how can i capitalize off race traitors and the gradual decline and cuckholding of the white race?
How can i capitalize off race traitors and the gradual decline and cuckholding of the white race?
0800 dial-a-cuck recruitment/services angency
Sell chasitity devices and write cuckolding porn?
Create a line of Pokémon-themed v-necks, cut for the portly white gentleman of discerning tastes
they already are capitalizing off of it
also its just a meme, irl its not real
>also its just a meme, irl its not real
you're kidding me right?
>not real
Maybe in your area. There's women burning the coal and paying the toll in the Chicago area.
Who cares? You're mad about people having sex while you're a virgin?
ignore whores
Come work for my half Asian son.
Who is this tender bender?
Elsa Jean, I think.
>tfw ull never watch her get BLACKED in person
>how can i capitalize off race traitors and the gradual decline and cuckholding of the white race?
AIDS medicine is big, big business.
"Despite being only 12% of the US population, Black Americans now account for 50 percent of new annual HIV infections and 50 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS in the United States."
I'd say film it and sell subscriptions/copies to cucks, but it's a pretty saturated market, OP.
>AIDS medicine is big, big business.
"Seventy percent of HIV-positive people in America are not receiving proper treatment and care—most of them are African American.
Seventy-two African Americans are infected with HIV every day. The vast majority do not know they are infected."
>>AIDS medicine is big, big business.
"“Everyone in the African American community must be educated and get tested, no matter who they are or what they think"
Julian Bond
NAACP Chairman
Start an abortion clinic.
Or a service that tracks down absent fathers.
>how can i capitalize off race traitors and the gradual decline and cuckholding of the white race?
The rate of AIDS diagnoses for black women was nearly 23 times the rate for white women.
The rate of AIDS diagnoses for black men was 12 times the rate for white men.
Black teens make up two-thirds of new infections in their age group.
Literally nobody asked or cares, why do you save this shit to spam threads with?
>"Despite being only 12% of the US population, Black Americans now account for 50 percent of new annual HIV infections and 50 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS in the United States."
> Seventy-two African Americans are infected with HIV every day. The vast majority do not know they are infected."
wtf... is this shit real?
Jesus fuck that is some scary shit.
Why isn't the NAACP trying to make people more aware? Or is that considered "racist" nowadays?
Holy shit... I had no idea half of America's AIDS patients are all black....
niggers are what? a tiny fraction of our population?
Why are all these niggers infected with AIDS?
They're genetically more susceptible to HIV infection.
>Literally nobody asked or cares
As a black man with black kids, I care. I care alot.
Blacks are a small fraction of the population. But we represent 50% of all HIV cases.
You don't think we should care about this? Are you serious or are you just some racist that want's to see us die off?
kek at gay blacks
HIV is mandatory
You people do realize these stats come from the NAACP right?
Awareness Racism
>As a black man with black kids
You're an autistic stormfag from /pol/.
Post your black hand with timestamp right now.
>Why isn't the NAACP trying to make people more aware? Or is that considered "racist" nowadays?
You hit the nail on the head. Most of the community doesn't want to address the issue.
The other half of the community thinks the numbers are just made up by white people trying to make blacks look bad.
Bottom line, hundreds of thousands of blacks are dying every year from AIDS and nobody cares...
>and nobody cares...
Who is suppose to care? There is tons of HIV and AIDs prevention initiatives, what do you want more? Waiting for that black hand with timestamp
>You hit the nail on the head. Most of the community doesn't want to address the issue.
>You're an autistic stormfag from /pol/.
Great example right here.
This is why no progress ever gets made. Somebody mentions blacks & HIV and the game of race cards starts playing and nobody addresses the actual issues.
>Great example right here.
black hand with timestamp
>now whites are even role playing as black men concerned with the african american community
>Somebody mentions blacks & HIV and the game of race cards starts playing and nobody addresses the actual issues
What do you even mean by this? Which issue? Black people are individuals, they're not one group of people, who the fuck cares just wear a condom and don't have unprotected gay sex with strangers every day of the week and you don't get HIV. There is no issue or epidemic of any sort here
>>now whites are even role playing as black men concerned with the african american community
you mean Liberal wiggers? they've been around for decades senpai.
>There is no issue or epidemic of any sort here
"Despite being only 12% of the US population, Black Americans now account for 50 percent of new annual HIV infections and 50 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS in the United States."
> no issue or epidemic of any sort here
> no issue or epidemic
> no epidemic
> no issue
Just keep letting those niggers spread their AIDS and kill each other off right?
Go back to your fucking KKK rally faggot.
>> no epidemic
>> no issue
How many is that 50 percent actually in numbers? What percent of the US Population lives with HIV/aids? Is it really that significant?
>Just keep letting those niggers spread their AIDS and kill each other off right?
How do you propose we treat the problem?
Also why do I have a feeling you went on your phone to pretend to be the poster above and act as a "surprised black man to hear these SHOCKING STATISTICS!"? L o l
>tfw the black man with black children mysteriously had to leave when he was asked to provide proof he was actually black and get replaced by the original posters of the facts
Do neets from /pol/ really spend their time pretending be black?
You're either a massive cuck fag, or one angry nigger.
Invest in cuckold porn and hire shills to spread it on reddit so they think cuckolding and cuckold porn are for real patricians/liberals
>autist from /pol/ claims to be black
>Ask for proof
>He doesn't provide it
The real butthurt autist is the one who saved an entire .txt full of "facts about black people" thinking it'll "totally stump them! haha victory for the white race!" and just posts it everytime blacks are mentioned
What did bringing up the black HIV rates and what the NAACP said have anything to do with this thread or any posts in it? when were we even discussing this
Why should I care about white liberals ruining their lives? Those types of girls are completely undateable.
>autist from reddit spergs out all over this thread while not offering any useful advice as to how to capitalize on cuckolding
Please kill yourself
>Autist from /pol/ spergs out all over this thread about black people having HIV while not offering any useful advice as to how to capitalize on cuckolding
>Seventy-two African Americans are infected with HIV every day. The vast majority do not know they are infected."
1. fuck niggers
2. get aids
3. ?????
> Aids infested niggers getting all worked up & triggered that the world is aware of their disease
>literally has nothing to do with the thread
Who fucking cares you annoying aspie?
>become spokesman for a charity that fights black aids
>tie it in with liberal retardation on BLM
>get tons of donation revenue from white liberal suburbanites
>give self massive salary
>>become spokesman for a charity that fights black aids
>>tie it in with liberal retardation on BLM
>>get tons of donation revenue from white liberal suburbanites
This sounds like an actual plan that would work.
Start your own nigger charity organization. Take advantage of white guilt. Profit.
What an idiotic thread, no doubt inhabited by trailer park trash making half of minimum wage.
Always love how these threads turn out.
And now we have some triggered loser desperately trying to start up reverse fishing threads.
successful thread is successful
>"Despite being only 12% of the US population, Black Americans now account for 50 percent of new annual HIV infections and 50 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS in the United States."
Holy shit you're not kidding. US CDC has a slightly different number, but it's pretty close.
"In 2014, 48% (19,540) of estimated new HIV diagnoses in the United States were among African Americans, who comprise 12% of the US population."
>Holy shit you're not kidding
You know you just responded to yourself, right?
Got confused?
So as a black parent, what do you tell your kids to avoid AIDs? Tell your nigger kids to fuck white girls only???
holy shit, it's all starting to make sense...
See You got baited, you moronic redditor
>i-i was just pretending to be retarded by googling stats and posting from my phone... I-it's just bait!
>get irrationally pissed off by facts
>multiple people goading you into getting madder
>you haven't been baited at all, it's a conspiracy by one guy who is changing IDs by resetting his dynamic IP
Sounds like you're the one who belongs on /pol/, friendo