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Those of you who still think hero switching and overtime will make it into competitive.

You can stop dreaming now.

>support chooses mercy
leave game

Forced 50 isn't real, but it sure does feel bad to have 50.8% winrate. At least I'm not the only one, right?

1st for torture porn

Tracer butte

>Widowmaker is still a no fun piece of shit hero to go up against
>Be Pharah
>Attacking Volskaya B
>Jet across the right most gap
>Shot out of the sky immediately
>Watch killcam
>Widow isn't looking in my direction at all
>You hear the faintest sound of Pharah's jets, barely audible over even the ambient music
>Widow snaps to her left and kills me

Can we just delete this cunt from the game?

Post your crack ships

Bullying not allowed


Best Winston skin??

>75% kill participation

hmm, really makes you think

>join game
This literally can't happen if you play in a group. Get a fucking group.

This picture is disgusting
>broken spine
>fat tits on a character that doesn't have tits
>tits like this to begin with

ive had 3 games in a row with double genji, what gives?

2 supports is actually godlike there, you know that right?

I once saw a torbjorn POTG where he was repeatedly hammering at a "Well Played" spray on the wall while a list of eliminations popped up

They're becoming self-aware, guys


no it doesn't

Sorry I do better on my own, all my friends all mostly shitters

Symmetra x Hanzo.

They're both kind of assholes on a road to redemption, and they both kill with math.

>simple geometry

hog x dva

Found a graphic on the TF2 subreddit from a year ago
how's Overwatch faring so far?

Triggered 76fags incoming

>This picture is disgusting
Agreed, muslim women are gross

or you could stop getting mad that you got killed by your counter and adjust your strategy to work around the widowmaker instead of pretending the widowmaker doesn't exist

I bet your waifu is poo in loo.

Autists "main" him

>>fat tits on a character that doesn't have tits
can you be more gay

there was only one support

>People who think McCree can only Fan The Hammer and lacks the ability to single shot entirely.

why is d.va so l33t anyway

Do you think if zarya got drunk she would let you lick her abs?

Or they're just imitating this guy


>oh lets break it DOWN

>grants a temporary shield on top of your current health that can be bursted through if the enemy team consists of more than 1 competent player.

>Experience tranquility

>invulns you and your entire team and heals back to full.

>Lucio can either heal or speed buff his allies while his heal/speed shots do shit damage to enemies.

>Zen can mark high priority targets with a debuff that amps team damage against them

>Zen can mark a teammate with a sentinel healer and go off to fight with regular damage.

Excuse me while i get some water. i'm laughing to the point of choking over your opinion.

Found the Legendary skinned, 100hr, Reaper main

Be aware of her. Widow is Pharah's hard counter, you need to be aware of where she is at all times and where she's aiming at.

I.. what? what's the point of playing the game then if you dont play with your friends?

What class do you have the most and least playtime with?

>Most in support
>Least in tank


>1 elimination gold medal
why do I still play this meme game


Most in Offense/Tank roughly equal

Least in Defense

How does anyone dislike two beautiful christmas cakes enjoying one another. It's down right ludicrous.

Valkyrie, it's the most aryan skin

does anyone else have friends who play literally worse than bots and have a negative win rate?

pick lucio

>12 hours support/12 hours offense
>4 hours defense

sigrun, easy choice

Widow counters Pharah, but who counters Widow?

Offense > Support > Defense > Tank

I fucking hate tanking

jesus this is like that one guy that thinks he gets along with everyone at work but nobody ever texts him



So why can't I connect to the game?

anyone here use plays.tv? i can't get it to detect overwatch

So when does it actually come out?

Tank > Defense > Offense > Support

I love the feel of being a useful tank

That's a thicc Tracer you got there. Thought it was Mei for a second.

Genji? Idk

Most in support
Least in offense

I don't even have one second on reaper, but nice try I guess?

I started playing with them, but soon outleveled them. They started to complain that they get harder enemies when they playing with me and so I played alone from that point

what's the point of playing the game if you play with your friends?

muh SJW boogeyman
basically 76 shippers are from /v/


By the sounds of it Widow would have seen and killed literally any hero in his situation. Reaper is a loud fucker when he Shadow Steps, Tracers Blinks are loud. If the Pharah thrust was barely audible she'd have killed anybody.



Widow vs Pharah isn't unwinnable for Pharah, you just really need to be careful when taking to the air.

pic or shitpost



its a lot of fun to play, organise stuff and talk while playing. I play other stuff when they aren't around. Pubs are infuriating.

>Don't forget:
>All your wins are due to your personal skill.
Most of my wins are due to most of the enemy team picking Hanzo/Windowlicker and fucking off to "fight"/camp fuck knows where.
>All your losses are due to your teammates lack of skill and forced 50.
Most of my losses are due to most of my team picking Hanzo/Windowlicker and fucking off to "fight"/camp fuck knows where.

D.Va isn't a tank
Junkrat is offense
Symmetra isn't even a real support

You think Genji has 150 hp, all bets are off regarding what you do.

Anyway, the topic right now is that McCree can't get shit done with fan the hammer. The ability is gutted instead of "nerfed".

I can enjoy both without hating on anybody, thank you very much.

>Widow vs Pharah isn't unwinnable for Pharah
Yes it is. If you're still on Pharah while there's a Widow on the enemy team, you're bringing your team down.

>Pick Widowmaker's counter i.e. another Widow/Winston
>Lose because you just counterpicked a single enemy hero

Winter coats don't work very well if they're slim and tight-fitting

Which is a funny thing to realize when you see some posh rich lady walking around in a slim-fit "winter" coat in the middle of winter. 99% chance they're absolutely freezing, but wouldn't be caught dead wearing something that might be slightly unflattering

Cool. Do we know what it's going to be about/who's the main character or not?

>Tell team we have no healer
>"Why don't you go healer :^)"
>I'm the only tank

Spin or Laugh emote for Tracer?

I'm not choosing the descriptions user

Not everyone is as cool as you user, some people get really mad.

So pick Roadhog and split the difference.

>played against a guy today that had 105 hours as Genji

I get having a favorite hero, but a hundred and five hours?
His second closest was Hanzo at 9.

And why is it these these people always play fucking genji?

Winston or a capable quick flanker (Tracer, Genji). Or another, better Widow.

Oh, I know. I'm just not used to seeing thick coats in drawings.

>get put on the losing team
>two times in a row

Can this game stop with bullshit like this please? It just feels unfair.

How's that application coming along

>tell our Attack Symmetra that's done nothing all game to just put her teleporter off a cliff so we can at least report her
>she actually does

>Every team must have every role in precise proportions

It's basically Brink right now.

Take note that Winston still has a difficult time taking out Widow on certain maps and sections

For example, 2nd point anubis, 2nd point hanamura, Widow right outside the factory in King's Row on the last stretch before the cart takes the first turn

Roadhog doesn't solve the issue of every other member of your team lacking consistent healing.

Excuse me but you'd have to be a really bad Widow to let Winston kill you
and also have a really bad team who would even let him get anywhere near you.

There's a reason most people in just pick Widow counter sniper.

>see Lucio already picked
>go Mercy
>team is moving must slower than expected
>Lucio swapped to 2nd Mercy last second
>watch him run INTO a Junkrat to "get away" from him


What's your most played character ?
> mecha girl
> cyborg ninja
> Samuari
> borderlands guy #1
> borderlands guy #2
> cowboy bebop
> the black dude with weird hair physics
> Ms. freeze
> Edgy
> super samus
> engie

u havin' a laff m8?


>He doesn't out snipe Widowmakers with Mei or Torbjörn
