut up.
Welcome to being an adult.
Theres only one thing you can do: Study, study, study.
Then, when you are nearing completion of your degree, apply apply apply to all the jobs.
lol nice meme degree, you could probably make $16/h as a bank teller
>Am I fucked?
That's not a useful degree, and there's (almost) nothing it will specifically get you into.
The point of finance (and a few others) is just to have *a* degree.
>Graduate next year
You're successfully passing a barrier that weeds out screw-ups and the inept.
Well its a major in high demand so there's that. Question though, as a finance major how much math do you use? I understand basic math is obviously needed, but I'm majoring in the same thing and I never been good in anything about algebra and geometry. I think calculus is a requirement for me at some point for the major
*above algebra and geometry
No one in finance or studying it knows anything about finance. You will be fine.