It's a roguelike dude. I remember Azure Dreams also had a central town that could develop in some form. The concept is a perfect fit to roguelikes in my opinion.
Also ignore the autists who get angry when someone calls a roguelike that isn't literally Rogue a roguelike.
Colton Long
First for progress only, no shitposting or memes.
Levi Stewart
Better get that demo ready, kiddo.
John Butler
If it's a roguelike where the city develops naturally, that's fine. I thought he was calling Fortress mode a roguelike.
Leo Baker
Reposting because dead thread
More progress on this. Nothing you can actually see but i reworked the collision code and made it into a function, now its a proper Circle-Rectangle collision and the ball speed increases each bounce on the paddle.
Next thing is finally adding some blocks to be destroyed.
Leo Flores
how many monitors are optimal for devving?
Nolan Ross
Reposting for new thread:
hey /agdg/, comfygame dev here. ( if you don't know my game yet).
i want to make a demo for DD9, but i'm fucking horrible at planning. help me decide what i should add to the game before DD9!
>still using monitors The in thing now is to use a VR set.
Easton Parker
this to be very honest >there are people in this thread not devving within a virtual world with 20+ virtual monitors
Luke Bailey
and until you dev in VR you can't criticize it :^)
Elijah Torres
It is pretty much.
The extents of town building would be limited to making random shit for villagers. Better term I guess would have been "community building" with predetermined town/farm upgrades to "build" for them.
Jacob Phillips
>when you have an idea but someone is already doing it and better than you ever be capable of
Nicholas Sullivan
What movie should I watch while dev'ing?
Having noise in the background really helps me groove. I was thinking the Clue movie but I've seen it like 30 times so looking for something fresh
Michael Gray
>using virtual reality when you could be using actual reality
Get with the times gramp
Joshua Price
me on the right
Jacob Cox
You don't have to be better than everyone else, you just have to be good
Nathaniel Sanders
The Hunt for Red October
Jonathan Young
I have 2 but one is solely used for watching videos
Mason Walker
Lightning bolt!
Austin Garcia
would you play a mmo dungeon crawler where everytime you get killed you get warped to a dungeon in hell and you have to find the exit to respawn?
Wyatt Stewart
Watch an anime movie with subtitles off
Hunter Hughes
So Redline?
That could actually kind of be interesting. Say you start on floor 0 and ostensibly your goal is to climb to floor 100 or 1000, but each time you die you are warped X number of floors down in the 'hell' dungeons.
Logan Nelson
JS dev available for collabs
Christopher Richardson
>JS No thank you, barbie
Jonathan Jackson
>mmo No Also Hell should be a sweet ass place to train like in DBZ, so that when you finally get resurrected you're stronger than ever.
Andrew Lee
Agda dev available for collabs
Caleb Gutierrez
fuck the thread died.
reposting for insight.
Jackson Ortiz
LibGDX must use a 16-bit depth buffer, even setting the near plane to be a good meter in front of the camera still causes crazy z-fighting.
Well now that I have to set up a framebuffer anyway, perhaps I should add bloom and shit.
Connor Reyes
Stolen for my game, unironically.
Luis Flores
Woohoo, more progress on basic 3D stuff! Using placeholder assets here and there to speed things up.
I still need to figure out how in the heck to texture this starship. It took me forever just to model this simple little thing, since Im a powernoob at 3D, and texturing it seems like its gonna be difficult too. I also need to look into how games with a perspective like this, such as Star Fox, handle things getting too close to the screen and blocking vision until they pass the camera object.
Camden Collins
Well we can get rid of the mmo part. I like the idea of a training area in hell.
You better post progress on it, fagget.
Easton Nguyen
I want to explore this level.
Jordan Edwards
Nice SHOGO 2 tech demo
Alexander Collins
In the game Receiver, when the player is listening to a cassette tape and then pauses it, there's a sort of audio distortion effect right before the sound stops. Anyone know how they achieved that effect? I'd like to do something similar in my game.
Nolan Wright
>tfw spent awhile reading about type systems You shitheads always trick me into learning things
Mason Anderson
i like it
Anthony Foster
And now you know why dynamic typing is cancer.
Carter Clark
im giving you attention
Jacob Jenkins
I haven't played it, but perhaps it's a tapestop? Is it just the audio slowing down real quick so it pitches down?
Jeremiah Watson
I dont know that much about the technical side of things, how does z fighting even happen?
Jacob Gonzalez
How to get into the procedural meme? Can I make procedural music?
Blake Wright
Can't find any videos unfortunately, but it basically sounds like that weird sound you get when you fast forward through a cassette tape.
Justin Flores
Floating-point uncertainty.
James Moore
You can now have every status effect in the game at once, but there should never actually be an instance of this happening probably. Heavy and stun are the only status effects that do anything so now I have to make the others do things. Also the status icon cycles between every status effect you have currently, unless you are dead, then it shows you are dead.
William Roberts
even though you said the assets are placeholders I like the style.
Evan Cook
the time you should spend on game development is roughly enough to the word count devoted to each aspect in the diablo design doc summary
Lincoln Phillips
jukedeck for examples that yeah you can kind of. Procgen stuff is probably best coupled with hand-crafting though.
Brandon Barnes
placeholder the game.
Mason Hall
>Can I make procedural music? If you know how to program and how to music theory and are ok with it sounding like random notes and stuff yeah.
Zachary Harris
>is roughly enough to the word count
Michael Parker
sorry, enough means to equivalent in my language
Sebastian Clark
It looks like its doing a face like this
John Russell
Thanks! The general style I'm going for is Star Fox for this simple space segment, so I'm gonna try to emulate that somewhat when I go back and draw up everything.
Elijah Williams
They also have 3 programmers for 6 artists.
Liam Hill
You also just know that this was written by one of the art guys.
Michael Morgan
Does anyone else watch these? Its fascinating to watch NoDevs with no concept of fun with a lot a money fail at developing anything.
Those rectangles (with special appearances by non-edgy shapes) are the result of long hard work ok.
Yeah, I can kinda see what you mean.
Noah Turner
You should make status effects display a small icon instead, having to wait for it to cycle so you know which effects are active is pretty bad design
Robert Hernandez
The plan is to have each status effect like how the heavy/stun status effect is, a little sprite follows the character that shows your current status that don't overlap each other and can be seen individually.
Thomas Turner
I'm waiting for the day you sneak a crudely drawn penis into one of the frames
Grayson Myers
Are these girls qt? Suggestions?
Brody Howard
I loooooooove your game, even though it's just placeholders. I think it will be really great!
Mason Cook
That's babby's first GM game tier bugfixing.
Henry Hill
all but the bottom right look qt. No sound reasoning as to why just my opinion.
Angel Fisher
10 gorrilion dollars for buggy internet spaceships/10
That motion blur and headjerking looks awful.
Angel Cruz
Well you can pretend that the arrow showing the rectangle's facing direction is its genitals, like this image. I put it in my backup location so I never lose it.
Lucas Stewart
Not really waifu material, all their eyes make them look too mean. The one with a visor is good, except her arm is fucking broken and twisted.
Nathaniel Ward
I love how fast we get rule34 fanart of the weird stuff .
Jackson Green
sauce on mouth
Sebastian Nelson
Is there any downside in working with xscale directly in GM?
Andrew Johnson
jesus christ who even cares every piece of anime porn has a mouth and dumb tongue these days its literally all the same and it looks fucking retarded
Isaiah Lee
I actually think it could be neat to release a game with only placeholder programmer "art" and in debug mode.
Logan Rogers
How much money have you made off your gamedeving adventures?
any source related counts
Isaiah Jenkins
>directly As opposed to?
Jaxon Evans
Reminder that if you're thinking of doing a simple project or want to perform a community service, you could start the first official /agdg/ open collab on github.
Charles King
Then I must be doing something right. I'll make sure there's interesting stuff to find!
I never got to finish Shogo, my copy always crashes just before one of the later boss fights. Clunky, but a classic
Pretty much half of all the precision is in the first tiny percentage of the scene, leaving stuff further back to 'fight' for an index in the z buffer
John King
I care.
Charles Kelly
I'd only say bottom middle and maybe top right are cute, but top left is attractive in another way, and I like what you've got going on style-wise. Some of the faces could use more differentiation and I'm not sure what's going on with the angel character, she needs more detail or definition. Also bottom middle's clothing is completely ridiculous unless there's some ties that aren't shown. I mean, I'm not going to get on you about the design being revealing and unrealistic, but I don't think it would work well as actual clothing. It looks like that top/crotch-cover piece would blow around and not cover anything, and it also looks like the first damage it took would rip it apart.
Isaiah Roberts
Having a variable to change as you please, then handling it to the extended draw function
Cooper Jackson
Me too.
Landon Reyes
You know, it's possible to make the depth buffer linear, or at least lower the "curve" of the depth "ramp".
I don't know why you'd bother.
Matthew Adams
This is lookin good. I don't know how GM works, but if there's a way to set a minimum render distance for the asteroids that would stop them from blocking the view, they would just be cut off if they get too close.
Or maybe you could push the asteroids away from the center of the screen once they're past the ship, this way there's no weird cut offs or disappearing asteroids, they'll just move out of the way.
Isaiah Gomez
Ooh, I like the idea of them pushing off to the side. Whenever they're past the player and no longer in a position where they can hit you, they just start to push off. Thanks man, I'll try that.
Jason Cruz
why are there swedish meatballs from IKEA in space?
Lucas Ward
>The space was filled with floating meatballs. >Kaboom! went the orbital IKEA factory.
Jaxon Perez
>I don't know why you'd bother. I already have it implemented that way and I honestly don't know why either, hence the question. It's not hard to rewrite it but I have the feeling that once I do I'll need to use it
Brody Campbell
id buy it desu
Ayden Robinson
image_xscale IS a variable, you can change it as you please too.
Luis Mitchell
There's little black endtables and bookshelves floating out there too but damnit theyre just hard to see against the background.
Ryder Hernandez
Appreciate the feedback, I'll make some changes and throw on some color. Hopefully MMBN-dev likes the designs
Josiah Edwards
start up the kickstarter
Owen Anderson
I know, I'm just used to having auxiliary variables and applying the changes in the step event. I'll change it now and see if anything breaks
Jace Martinez
>he actually believes that his game will sell >he actually believes that people will play it
Alexander Bell
So what are you guys working on, or what did you finish?
I made some placeholder art for an attack and an enemy, but I like the enemy so much I might keep that design. I also pared down my code after getting it working and am about to try to change how jumping works and implement the attack and the enemy.
>tfw you fix up your code >tfw the fix is much smaller than the attempted fixes >tfw your code lost about 30% of its size in line count and 50% of its size in byte count >tfw almost all your work on a problem is gone, but now you have something that works it's an bittersweet sort of feel
Jason Wood
new friend in town. I hope I don't get branded as a furfag for making this game.
David Moore
Fuck off scalefag
Camden Moore
I can list like 10 successful devs so your argument is invalid, I'm just as good as them
gonna be rrrrrrrrrrrrrich!
Blake Diaz
>implying my game won't do great because i have aggy daggy and Veeky Forums culture to shill for me
Joshua Anderson
Dont make them fuck just make her an npc i beg you if you are going to be a fur (scale) fag, at least make the fem-lizzard attractive