>turnfighting MiG-17 and 15bises is my Ki-200 >upsquadded Tu-4 approaches our battle >get oneshotted that's it for today
Dominic Morgan
fair enough
Ryder Hall
>reddit Filter out the place we get most of the actual information about changes to the game from?
Plus, then you'd miss Pockrts shenanigans!
Luke Mitchell
also /gumby/i
Austin Jones
Parker Thompson
Lucas Murphy
good one fuckfaces
Asher Evans
Ut in justo sed lectus tincidunt euismod. Mauris ac enim auctor dolor convallis suscipit a in risus. Quisque tincidunt, dolor vel malesuada consequat, magna tellus elementum dui, in venenatis justo mi pellentesque arcu. Etiam diam sem, egestas sed fermentum vitae, facilisis eget sapien. Mauris dignissim, massa ac facilisis auctor, nisi dolor aliquam leo, a scelerisque mauris augue vitae turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce risus odio, facilisis eu felis sit amet, aliquet fringilla neque. Pellentesque sit amet consequat leo, eget cursus urna. Ut mollis lacus tincidunt facilisis cursus. Aliquam eget sapien felis. Proin nec fringilla felis, non mattis diam. Proin semper dui tellus, sed mollis urna facilisis a. Praesent vitae justo ac neque maximus dignissim tincidunt egestas ipsum. Proin sit amet nisi eros. Phasellus sapien eros, scelerisque vel varius sit amet, vulputate vel justo.
Nulla commodo enim et condimentum rhoncus. Aliquam in condimentum urna, sit amet pharetra tellus. Phasellus dignissim euismod orci, ac porta dolor fermentum et. Nulla nec erat posuere, viverra tellus sed, tempus urna. Curabitur et tincidunt lectus, eu interdum sem. Vestibulum molestie neque et nulla dictum condimentum. Mauris nunc purus, ullamcorper vel sodales vel, vulputate vitae mauris. Vestibulum ut augue eget tellus mollis posuere. Etiam consequat malesuada condimentum. Duis in ultricies lorem.
Curabitur vehicula tempus elit id ultricies. Nulla facilisi. Ut porttitor imperdiet semper. Fusce scelerisque sed augue non dignissim. Mauris gravida sodales egestas. Mauris tempus facilisis faucibus. Nunc eu suscipit arcu. Pellentesque magna dui, mattis et viverra a, condimentum sodales nunc. Etiam nec maximus orci. Etiam nisi neque, vestibulum nec pulvinar eu, elementum et lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut id purus quis purus fringilla consectetur ac hendrerit.
John Cooper
Donec dignissim efficitur dui et vehicula. Aenean interdum blandit nunc ut auctor. In ut tortor ac diam sodales pretium a feugiat urna. Proin volutpat, dui quis gravida porttitor, enim felis rhoncus dolor, sit amet hendrerit eros massa vel turpis. Sed placerat eget ligula malesuada finibus. Phasellus imperdiet augue libero, sed volutpat nisi placerat lobortis. In ornare convallis eros nec finibus. Fusce interdum odio eget porttitor laoreet. Morbi quis massa sit amet felis convallis aliquet. In eu enim elit. Pellentesque egestas auctor ligula. Cras facilisis lectus ut convallis ultricies. Nullam id pretium turpis, sit amet elementum neque.
Nullam ac posuere urna, id facilisis lectus. Curabitur sed sem sapien. Suspendisse molestie dolor et bibendum laoreet. Curabitur vestibulum, magna eget accumsan rhoncus, magna mi varius ligula, quis ultrices ipsum turpis non erat. Nam non tortor purus. Praesent est arcu, malesuada sit amet massa non, sollicitudin fermentum arcu. Fusce quis pulvinar urna. Nam pellentesque sit amet lacus eget rutrum. Cras massa ligula, porttitor eu volutpat a, auctor vel ipsum. Nam egestas eu urna nec fermentum.
Aenean a commodo risus. Aenean placerat pharetra pellentesque. Vestibulum scelerisque semper accumsan. Quisque finibus nunc vel sapien dapibus, eu blandit est condimentum. Vivamus eget mauris ut urna eleifend consequat et et arcu. Phasellus sagittis fringilla nisl a vestibulum. Phasellus vel vulputate turpis. Donec scelerisque massa ante, vel pulvinar nisl placerat nec. Donec in rhoncus est, in vestibulum mauris. Curabitur hendrerit lorem at scelerisque facilisis. Nullam scelerisque eleifend velit, eu tincidunt mauris finibus in.
Duis sit amet facilisis tortor. Suspendisse id sodales massa. Morbi condimentum eleifend est at ornare. Etiam ullamcorper consectetur dapibus. Aliquam at vestibulum leo, sit amet commodo mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean nullam sodales.
Luke Baker
*chucks spear*
Jack Howard
Jace Wright
Mauris maximus eu eros sit amet semper. Integer vel efficitur sem, congue efficitur elit. Maecenas eget dignissim erat. Curabitur elementum auctor tempor. Cras pellentesque libero ex, sit amet hendrerit nunc auctor non. Sed scelerisque pellentesque leo eget condimentum. Donec vel tempus metus. In lectus sapien, viverra sed varius nec, tincidunt ut eros. Sed vel dui at felis lobortis pharetra eu sit amet tortor. Nulla auctor enim nec ante sagittis fringilla. Nullam sodales nunc eget nulla euismod dignissim. Etiam odio purus, hendrerit quis magna eu, dapibus rutrum felis. Ut quis gravida mi.
Phasellus placerat aliquet urna, eget convallis justo eleifend eu. Phasellus ac maximus urna. Nam pretium in nisl non suscipit. Etiam vulputate, nulla ut ornare fringilla, purus arcu pulvinar purus, in dignissim metus mauris ut metus. Phasellus turpis massa, varius vel tellus nec, ultrices bibendum leo. Sed laoreet ligula vitae orci imperdiet, ac egestas felis iaculis. Ut mi ante, egestas eget mauris id, condimentum porta sapien. Sed in urna luctus, bibendum nisi id, sodales leo. Phasellus a aliquet enim. Vivamus dictum pellentesque egestas. Mauris orci enim, maximus at vulputate sit amet, commodo vel erat. Vivamus quis faucibus metus. Aliquam iaculis quis sem ac blandit. Ut non pulvinar nisl. Aliquam vel venenatis sapien. Quisque sit amet commodo dui.
Phasellus laoreet luctus orci semper lobortis. Phasellus dignissim, sapien vitae malesuada lobortis, nisi nulla laoreet metus, sit amet posuere odio ex vitae augue. Quisque a risus sit amet velit bibendum convallis vel sit amet mi. Sed vel enim ligula. Phasellus dictum dapibus mi eget aliquam. Proin urna elit, finibus ac neque eu, sollicitudin tincidunt tortor. Duis lacinia ullamcorper sodales. Integer interdum fringilla erat, a tempor nisi elementum vitae. Phasellus ex libero, varius tempor pellentesque quis, hendrerit nec sem. Donec eleifend purus ligula. Sed accumsan sit amet mauris vitae consequat. Maecenas orci aliquam.
Juan Ward
Jason Morales
Donec nec dictum augue. Donec nisl nisi, efficitur eget ex a, euismod viverra lorem. Quisque ullamcorper metus nec elit iaculis, vel vulputate orci egestas. Ut nisi tortor, sagittis eu mauris sit amet, facilisis luctus arcu. Nullam ac arcu ligula. Nam eu massa elit. Mauris eget pellentesque purus. Curabitur bibendum odio libero, sit amet mattis risus commodo suscipit.
Donec faucibus porta lorem ut ultrices. Fusce purus justo, finibus ac lectus et, pretium egestas quam. Pellentesque aliquam, orci vitae laoreet posuere, dolor risus iaculis mi, id pellentesque libero velit tristique sapien. Phasellus tempus facilisis dolor, eget accumsan augue pretium in. Sed faucibus libero at consectetur eleifend. Fusce ac convallis leo. Quisque bibendum nunc vel tincidunt facilisis. Praesent nulla mi, pharetra quis placerat eu, volutpat nec urna. Ut vitae rutrum nibh. In elementum, elit sodales vehicula porta, magna lacus hendrerit dui, gravida euismod lacus eros nec urna. Ut ut velit nec quam posuere tincidunt sed et augue.
Sed semper lobortis tortor non tincidunt. Ut lobortis lectus id iaculis lobortis. Vivamus lacinia faucibus eros, vitae eleifend justo auctor id. Ut non ligula ligula. Nulla vitae odio tristique, tempus odio vel, pellentesque libero. Vestibulum aliquet eleifend pulvinar. Nullam laoreet leo luctus pharetra pulvinar. Phasellus sodales ipsum sed ligula varius suscipit. Quisque et sapien felis. Pellentesque condimentum, nibh nec interdum viverra, felis tellus hendrerit magna, a laoreet dui lorem sed tellus. Proin aliquet erat at est sagittis, id ullamcorper nisl sagittis. Fusce consequat tellus id suscipit eleifend.
Sed ullamcorper laoreet nisl. Maecenas fringilla vel arcu non efficitur. Donec tellus magna, tempor at dolor vel, porttitor posuere felis. Nunc dignissim dui in pulvinar rhoncus. Maecenas urna dolor, suscipit vel euismod in, gravida non felis. Nam accumsan est sit amet magna condimentum sollicitudin. Vivamus elementum erat vitae ligula iaculis sed.
Matthew Jackson
Jayden Sullivan
Integer vestibulum, nisi ut ultrices volutpat, enim risus malesuada ipsum, id tincidunt justo leo sit amet leo. Etiam quis lorem et enim pulvinar gravida vitae et erat. Donec in est finibus, rutrum diam in, fermentum libero. Praesent tincidunt sagittis lectus vitae dignissim. Quisque velit sapien, blandit non libero sit amet, ultrices lacinia mauris. Aliquam egestas, est bibendum tincidunt sodales, nisi magna sagittis dolor, ac efficitur libero magna a purus. Aliquam nec mauris enim. Maecenas consequat cursus massa non sodales. Quisque nec lacus eu sem pharetra vulputate in at massa. Duis condimentum mauris in tortor molestie mattis. Phasellus et facilisis turpis. Aenean lobortis dictum justo, at consectetur magna porttitor sollicitudin. Praesent porta iaculis lobortis.
Integer vitae enim ac ipsum pharetra aliquam id tempor augue. Aliquam ipsum ipsum, faucibus sit amet tellus sit amet, tristique venenatis purus. Pellentesque eu felis dui. Sed a eros orci. Integer in volutpat enim. Nullam vulputate ex a augue scelerisque vulputate. Duis tristique et odio ac porttitor. Duis elementum, velit at iaculis condimentum, ipsum ex lobortis nunc, non efficitur magna nulla eu justo. Nunc eget arcu ligula. Etiam rhoncus nunc sagittis, faucibus odio non, pellentesque eros. Cras pellentesque quam tellus, eu luctus mi eleifend et. Phasellus tristique ullamcorper tristique. Nullam sit amet ultricies erat.
Suspendisse tempus, quam id aliquet mollis, enim ligula molestie metus, nec imperdiet nisi erat quis orci. Fusce a tortor vel odio tincidunt maximus id ac nibh. Nam imperdiet condimentum ultrices. Curabitur sed risus eget augue semper porta. Integer et ante velit. In sit amet eleifend sapien, in egestas ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus nec neque nulla. Proin auctor, ex quis venenatis elementum, urna tellus iaculis erat, nec congue velit arcu sit amet eros. Praesent porta diam vel magna cras amet.
Adam Cox
Cameron Brown
Reminder that the TS are the cause of all the shitposting "raids" that occur on /wtg/. They will literally plan on the TS what they are going to shitpost with each other.
Reminder that some of these people are fully grown adults.
Mason Nguyen
okay pocket
Kayden Gomez
Vegeta is like 45, he literally sounds like an old man.
Angel Nguyen
For the last time it's "Pockrt" or "Pockrtplanes" you idiot, pocketplanes doesn't lead to his deviantart, tumblr and reddit account.
One day, VegetaTheSaiyan walked into the outskirts of /wtg/. There he saw and greeted Triahx who merely replied with a "Fuck off," as he proceeded to fuck the sheep in front of him while muttering something about steel and feathers.
Not long after his encounter with the Scottish autist, Vegeta peeked inside a house and saw YakLivesMatter, who was participating in an orgy with Gumby, boredom, Nyano, Junko, and several others. Through a half open window the repeated moaning and the stench of Yak's steamy precum filled the air.
Vegeta was green with envy. He was in the mood for some toddler boipucci, and he wanted it now. Vegeta drove through the house in his Tiger II H, running over everyone but Yak, scared shitless and trying to run away.
Vegeta quickly kidnapped the fleeing Yak, used his pedo magic on him to turn him into a toddler while inside his impregnable wunderwaffe nazibunker to avoid detection from the FBI.
"Bueno," Vegeta said as he smacked his lips. The baby Yak began to cry as Vegeta proceeded to stick the tip of his fat chode into Yak's tight butthole. As he ignored the pleas for help that went unheard, Vegeta ravaged the toddler boipucci for several minutes, filling the orifice with gallons of pent up seed after several minutes.
But Vegeta was still not satisfied. He positioned his cock into Yak's mouth as he violated Yak with an 88mm tank shell. Yak's eyes rolled into the back of his head as the fat pedophile fucked him silly for half an hour.
Vegeta soon realized Yak had expired during the process, and regretted the fact that he may have been too extreme. He tossed Yak's lifeless body onto the street, and drove back home to his wife and his wife's kids.
Isaiah Hernandez
Do you miss '13/'14 /wtg/ threads? I need to know i'm not the only one Discussions about overpenetration from APCR were so comfy What the hell happened to this place?
Cameron Wood
Reminder, this is the kind of things that Pockrt had commented on and the artists he followed on Deviantart before
Reminder that he left comments like this on some of his favourites >pockrtplanes Jan 17, 2015 We don't want ryuko with a big ass, we want her with a massive belly!
Reminder that he did all of this with the same username as his reddit and war thunder account
Colton Rodriguez
Overpenetrating [JG508] YakLivesMatter's asshole with APCR!
Angel Parker
I'm not talking about this new shit meme senpai
David Bell
>iClubBabySeals Jul 22, 2015 >Okay, the fact that she has to say she's not that big, means that she is that big.
>And in my opinion, when it comes to preggers, the bigger, the better.
>PocketPlanesAirways Jul 26, 2015 >Ikr?
He can delete his account, he apparently can't delete his comments.
Kayden Stewart
Owen Nguyen
>What the hell happened to this place? The "new" shitposters happened, who still try and convince themselves that they're not as bad as the old shitposters were.
Brayden Cook
>ywn watch Yak's gay uncle destroy his tight boipucci
Brandon Bennett
At some point you spent too much effort on a shitpost for a general for a free to play Russian game, mate.
Brayden Fisher
Jack Lee
Stop shitposting.
Adam Butler
Licking the shit off [JG508] YakLivesMatter's anus!
Joseph Barnes
>see enemy bomber low >go fly towards it >some guy drops out of the sky and kills it >"ok, whatever, it wasn't mine so that's fair" >see 2 more enemies, go over and light one on fire, conserving ammo so I finish my pass and start to turn around to kill the other >the same faggot from before unloads into the plane that was burning up >kill him instead of the last enemy after I finish my turn >"r-r-r-r-r-r-reported" >proceed to kill the last enemy and still leave the game 12000 lions richer because I did well >mfw
If I light a plane and you kill it I will ignore the rest of the game and kill you. I don't care about "there's no kill stealing in war thunder", I don't care about lions, I don't care about getting banned. I'm going to do it to teach faggots a lesson.
Thomas Martin
Josiah Ross
>tfw I have to maneuver so shitter teammates like you can't get a shot on me
Alexander Barnes
You're calling me a shitter? A shitter is someone who cant get their own kills so they have to shoot at dying aircraft. I understand putting a shot into a plane going down to get a cheeky assist but unloading into a plane that someone clearly killed is ultimate shitter 3000 behavior.
Isaac Gonzalez
9/10 times the kill isn't """yours""", get fucking good
Logan Jackson
Shitter. Hidden.
Sebastian Gomez
>control guided missiles with wasd instead of the mouse THIS MAKES NO SENSE NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT FUCK YOU GAYJEW
Eli Baker
you mean you've hidden all responses to your post, or just that one response, after reading it?
I suppose I don't really have to ask if you're retarded, but are you retarded?
Brayden Morales
If you don't like it play arcade where everything is SACLOS
Gabriel Nguyen
Implying it's not more fun.
Luis Bailey
Might as well go into COD airdrop view faggots
Bentley Gutierrez
Where to, /wtg/?
Lucas Brooks
is this a spitfire?
Jackson Morris
Are you retarded?
MCLOS controls were digital not analog.
Brody Lewis
get banned also learn to kill planes dead
Oliver Martinez
>shoot down B-17 >wahh killstealer! >he ends match with 25points Sure thing bucko.
Samuel Price
Just unlocked the Leopard.
When do you use the HESH vs. stock ammo and HEATFS?
Joshua Jones
HEAT-FS always except for when you have to shoot through trees and stuff
Ian Green
>implying gaijin bans people for tking Maybe if I kill like 5 people in one hour. But otherwise they don't give a shit. Also I'm not wasting ammo on a plane that's 2 seconds from exploding after I set it on fire. I'd rather spend it removing the ape that thinks shooting someone else's kill is acceptable.
What are you trying to express here?
Matthew Reyes
So HESH for shooting through thin objects, or stock?
Chase Hall
APDS for wallhacks
Joshua Garcia
Gabriel Bailey
Is this a fucking Xbox controller?
Ryder Jones
Ryan Cook
So you never use the HESH except for unlocking the HEATFS?
Jacob Lewis
I don't use it in game, and even when I have it unplugged it shows the Xbox controller prompts.
Jonathan Smith
>team game >"kill stealing" is a bannable offense
literally thr CoD playerbase here.
ita a fucking team based game folks, not a single player deathmatch
Jaxson Sullivan
>>"kill stealing" is a bannable offense I've never seen this before
Jackson Lewis
Where did you hear that?
Kill stealing isn't bannable. Team killing is. But team killing for kill stealing is OK in my book.
Gabriel Lewis
>what is the historical difference between MCLOS and SACLOS
You are retarded and should hang yourself.
Lucas Miller
>shooting someone else's kill is acceptable it's not yours. You can't eat cake and have cake. Kill it, or someone else will.
Christian Cox
>"kill stealing" is a bannable offense if only, usually I have to enact vigilante justice on the kill stealer
David Reed
>I care so much about my own scores that I will hinder my teams ability to win if someone messes with my numbers
You need to calm down. Games are supposed to be fun.
Anger is the result of reality failing to meet your expectations. But you know some people will "kill steal" so why are your expectations set as such? You need to adjust your expectations.
Ayden Lewis
>teamwork is discouraged and even punished in war thunder
Hunter Lopez
Killing someone who is blatantly kill stealing isn't going to affect my """team""" in the first place, pretty much all kill stealers are utter shitters.
Besides, only the drooling retards with a single kill and three deaths think that "It's a team game guys!", while the top scorers kill pretty much the entire enemy team.
The only teamplay is when you squad up with someone.
Dylan Morales
automatic system doesn't, but there's always normal report avaliable. Waste of time though, since bans for TK last up to 3 days and hacks officially don't exist
Jace Russell
>people still play this awful pile of shit of a game lmao
Isaac Price
>>I care so much about my own scores that I will hinder my teams ability to win if someone messes with my numbers What game do you think you're playing, mate? 1-3 people on the team most games manage to get kills. The rest of them are bait.
I've tk'd for kill stealing and I've yet to be banned. But I have been banned for going into an arcade game and saying "heil hitler". Fastest ban in my life.
Robert Cook
>You need to calm down kek, you'll only make him sperg out even more
Mason Johnson
>people are more butthurt about hailing than teamkilling I'm not even suprised. How long?
Kevin Bell
>1-3 people on the team most games manage to get kills. The rest of them are bait. Honestly the only time I see "even" scores throughout a team is when it's USSR + GER vs US, everyone on the APHE side stomps so fast it's impossible to rack up most of the teams kills with a single player.
Jackson Perez
>people wearing decals from other countries with no intention of looking like a captured unit this flares my autism
Jace Green
What's with this game that makes its playerbase so angry?
Mason Bell
it's shit
Tyler Gutierrez
Is it mixed nations battles day or some shit today? I swear every game today is mixed cancer
Dylan Jackson
Nathaniel Thomas
ok magz
Easton Richardson
>want to represent my country >can't have a flag because ))))) >settle with an emblem instead >this somehow triggers the most autistic of players
Literally tumblr-tier triggering.
Jaxson Ramirez
>single kill and three deaths wait a second, are you talking about arcade? You call out killstealers in a fucking arcade, where planes just like up to get killed?
Xavier Miller
It as a chat ban. I honestly don't remember how long but maybe 14 days I'm talking about planes not >tanks
Tyler Carter
meme slope mechanics for most Russian vehicles Terrible late game grind Jets Dev excuses/opinions
Kayden Powell
tonks m8 Change it to "0 kills and 1 death" then, point still stands. 99% of the team are practically NPCs.
Gavin Bailey
like most games were infested in selfish millennials tbat play this with themselves as the only concern.
Just try to play RB or Sim GF. Teammates literally ignore your pings or warnings and will drive into traps or let you die.
if you want a teamplay game i would suggest a PvE Arma 3 group or IL-2.