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Are some maps just pure cancer if you are on the attacking side? Like is anubis one of them? The second point on anubis is just pure fucking aids. The damn enemy spawn is RIGHT THERE!

What other "cancer" maps are there if you are attacker side? It seems attacking in this game is leagues harder than defending.

There is too many defensible points if you are defending and weird chokes with shitty flank opportunities.

Attackers are heavily favored on all maps including Anubis. Defenders have have to repel every push on B for ~8 minutes (depending how long A takes). Attackers have to succeed once and they win.

Give me your best overwatch meams.

Would it help if overtime immediately ended as soon as whoever still contested the point died?


Anubis is terrible for attackers on the first point too with only one way past that wall right in front of spawn.

Chile strong

Where all the gay at

Get a Rein to shield and go in the door to the left.

Who /Genji/ here

If your ready this your awesome! Plz continue reading Like=get gf Reply=your lucky for rest of your life Sub=you'll be presedint when you grow up Ignore=you get unlucky for 2years



go into a custom match with a friend and see if Bastion beats Zarya and then post the webm

Bastion is fucking trash without a reinhardt standing in front of him

Pharah and Mercy are the cutest ship

why do trannys always have above-average sized cocks?

nth for OTP of p u r e l o v e

D.va the chillest

Dr. Ziegler, I'm Overwatch.

Damn son now I want to play as Duplicate skins.

Mei and anyone who plays her belongs on a cross.

Tell me about the masked man ... "Soldier 76"


Testosterone goes to their dicks instead of their brains.

fuck off tumblr

I wish that was the case for me


>TFW I just bought the game and I'm in that special place where no matter the mode there's 2-3 bastions that neither attack nor defend well
>Even then it's still a funny shitshow as I somehow push back the entire enemy team as Reinhardt
>Shield up = better stop attacking him.

I'm having a blast, srsly.

They don't most of the time, porn industry does work on their dick to make sure it stays intact and they inflate it. Tit pills shrink your dick. All the pics posted were traps aka crossdressers without hormones.


McCree was in Blackwatch

>Widow farther right than Hanzo when she's more useful
>D.Va that far left when she isn't very useful and people pick her mostly to masturbate and spam voice lines
>the characters who don't have to aim are patrician
>Zenyatta is all the way to the left when he's played by whiny hipsters
>Soldier 76 in shitter when he's played by the most large hearted and caring people on the team
>McCree all the way to the right when half of the people who pick him are actually helpful teammates trying to counterpick harassers, and he's been nerfed
What the fuck dude


>Watching TV with boyfriend
>Just want to play OW

I think I'm done with this relationship but he's dependent on me. This is going to suck.

"was" being the key word


play it with him

>Soldier 76 in shitter when he's played by the most large hearted and caring people on the team
Aw thanks user


Mooooom, dad's getting the gold hype again.

you gonna dump him for videogames?

Why does every general I like go down this path

>responding to bait
>responding to bait across threads

>literally blogging about your life

I should stop coming here during australian hours

I don't know how you're finding games where bastions are defeated by reinhardt, seeing as Bastion is basically the only hard counter to his shield (a bastion can burn through it in seconds)

Don't get used to it, people don't play a whole lot of bastion any more because there are decent Genji players who make their life hell and generally people have wised up to his bullshit.

Fuck off

Whats your id we can play

Nice blog, where do I unsubscribe?

Cut it off. It's for the best

>tfw try to deflect Reaper's ult as Genji

junkrat is better against rein in 99/100 situations

>All these people can't kill Zarya
Speaking as a Zarya, it's not really all that fucking hard. Just tell your team to focus on the big fucking glowing bitch or else she'll fuck you up.

nice yous

>ywn hunt down and kill thirsty faggots like this

You can't just both separately do your own thing?

That sounds like a shitty relationship then.
boy or girl?

And Blackwatch its simply edgy Overwatch, in the end they were the same organization

It's pretty great.

you gotta aim your deflect at their head...and be facing them.

Best ship. 76s pls kill urselfs

Blackwatch was just a black ops Overwatch team, it's not like it was completely separate.

How the fuck is he inhibiting your ability to play a videogame?



>oh shit a Winston is frying me, I'm almost dead
>fuck, his friend just showed up
>it's a second Winston
>waving my sword like a retard while both Winstons tase me

>Speaking as a Zarya

me as the vibrtor

>mfw I just walled off the right arch as Mei on defense the entire round while a Bastion melted anyone going around or above

Nobody even touched the first point.

Is this from a porno

Mercy x Genji OTP but I love yo/u/ regardless user


>tfw enemy team has 2 torb's and a winston on defence

Zarya is so boring and basic. I don't understand how you can enjoy playing her.

Hi there.

I don't know what your picture is supposed to be saying.
Are you saying that you're a faggot, because that's what it looks like

>3 reapers
>Haven't been able to cap B
>Fuck it
>Have our two lucio stack sound barrier while we ult in waves each 2 seconds apart

>call the other team shit for crying about cheese when they won
>get 94% match on fire commendation
>they all upvote me and say good job man

i feel bad now

>Lost 90% of my HP with 1 hanzo arrow as Symmetra despite having shields + tjorb armor

Why the absolute fuck is Hanzos damage so high when he doesnt even have to aim his fucking tree trunks at someones head.

>speaking as a mccree I think that his nerf was unfair

>responding to bait across threads
I just wanted to post my opinions.

>Focus on Zarya
>Give her more damage
Sure thing

Also you can't kill her when you're already dead

Blizzard needs to stop making it possible to get up against a fucking 5-stack as randoms.

Rest in pieces pupper

I hope they fix Roadhog hook next patch, you can hit all the hooks in the world but there's a 50% chance its going to:

>get them stuck safely on a wall
>fling them to some random unexpected spot away from you
>pull them to you, but at some fucked up angle/elevation that guarantees you can't primary fire

I just wanted to go Whole Hog

You could say that about pretty much any hero

>he doesn't enjoy robbing Roadhogs of their meatshots, Meis of their meme fuckery, and Reinhardts of their pins with expertly timed shields

I'm starting to hit the levels where if I don't tryhard my ass off I'm not having fun. I guess good things don't last forever. $40 for 50 or so hours is acceptable for me. Maybe I'll play again when more content is released.

I'm hoping to get some money towards buying this today

you'll only give her 50% more damage, and when there's two or three people shooting you'll out damage her.

I wanna swallow all of it

mei as the vibrator


> 20 punches in 10 seconds
> pathetic

I can do 20 good punches in 2 seconds. Most boxing amateurs can do 20 knockout punches in 5 seconds.

On that topic, the melee punches in Overwatch are too slow. They should speed up the animation so you can at least do a quick double tap palm heel to the face or hold down melee and do atatatatatatata.

so what do you do against 2 zaryas if you need 3 people to focus her?

It's impossible to tell if it's a 5-stack, you're just making excuses


nice job youre just like all the other sluts who throw people away once they're done with them

do you want a cookie

Are you still on this? Several people have given you ways to deal with her, but since you refuse to believe anything anyone says I'm convinced you're either a troll or just need to git gud.

How do Mercyfags exist?

>Reinhardts just sporadically drop the shield out in the open
>enemies dive on me and my teammates never respond
>teammates have no map awareness and let half the defenders attack us from behind

Anubis on the attacking side really needs a flanking route

It's the worst map

Does Genji have a fucking stand or something?
What are those phantom arms that come out of him when deflecting?