>FAQ and abbreviations and helpful links
>How to set up fresh 365s
>/bet/ Advice
>/bet/ approved spreadsheet for tracking your bets
>Essential Reading
>FAQ and abbreviations and helpful links
>How to set up fresh 365s
>/bet/ Advice
>/bet/ approved spreadsheet for tracking your bets
>Essential Reading
IMAGINE not being UAC from betting on corners
How's the Tinder game going lads?
Is this where we post Tinder matches?
>missed the RT3: neither bet for Valladolid
feel fucking ill. Anyone get on?
Have sex
O/U 75 posts @1.83 before this gets deleted?
call me gordon gecko
neeed something good to make up for my 12mil loss in tinder shares today psml
How do you pronounce this?
I'm trying bud.
Yasmin you nonce.
ask her
Yes men
Think she might be the girl from Stranger Thing's older sister pmsl
V strange that people here understand an unsafe language.
I said it ages ago tbf.
Shaking my head in disbelief at the price 365 are offering for RT3 - N/A for the Vancouver Whitecaps 2 game
>unsafe language
You calling me a danger? I'll fukin rek ur shit senpai
Tez meme.
Shaking for Armenian First League tomorrow. Got a few completely lotto bets I am very confident about
New thread on /sp/ or what? I don't see this one lasting too long.
Sate of that WWE poster in the /sp/ (wrong board) thread
>wasnt on vancouver
>not just losing your money to me on /draftkings/
i asked toras fucking angel to give me links to news sites so i didnt have to rely on him--he told me to fuck off
finns are really fucking autistic
>new sites
top lel
Why would she give up her """"edge"?
not a fan of the bad things people are saying in the other thread
who /nonce/ here?
checks out
Really need to travel, foreign girls SO much easier and fitter, been practising in Thailand and South America
Do you know of a location spoofer for android that works. I got one that faked the GPS but it didnt work and fucked up my phone
Just using tinder + pal, can hide distance on profile
just any off of the android store, you just need to fiddle about a bit with turning your wifi on and off
>paying money
Foreign birds so desperate pmsl
wtb UWCL tomorrow?
IMAGINE not wanting a qt minor gf and not spending comfy nights in helping her with her A levels
>location spoofer
t. serial rapist
>Only up 35U since I am back from vacation
Looks like I will have to keep my new job
>being tight
Bet you buy supermarket brand groceries and never get dominos. Tinder+ SO ev
It's all correctly priced
South American tinder SUCH a meme desu, hardly any worldies and most of the girls seem quite young
should i trip? guess i should
use pinnacle for dota 2 inplays, game 2 is a wrap, you guys should have hit those piny lines
Yeah. Easier to filter.
£1.93/month is almost 2 meds for me. Not sure I can afford to splash out like that
Meant to ask earlier:
Emojis or nah?
I feel you look a bit of a dullard if you dont but a bit of a mong if you do
>no flags on Veeky Forums
She's alright, matched a lot better though
>half her face hidden
how is she alright she shows half her face, for all that i know she could be two face
>every photo covers half her face
>the same half every time
>tfw no reply
Is it okay to message twice lads?
Only if it's
>pls respond
baka lid,
just send dick pic
Absolutely. I'll give you the same advice I gave one of the grad students here: If saying "God I hope you're dumb" to her face doesn't work, then you were never going to get laid anyways
Veeky Forums threads are for /betculture/
/sp/ is for /bet/
Is getting an isa worth it? Need j west to give me some financial advice
Would recommend you get a Roth IRA instead tbqh
Been a while, jani SO sharp.
>love food
>only showing face.
shes fat isn't she?
I'm not trusting de Oirish with my sterling
Face doesn't seem fat. Ask her for a full body shot and if she says no, she's probably an American abroad
looks it
shame, shes cute
just ask
Saves you money in the long run though since you don't have to pay taxes when you withdraw the money down the line
checked her fb, pretty cute actually
>paying taxes
>I'll give you the same advice I gave one of the grad students here:
Didn't know you were a lecturer on /sp/ pmsl
Can almost guarantee you she's going to have a pro-refugee poster hung up in her room though
>being a parasite
>not giving back
>not using your (probably above average) intelligence to better mankind
Not just on /sp/ ;)
need more quality kebab shops in Aberdeen desu.
Tell her that english literature coming from the US is shit and completely overrated. If she disagrees she's no woman for you.
>your (probably above average) intelligence
aww aint you a qt :)
I'd imagine nearly all of us here are above average intelligence desu
that might just be bc I talk to a lot of Americans
This. The overwhelming majority of Americans are bat shit retarded
You're decently smart too ameribets. Maybe it's because you hang around us /brit/ shrewdies.
Out of curiosity, ever notice british slang creeping into your vocab?
>mfw Ameribets refers to his students as lids
I do use the terms meff and melt frequently. I also convinced one of the girls here who works in a lab of all Brits that you guys call popsicles cold on the cobb
>you guys call popsicles cold on the cobb
>I do use the terms meff and melt frequently.
pmsl i didn't realise people actually used these terms outside of /sp/
>tfw 100% Jesus
Not sure how to handle this one lids
pmsl, BEGGING she says yes
lads worried about my ability to gather (you)s in a thread with IDs
might have to settle for 15 instead of 150 this thread
>tfw she says you've made her 'cross'
>Scottish genetics