>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
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>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EOV Information
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Thank the autists from /feg/ for killing us.
First time I've seen that happen. How sad.
Bring new life to the thread by talking about all the lovely things you'd do to/with best Landy.
I want to tie that bandana nice and snug on her head!
I would sacrifice myself to protect her from an FOE
I'd remove her her bandana and then set it on fire, and then i'd beat her with apiece of iron rebar until she stopped fighting back and just started begging me to stop while doing that sexy quiet wimper, and then strip her naked and then force her to masturbate in front of me while I swing the iron rebar near her body and everytime she flinches I would laugh and then swing the rebar into her stomach and then make her get dressed and take her to my house where i'd continue to beat her with my fists while she is bound, but not gagged, and then, ever so carefully, I would caress her soft cheek and proceed to wait for all the (you)'s from people that thought I was being serious.Even though I get super turned on by ryona, its in my top three. And then we'd live happily ever after.
Bandanashark is for neck-nuzzling, and being lifted up with your arms under her thighs so you can fuck her agains the wall until you both ache so hard, you can't help but slip and fall onto the bed beside you together.
She's for resting your forehead against hers, mutually undressing each other until her bandana is the only article of clothing worn between the both of you. She is for looking in the eyes and cuddlefucking while she leglocks you, all night long, filling her up with warm seed until she's well and truly pregnant.
She is for starting a family with and raising children together with, and exploring until you're too old to do so, and settling down in happiness.
Why is the thread even more dead than usual today?
I wanna wake bananasharks stockings and fill them with semen and make all busty etrians fest from the sock by suckling it.
Wait, like cumming into her stockings until they're full, then making her wear them again, so her legs are just kind of inside two water-balloons full of cum?
Then getting other Etrians to suck on her toes to drink the semen?
That's lewd, dude.
I guess because it's Friday.
>People here
>On Veeky Forums
>On Veeky Forums
>Who play Etrian Odyssey
>Going out on Friday and having lives
I don't comprehend.
I'm just saying, some people might.
An effort was made.
I imagine they just go out into the wilderness and try to kick rats to death while screaming at any deers they might come across.
I have a life, its working 12 hours a day, sleeping five, and spending the last seven either masturbating with anal dildos or going to the strip club with my coworkers because its fun to berate them for paying NOT to have sex.
Filling up her stockings and taking them swinging them around wildly spreading your seed to everyone in range.
Some of the alt palettes were released on famitsu.
What's the point of alt colors when we can change them ourselves? Slightly different clothes?
Alt colors can have differences aside from the eyes, hair, and skin.
You can't customize the clothes' colors.
video games
Thread died while I was gone.
Just remember to add this the next thread.
>EOV color editor.
Why is she so mad?
What exactly do H, S, and V stand for?
We should create a bot that bump this thread every 40 minutes while we wait for EOV
Last thread died 32 minutes after the last post.
I will get back to blogging about my EOU1 replay after I am done with Far Harbor.
Hue, Saturation, ???
Virginity slider
There is another thread civil war going on in /feg/. happens once in awhile
I need a good laugh.
Maybe is worse than the shitposting we have here.
>The innkeeper's daughter is lost! We need someone to find her, quickly!
Time to turn voices off
/nintgy/ is trying to absorb more nintendo general titles. mods are on top of it this time since the whole /ink/ shit from a few weeks ago
>you found rotten flesh
Rotten flesh can't be this cute.
I don't know nothing about this board, but it sounds like when vitagen tried to absorb us too.
I think the /nintgy/ tried to do something were, but it was ignored or something
I'm pretty sure this general is in the top 5 most civil and on topic generals on Veeky Forums. Even if a good portion of it is just waifufaging cute etrians.
Nah, it's too easy to trigger people worth metaposting
>Forgetting the thread that was 700 posts of shitposting
I don't think you realize that that's a normal thread for some generals.
Post fang fan art.
Fang highjack.
Please don't remind me of how much of my life I've wasted on this site.
Shutting this down.
I'll shut you down gayboi.
thingken of Etiran
Is that a fucking nipple?
Bring it.
Stop, gunner is not for lewd
God damn, how did that thread die so fast?
Basically, they made a bunch of new threads.
Fang's genki attitude is my reason to get up in the morning.
What has this general become?
Go back to the mansion.
The clients are not going to fuck themselves
Please no
being normie is fun user
Why can I never find a high resolution portrait of Logre? I need it for reasons.
I want him in my Stranger of Sword City party
I want to put my sausage in her lettuce
Will this do?
Yes it will, thanks so much.
Enjoy some purple princess
Made a slightly smaller transparent version; missed a spot in the earlier post.
Not sure if that works ideal or not, but it's there.
Sweet. I was just doing this, thanks so much!
Hey anons, do you know if there are any Cherry Trees and Wings arrangements in the doujin albums, perhaps a faster version? I might need it for reasons.
Do you mean you can't stand Quona's voice but can deal with Abigail's?
I guess you CAN make cestus look even shittier.
Quona is missing, so you are stuck with the fatty
Oh, I assumed you were someone who didn't see Quona outside of quests.
Hand over the threads and no one gets hurt.
You can't fear FREEDOM
quona has the most grating voice in the game. i'd rather feed her to the blizzard king
abigail is cute af
>has the most grating voice in the game
>not Abigail
>not Hannah
>not Arianna