/rlg/ - Roguelike General

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>FAQ and What to Play
FAQ: pastebin.com/Q7K91Q34
What to Play?: pastebin.com/yfUKx35f

Rogue Nexus – Cataclysm online with shared map and tons of other roguelikes in a simple online package! (USA Only)

>Individual Game Pastas

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Ohayou gozaimasu, /rlg/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's play our best today!


better than "ded thred ded genre"

Is a triple crossbow with speed brand even worth using if you're 8 levels away from mindelay?
Having to level crossbows to 26 is going to be crazy expensive, and I seem to be killing stuff with it just fine while my skill is at 18. Though that could also be because of Oka's Heroism and my gloves of archery (slaying+4 to all missiles).

Should I be using my vorpal arbalest and training defences instead?

I had a great time in the Discord today lads

Useless, but satisfying.

That's debatable.
But you know what's not debatable?
Pearl dragons.
They're the best.


remember when you could ?vuln shadow dragons and polymorph them into pearl dragons?

/rlg/ remembers

stop this nonsense



Please do not fuck the dragons
they are very large
At least that one is not as obnoxious.

Why are moose so fucking pissed off in CDDA?

Because there are dead dudes trying to kill them.
Also moose are dicks like that.

it's mating season and all female moose are dead

I'm more wondering why my starting NPC immediately decided to run off on a genocide crusade against the local fauna.
He REALLY hates raccoons, apparently.

was reading through www.zangband.org/Docs/Version-History.aspx and apparently Cyberdemons (as well as many other assgutter monsters) were added by Topi Ylinen as a sort of "good luck and fuck you hahaha peaceeeeee" parting gift on his last update before retiring as maintainer.

There's a nice list in there of shit he added as a fuckyougoodbye. Well done, Topi, well done.


>monsters summoned by amberite blood curses get to act before your next turn
jesus christ, next one I see I'm just gonna leave alive

Killing Dworkin summoned two uniques including another amberite
killing the new amberite summoned a couple of big breathers who immediately brought me down from 800hp to 200 *and* scared me enough that I missed my next turn
luckily I had enough speed on them that I could !heal and ?teleport level

was the final effect of the blood curse to paralyze you?

also I think maybe sometimes summons get firstmove but not certain...possibly only if you do a high energy action on your last turn?

that's why you always wear your "[M] before killing them


it's one of the easiest roguelikes, a bit easier than DCSS, so you should be able to beat it within 20 tries. it's quite beautiful, too. nice little game.

I have an amulet of [M back in my house, I should really carry it around if I'm gonna be killing shit in the arena.

remember to dual-needle in the arena to oneshot the GWOP and literally everything

The oneshot chance goes down with monster level though, doesn't it?

I don't think it's a huge chance to trigger on GWOPs and shit.

>The oneshot chance goes down with monster level though, doesn't it?
Does it? I remember oneshotting a GWoP with a needle as an ARK back in the day as my first hit. I was level 50 though.

Favourite part of that page:
>Since new towns and quests can be added in the definition files (in lib/edit/) without having to recompile, hopefully the players of the new version will build their own quests and share them with all Zangband players!

What's the best roguelike? The best one

Well yeah you *can* do it on your first hit, it's just not too likely.

>if ( randint1(randint1(r_ptr->level/7)+5) == 1

this is actually more likely than I thought though
looks like for a level 90 monster it's still a 19.5% chance to instakill

Yet to be programmed, user.

Not sure what I expected the cloning pits reward to be, but it wasn't something that poor. At least it wasn't boots, I guess.

wait i fucked up it's a 9.4% chance

Neat early muts

And then not much later

I'll probably still fuck this run up because

Tanky Ds are the best



Omae wa mou shindeiru

RIP little guy. I guess level 3 summoners don't belong in Tower:18.

And the chance to hit with one?

how were you only level 3

Oh good, +0.5 to your shooter multi, nice!

What game?


Trying to do speedruns? You almost made it though. I bet getting monster detection as a relic upgrade will make speedruns/pacifist runs super easy

I thought it looked familiar. I couldn't get past the second or third floor. I didn't really understand what I was doing wrong. I tamed a bunch of dudes and the enemies just wiped me out like it was nothing.

I just ran into a mimic imitating a sewer entrance. I got the notifications about the drain when entering the level and everything. I didn't know they could do that.

Ya got the tabbitis, my lad.


Always Weapon.

I really hope this post isn't asking for advice.

Always Armor.

if you're wielding just one it's 100% chance to hit

if dual wielding you have a 50-50 chance to get the guaranteed hit, and otherwise it just uses your normal accuracy vs the enemy's AC

Always Wands.

The level 45 free power turned out to be invoke logrus, which is an okay (though expensive) unique killer. I'm not sure I want to know the other possibilities, as I think I got the dud prize.


I'm so glad I 3 runed DCSS with a minotaur because now I can shittalk the game and everyone who plays it

Skipped floors as much as possible. Haste+Swiftness+Dash could outrun everything. Unfortunately, a bunch of enemies spawned with a Foul modifier, spammed Slow, and killed me.
Yeah, I think that relic will make speedruns more viable. Though I can get free monster detection by linking with Preta, Centaur, Akateko, etc.
I feel there are only a few builds in Demon a good player can reliably win with: mass stacking veils and pumping Vit, healing build with Mending, Soothe, and Draw Wounds and pumping Vit and Magic, dirty needle build with needle shot and lots of debuff inflicting passives, caster build with Vigor Siphon, Frost Ring, and SP boosting abilities, and buff build with Haste and Might (and Frost Ring if you want damage). This will change in the upcoming update that adds different relics (basically perks) to each class.

First for Chei.


you could've had manastorm, user

So, how exactly do the wander spawns work in CDDA.

And how do they work with static spawn?

I'm curious since I'm not interested in
>You made a noise
>Suddenly a billion zombies, they're coming forever
But I'm not interested in having a game where everywhere is depopulated after I pass through either.

Is there some happy medium?

I don't think that's mana storm, but maybe it is. If not, none of those look all that amazing (unless ball water is whirlpool, that's pretty good). You can get a lot of those (like I have breathe shards and sound already) from jewellery.

Also, is it worth it to dick about with the season length?

>just acquired weapon
>get runed double sword
>get slightly mad
>wield-ID it anyway
>wait, wasn't I carrying a shield two?
>learn double swords are one-handed weapons
I never use long blades so I never knew this. Thank you based acquirement for showing me the way.


BALL_MANA is not mana storm.
BALL_LITE is starburst (awesome), and BALL_WATER is whirlpool (also awesome). I don't think Logrus is that bad though. How much damage does it do and how much does it cost?

Also rings are definitely device users for part of their damage so you will want to stop by Volcano and Dragon's Lair at some point.

The problem with logrus is that it's bad against non-uniques: It can randomly polymorph them and the heal to full every time it does.

211 damage for 30 mp. For comparison, shard ball is 180 for 22.

That said it works for killing all uniques that don't resist confusion, so it's not horrible. Useless against the serpent, of course.

>Monks now start with a choice of weapon
Basically at 0 apt you now have 3 points in your chosen weapon instead of 4 points in UC.

what does this mean for mumo

You get less unarmed skill than before, so it's even worse.


Does anyone remember offhand which file has the weapon skill tables in it for PCB?

the one you get by searching for 7000 in the github page

Nothing, since mumo is supposed to be played on 0.15

Does it give me a stand when I use it?


Angband competition just went up, this time it's for the latest vanilla Angband 4.0.3.

>Glass is an elf with a big mace and very poor luck.
The competition character starts the game with Deathwreaker (arguably the best weapon) equipped!

Kind of cheesy since Cthulhu can be stunned by confusing lights.

>gamble scrolls for 2 acquirement and an *acquirement*
>read on dlvl 80
Two staves of healing, an amulet that activates for star ball (basically pcb disc of storms) and a worthless randart of pitch dark night. Acquirement is pretty good when you can't receive a cloak of freezing.

It might be kind of obvious but if you're strong enough you should climb a few floors down to improve your loot level.

Favorite roguelike /rlg/ doesn't have in OP/doesn't talk about?

Hoplite, I guess.

Evidently mana storm is one of the spells you can learn, though it seems to be some sort of cheap plastic imitation that only does a fixed 225 damage.

Rogue Survivor, which recently went open source because someone decompiled the last closed source version from 2012.

The same person is also making their own new versions, although I suspect that his versions won't be developed in the same freewheeling style that I liked about the original.

>which recently went open source because someone decompiled the last closed source version from 2012
U wot

They translated decompiled block of unreadable crap into code that can be worked on?

Is it written in C# or something like that, with readable bytecode?

>tfw too stupid to play mpa-pcb on windows

What a fucking waste of an ego.

first for unbrogue

>about to play PCB
>remember that there's no fun classes

That was a close one

phew lad

>he didn't read the pasta
there's a link to a compiled version in there

>Visually scanned the pasta
>Didn't see

Guess I'll play a Samurai for maximum seppuku, thanks.

>about to play PCB
>remember the game fucking sucks ass

That was a close one.

>about to play roguelikes
>remember life is a total waste of time anyway

>if you die in real life, you die in roguelikes!

Maybe it was made with a certain program?
I know stuff like rpgmaker has decompilers.

>trunk, lair 5
>stairs are fugged
>go down escape hatch
>land in end vault

thanks devs

please stop i want those

this isn't bad for a cursed war pike.

plus i like how the monster blood stays on until you impale another