/arkg/ Ark: Survival Evolved

Official FAQ : steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/613957600545122958/
>Steam Group: steamcommunity.com/groups/arkgeneral
>Official Wiki: ark.gamepedia.com/
>Patch Notes: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
>Play with /arkg/ Open Steam > View > Servers > Favorites > arkservers.net/server/

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These threads sure are bustling.

Most people are playing in american hours so threads die EU times

The threads are fucking ded anyways

holy shit threads hit page 10 so fast during friday

>Trying to get on the server.
Is this a joke?

Steam client is buggy, try to join through the ingame browser

This tribe is boring.

Doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere, and on the other thing it's going between 79 and 81 players somehow.

I looked closer at things, what is this shit? 40+ extra people, with no names on the player list.

>JESUS: when you play laetr on today
>JESUS: ill join
>JESUS: got the weekend off


You probably don't have the DLC installed.

That's what happened to me

I have the Center installed, my problem is that everything I look at claims there's 40 something extra people filling up slots on the server. Even the page for the server says it

Hu, weird.

Try adding someone whos in the server and checking under Friends

Did you even play old Oceania? For the first two weeks we were picking up rocks on a fucking beach for hours at a time.

Ah the good ol' days when we were out cutting down trees and mining rocks with TOOLS and not dinos

Blasting this over voice chat


It ended up eventually appearing from a name search, and now it's working. I haven't a clue why, but I won't complain.

I had this problem. As IP to favorites on steam. Then join from in game

I want to cuddle Jak and all his burds.

>tfw playing slave music and working the chain gangs again

So they ended up pushing the sea battle to tomorrow right?

Not completely sure if its tomorrow, but definitely not today.

ayyayayayay lmao


This thread is on life support



Next update is going to add Herbivore "Tasty Cakes", are they going to be the Prime Meat for the Herbivores?

Back in my day if you were a new survivor and wanted to cross a river, you hoped the piranhas wouldn't notice you. Now there's unclaimed rafts littering every coastline and river on the map.

Ayyyyyyyyyyyy lmaoooo


Much thanks to the guy who posted Aqualads story against assburgers and aliens. I enjoyed it very much.


ARK's latest update: Stands.

You're welcome

The TL;DR of it all is that Triton asked on /v/ if any dudes wanted to be aquatically superior dudes chilling at the bottom of the sea who harass the surface world, and thats basically what we were.



Need more spinos

Though we didn't do much at the bottom of the sea and the only people we really harassed were each other and eventually pashitty, his slave, and his mooks.

>tfw playing penguin catch with you bros

Time to spike the ball


We're gonna hit em tonight. Get on if you want in.

Wow, haven't seen an /arkg/ in forever.
Not since almost last year I swear.
Everyone went to fight the Chinese and be an Aqualad and the /arkg/ server died. Was right around Ape man release I think.

Sick bantz ensue

To battle :^)

Damn. I instigate all this shit for the tribe yet I never am around to partake in any of the fun that comes from it.

I don't know if I should feel good or bad about that.


>tfw we lost 3 of chungors wives


Lad status: Great Again
Everyone else status: Rekt

I want to play, but I can't get ridetheark to pop up in the unofficial servers list. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

The lads are back?

Try a direct link

The lads are back, we just killed two asshole tribes that raided us with gigas on our third day on the server.

if you have any of us on steam, connect under "Friends" server option


Build a tavern or a prisoners cuckshed?

Build a prison.

Build a tavern on top of a prison. Get drunk while mocking our prisoners.


Can I transfer my character from an official server to the server you guys are on?

5x rates. Just make a new one.

That was some naval battle. Someone tried to raid us via boats and after a lengthy sea battle we fought them off. The party boat took extensive damage.

Whats the full status of the lads?

And is there any mod fuckery with the server?

Lads are fine and dandy.

Mods are good so far. They do their jobs with no BS, and seem to be involved enough.

wow, I haven't seen an ark thread in months. The game is still one of the most played on steam but nobody seems to talk about it anymore


They aren't running any of the crazy workshop stuff are they?

We're building some boats for the naval battle which SHOULD be tomorrow

No, aside from all rated being x5 and a new semi-official map everything is vanilla

Fog is really killer on the lower memory settings.

A mate showed me this crazy modded surver. Had these like fire raptors. Whats that about ?


It's a mod.

Here's our battle boat for tomorrow. Anyone who abandons ship during combat will be executed.

Very colourful.

Seems to be common of most survival games.


>NJA in charge of blowing themselfs up and loosing 2 gigas in an offline raid

Triton Ackbar

only 1 cannon?

Still WIP, you could help by doing metalminding


So, /arkg/, what is your favourite ARK dinosaur? Post pics.


Maximum cozy

Better burd

>tfw no other tribe is this comfy
Do people really hate fun ?

I guess. Of all the time I've spent playing I've almost never encountered anyone else with any hint of a "culture", just brutal pragmatism and min-maxing.

I think it has to do with the fact that we have such good logistics that we can take time to do fun things instead of just scraping by like most other tribes.

Still, even the uninspired metal boxes we tore down today were comfy compared to the inhuman, non-euclidean architecture of the Chinese hordes.

I just think that instead of getting a worthless

Patch Notes

A Little Further Out
- Aquatic and Amphibious Mating/Lifecycles


It's taken so long.

I also want to know what the random mutations will be and if family tree will count inbreeding as bad.

White Wolves are really desperate for new tribe members.

Also Senpai Squad finally logged on.

>Senpai Squad crying about offline raid in global chat
Too funny

Building a stone house is taking time away from building another metal box :^)

>Implying I can afford a metal box.

Do you guys take in completely new players?

If you are cool and dont act like a idiot in global yeah.

Almost everyone in the Tribe was a newb at some point who didn't know anyone.

I remember the Chinese hives. There was no damn sense in them. Or rather there was, but it was a machined, alien sense. Everything had a perfect order to it, if you looked at it from a perspective just twisted and skewed enough from reality to be terrifying. To walk inside was to see the vastness of a collective mind we had no reference points whatsoever in common with.