I've been a NEET for awhile now trying to get autism bux
I know my chances are pretty slim being a Fucking White Male but if I start wagecucking will I instantly disqualify myself?
I've been a NEET for awhile now trying to get autism bux
I know my chances are pretty slim being a Fucking White Male but if I start wagecucking will I instantly disqualify myself?
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Why don't you just get a job?
Welfare is fucking pathetic unless you're handicapped. You also get barely anything to live off of
Why work when I'm going to get shit money when so many shitskins and women are getting guvment bucks for doing nothing
Are you really this retarded to think the gov. gives minorities and women money for existing? There are plenty of prograns that give white people welfare and disability, it's how Kentucky has an economy.
>Why work when I'm going to get shit money
To get work experience and learn skills and make more.
Let's put it this way. You will not be on NEETBux permanently, eventually you WILL need to get a job. And you're only making it harder for yourself. Eventually you'll be 10 years+ a NEET and at that point your life will be fucked. you'll be too early to die, too poor to retire and no skills to get job.
>when so many shitskins and women are getting guvment bucks for doing nothing
They aren't, this is a /pol/ meme.
Welfare in most countries is pretty hard to get and if you do get it you get fuck all unless you work a cash job.
>Shitskins and women aren't getting handouts wholesale on the sweat and labor of the white man
Nice meme Reddit!!!
Nice meme /pol/ but it isn't true
Stop having a victim complex and thinking everyone is le against you. You're a fucking NEET you don't even pay taxes, you're exactly the same as any "shitskin" or "woman", except instead of burdening the state you burden your parents.
What country are you in?
Anywhere with welfare but America has "my back hurts ;'(" as a valid welfare excuse, not shitting you
>Anywhere with welfare but America has "my back hurts ;'(" as a valid welfare excuse, not shitting you
And how much does it get you?
Barely anything, and it's static. That's much worse than working a job.
Not in countries like the Netherlands, there the gap between welfare and minimum wage is less than $200...
You must understand that most minimum wage jobs are memes and highly replaceable
>there the gap between welfare and minimum wage is less than $200...
>You must understand that most minimum wage jobs are memes and highly replaceable
They are but you're making it seem like the only jobs are minimum wage. When you can get plenty more jobs that pay more. Also you're getting experience.
10 years of min wage = you will almost certainly be moved up a fair bit from that position even if you're mentally retarded.
10 years of neetbux = still same old neetbux income of barely anything.
why do you talk bad about parasites such as shitskins or women when you are effectively the same as them?
Better to start from a good position or stay at home nowadays
The biggest job sectors in America (Transportation and Retail) are about to get replaced by drones and a few clicks on the internet
We should breastfeed these people Basic Income and help them move to other jobs instead of staying with old work ethics ideas
for you
For everyone though
How do you picture getting neetbux for 20+ years? How could you even live like that?
>So user... What do you do?
either way it looks like you might actually have a psychological disorder, I don't think you'll have trouble getting those trumpvoter dollars
Every white guy with a brain knows it's better to neet than wagecuck
Your income taxes just go to single mothers, niggers and spics who are mostly drug addicts
Nice job implying a white guy can get half as many gibsmedats as your avg nig or single mom tho
So user... what do you do? is old-fashioned as well... there's plenty of improvement you can bring to society that doesn't have a market value, of course talking about actual prosperity is unthinkable on the richest country of the world
>Every white guy with a brain knows it's better to neet than wagecuck
Every white guy with a brain produces nothing and just sits at home playing videogames and doesn't reproduce...?
How do you plan on propagating your beloved white race when no girl that isn't a 350lb welfare beast wants a "man" who sits on the dole?
>Nice job implying a white guy can get half as many gibsmedats as your avg nig or single mom tho
Do you think there's like different amounts of welfare based on race?
>it's better to neet than wagecuck
LITERALLY nigger-tier thinking. You are the nigger here, you shouldn't be insulting blacks or single mothers, they are your closest allies
>s old-fashioned as well... there's plenty of improvement you can bring to society that doesn't have a market value
Try telling your family, your grandmother, your grandfather, any stranger or a girl that you sit at home doing nothing and collect money from the government. Let me know their reaction
It's nearly midnight on the east coast, don't you have to get to bed to get up early Monday morning and work hard so mostly people who hate your guts can survive in this country?
>minorities quality for welfare for only being a minority
(citation required)
Single moms get money from child support and alimony that's about the only topic you're right about.
That being said, most of your taxes go to unhealthy individuals and into social security, which will probably end when you become of age to qualify. Here's a source for the spending btw.
I don't live in the United States
But I don't see how you can dislike niggers when you are the nigger. What makes you different to society than a black person on welfare?
You should put yourself in the shoes of a man or woman on their 50s in one of these jobs, future generations are supposed to learn jobs of the future and therefore use Basic income the least
Having your basic needs covered doesn't mean by default doing nothing, you can do community service, raise children, and DIY things that are normally imported
Don't your parents work hard so that "mostly people who hate your can survive in this country"? Why don't you explain to your parents they need to stop wagecucking and get on that welfare because they're wasting their time supporting single moms and shitskins?
>therefore use Basic income the least
How can basic income work? Just pay people money for nothing?
I thought /pol/ didn't like bernie sanders and his insane ideas?
>Thinking the entire gibsmedat system isn't completely ran by scum who approve nigger and spic names for gibs while not approving white sounding names
You're the underage faggot here son, you have no idea how the welfare and gibs system works and it would be better if you returned to your homepage Reddit and never returned
>What makes you different to society
He's white, so being a useless NEET would give him the status of a normal black guy
>you have no idea how the welfare and gibs system works
Explain how it works for us, provide citations and sources
Isn't that worse?
Born as the "master race" but choose to become the same as people you look down upon and call niggers?
Yeah, it would be "more efficient if they didn't exist at all", now that robot slaves exist, but Basic Income is the humanitarian, think-outside-the-box approach
>Being a useless neet
Congrats you just insulted a majority of this board
It's well known most shitposters here are neets
Anyone who's been to /pol/ for an hour knows the majority of the scum getting gibs are non white males
You can work for ZOG and lash out at us but you'll always be supporting the lowest of the low on your hard work and sweat
>but you'll always be supporting the lowest of the low on your hard work and sweat
You really don't pay that much of your money to welfare in taxes.
Your logic is so idiotic. You talk about le jews and shitskins but you're contributing nothing to society and you're not going to be reproducing. You an enemy of your favorite "white race"
So you can't actually cite any sources for your claims.
>You have no idea how the system works
Some stranger told me how the system works, and provided no evidence, I should definitely listen to them.
Ironically, the National Bureau of Economic Research believes in your idea about ethnic sounding names effecting application outcomes, except that the names actually hurt applicants when they apply for jobs. nber.org
I came into this thread to inform you that your post is totally ironic, considering the stereotypical welfare recipient is a Socialst Democrat
Reddit btfo
It was just a meme word, you don't have to take every post literally like the other cases of Asperger's Syndrome posting around here
>dozens of posts in and nobodies answered ops question just faggots who got lost on their way to reddit
What kind of answer do you want?
It's not slim and there's plenty of white people on welfare
What part of ops question didn't you understand?
oh shit yeah, if you start wagecucking over a certain amount you'll be cut off for too much income. Research it in your state or whatever
You could've just googled it, btw if you go on welfare I hope you don't keep using the word nigger, you have become one
then explain the south
What part of poster's ID you don't understand you fucking autistic retard fedora
Welfare is not business related holy shit does Veeky Forums have any mods?
Moral authority.
If you're on the dole and you aren't a double amputee you're a thief.
"gibmedat" isn't as far outside the box as you think.
Can you do maths? Every extra cunt like you lessens the neetbux pool.
You need to get a girl pregnant and have a kid to get free shekels
a fucked a single mom that got $375 in food ebt 400 in welfare and section 8 rent 2 bedroom with lights and cable all free
>a fucked a single mom that got $375 in food ebt 400 in welfare and section 8 rent 2 bedroom with lights and cable all free
wow dude really living the life
living as an adult off that is fucked
I literally had seizures (epilepsy) and got denied neetbux in US
I got told to reapply because it would probably get approved the second time, apparently everyone gets denied on the first time unless you are either completely retarded or nearly dying.
3/3 last thing, I never even tried again, figured fuck it.
But I will share my experience with the center if anyone wants it. All that happened was that a doctor came in and examined me, wrote some shit down, asked some questions, and we left. It was also like an hour drive to the nearest neetbux testing center which kind of sucked.
why the fuck did you split this into three posts?
He had several seizures inbetween
Why would you work if you aren't good looking?
Those guys in mcdonalds have more value than your cuck existance.
>you'll never rawdog prime goddesses that want to fuck YOU
Where is the fucking reward?
>he thinks you get pussy worth getting by working
Who cares about fucking sub7 trash?
If you are not good looking you will not reproduce with girls worth reproducing with, that's prime aged 7+ girls. So shut the fuck up you wagecuck. It's has been over since day 1 onless you are good looking enough to get those girls wet for you. That's that.
I am goodlooking though