A general for talking about games published and developed by XSEED Games/Marvelous USA and their partners, including Rune Factory, Story of Seasons & pre-SOS Harvest Moon, PoPoLoCrois, Ys, The Legend of Heroes and Earth Defense Force 2017/2/4.1
XSeed have announced their E3 2016 lineup and it includes new titles to be localized in the west: Corpse Party (3DS | Summer 2016) Exile’s End (PS4, PS Vita, Wii U | Summer 2016) Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (PS4, PS Vita | Winter) Akiba’s Beat (PS4, PS Vita | Winter 2016) Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS4, PS Vita, Wii U | Fall 2016) Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (Cherished Friends of Three Villages) (3DS | 2017) Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity (PS4 | Summer 2016)
Marvelous has announced Story of Seasons: Cherished Friends of Three Villages, scheduled to be released in Japan June 23 for 3DS systems. Introduction and gameplay trailers have been released: [YouTube] 3DS????? 3????????????????1? [YouTube] 3DS????? 3????????????????2?
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd is being localized for PC in 2017, while Trails of Cold Steel II NA releases for Vita and PS3 are due this fall. Steam and the PS Store currently have sales for TitS and SC.
Ys VIII Vita is set for a June 21 release in Japan, PS4 version in 2017.
Meg, but only because of how scatterbrained she is. She's the type to walk out without a top on if she were in a hurry.
Blake Powell
Jose Nelson
Ok friends, even though we didn't see any RF5 news, no need to give up hope. I remember a few dudes spit balling some ideas they'd like to see in 5, waifu/husbando fun posing aside.
What would you dudes/dudettes like to see in 5? I'd like to see it take place in the Sechs Empire, post 4 events, and have it utilize the plethora of technology they have. Mostly I just want sky pirates and more airship use.
Nolan Miller
Haven't we established at least 3 times now that the Sechs Empire is bad? Like there were still people willing to follow Ethelberd by the events of 4 and Frontier, id be suprised if Norad allowed the Empire to remain it's own country after what Ethelberd pulled in 4
Cameron Bennett
Nurses, knights, onee-sans, lamias, fluffy tails.
I'm a simple man with simple desires.
Dylan Morris
More customization options like SoS where you can build stuff around your farm and place it where you want and maybe some kind of clothes customization too rather than just being able to change whats on your head and your whole outfit.
Alexander Sanchez
Oliver Cook
give me my musou.
Christopher Russell
Marriageable Christmas cakes, if possible.
Joshua Hall
I like the way you guys think.
I'd like that too, more things to place around your senpai, though without that being the main focus. I still enjoy my dungeon crawling, so don't really want that aspect weakened for a bigger expansion on the farming end.
Alright, well scratch the Sachs part, you bring up several convincing arguments against. I still want air ships and sky pirates though.
Colton Rodriguez
I literally have no idea how senpai ended up in my text there, thanks phone. Fairly certain I meant farm.
Joshua Lewis
word filter, you mightve spelled f.a.m.which filters out to senpai, senpai.
Henry Williams
Very well could have, I like that filter though.
Isaiah Martinez
>tfw not cuddling with Clorica in a coracle
Isaiah Moore
As long as I have amnesia I'm cool
Also, who is your all's favorite bachelor? Not for marriage, but just in general
Michael Perez
I'd like to see that Venice like place Selphy mentioned. And the ability to fly around the RF world in the airship. Golden Sun did it. FF games did it. So why not RF5?
Oh yeah, and more monstergirl waifus.
Luis Lee
Woolies are balls now?
Logan Morgan
My guess is what's almost happened to this thead -- too inactive for too long.
Grayson Baker
Damn it's slow(er) today.
Isaac Sullivan
I'd like to see a meta-game sometime in the future (not necessarily RF5) that incorporates all RF games or most popular ones where all the cities are available to visit and all the same bachelor(ettes). ((Maybe some slight differences in appearance in some))
Matthew Green
That would probably have to be a console game or something for that to work.
Alexander Ross
I don't think anyone here hates Apples.
Xavier Hill
Colton Garcia
It was late and I was wrapped up in reading a Let's Play of Romancing Saga 3 and just barely missed saving it. That one was almost done anyway so no big deal.
I'd love to see a vastly-built-upon trading aspect, like the idea that you can have fluctuations in the price of crops and goods depending on what season it is and what events are happening in nearby towns, being able to place bulk orders for specific items, standing orders from merchants to refill your stock of commonly-used things like fertilizers and giantizers, etc.
Also, overhauling inventory a bit to just use a single-slot high-quantity system with a total item limit you can increase with better backpacks and stuff would be nice. So if you pull up a big-ass harvest of stuff rather than 60 slots of 9 items each you'd just have 1 slot with 600 items (even being limited to 255 by the hex value cap would be a vast improvement).
Angel Nguyen
I think it would work on the new Wii U if they have time
Robert Morales
Xavier Peterson
>Dat welcoming slight bow
That does wayyyyy more things to my brain than that kind of posture has any reason to.
Xavier Flores
What kind of things?
Christian Martin
Is this read like an American comic (left to right)?
Henry Torres
Yeah, not sure why though.
David Carter
Jeremiah Bennett
Gabriel Martinez
Alexander Roberts
Noah Butler
Cameron Davis
So since I don't recall seeing it posted last thread, Scarlet Curiosity got a trailer during E3:
Never been a fan of the franchise for the whole bullet-hell thing, but it looks neat.
Evan Long
Xavier Ortiz
James Gray
Joshua Butler
>You will never convince Daria to let you bodypaint her as part of some kind of strange exhibition
Jackson Jones
I really can't get enough of Iris
Daniel Nelson
James Hughes
3V soon. Like really soon.
I'm ready for the qt teacher.
Brandon Peterson
Mason Williams
Night /xsfg/...
Angel Gray
tan girls.
Henry Martinez
Isaac Bailey
Who is this semen demon?
Kevin Flores
Attila the Hun from Fate/Grand Order. Designed by HUKE.
If you ask me the design is ugly as sin and I also don't know why it's being posted in this thread.
Christian Evans
>I also don't know why it's being posted in this thread.
Fate is now relevant to this thread because Xseed are bringing over that musou. Grand Order may be a mobile game, but it's still Fate.
Ayden Turner
I still think we should've gone with a more focused farming game bent, rather than shoehorning all this other Xseed crap in.
Levi Adams
Thread is still almost all RF and HM. It didn't really change anything. SV has it's own general and fanbase and from what I've seen I don't want that fanbase over here.
Now I can bump with a saber pic and it'll be on topic, but that's pretty much it.
Bentley Flores
Quick story time >local sales facebook page >"I bought this game but it didn't turn out the way I thought" >it's Harvest Moon: Lost Valley
I kind of wanted to tell them Story of Seasons is the real deal.
Oh okay, I'd like to play it at some point, it has some nice designs and I always like it when mobages get translated.
Agreeing with though, I would like to have a more life/farming simulator general, maybe even merge with stuff like Animal Crossing (how active is that general). One can dream.
Joseph Martinez
>It didn't really change anything That's that thing, though. There's no real synergy between conversations of RF/HM and conversations about literally anything else Xseed has put out. That other shit just gets drowned out, so what's even the point? It just ends up being a bunch of white noise for people who just came here for comfy farming sim.
Christopher Jenkins
It was just an attempt to get this place slightly more lively user. Problem is that most of us don't play anything else that the thread is supposed to be about, so whenever someone comes asking a question about those games they're usually met with silence because we just don't know what to tell them.
Noah Morales
>I would like to have a more life/farming simulator general, maybe even merge with stuff like Animal Crossing (how active is that general). One can dream.
Thing is we used to be exclusively an RF/HM/SOS general but then we hit a point where we were constantly dying due to inactivity and we figured broadening ourselves somewhat might help in that regard, though how effective the shift was still gets debated from time to time (I'm the guy that originally pitched /XSFG so naturally I'm biased as shit about it).
One other thin to think about is that one of the constant things that gets brought up about this general that people like is how nice and laid-back it is here compared to many generals, I mean /SKG flies through generals on an average of one a day if not faster and never mind how nasty many others can be. Mostly our problem is surviving the late-night and early-afternoon periods where things seem to slow down the most, that and the odd spam attack.
David Brooks
Anyone played Sora no Kiseki and Zero no Kiseki? Can someone tell me the difference between D.G Church and Ouroboros?
Logan Walker
If nothing else I'd say it was worth it for having a place to stash the Falcom music archive, though, it's always interesting as fuck when the manager comes around with new content filling us in on what JDK and its various iterations and precursors were doing, and of course the music itself.
Aaron Harris
Oh, I understand that it was an attempt to make the thread livelier, which is why I suggested a more general comfy life/farming sim thread when we were first talking expanding the thread a million years ago, but Xseed user just pushed ahead on his own. The fact that we get probably get like maybe 10 non RF/HM posts with any content is proof that the idea was just not sound, for exactly the reasons we've both stated.
Carson White
Oh I know, I've been here for a while. And it's tricky, I like how laid back this general is but at the same time, sometimes it's too laid back. Aka dead, or 50 posts of bumps.
Brandon Nelson
The question is what other games could be a part of this comfy life/farm thread?
AC has it's own general and a bigger fanbase. Besides AC what else can we talk about?
Kayden Fisher
From what I'm reading, it basically comes down to militant pagens (the DG Cult) vs the lovechild of the Catholic Church from Hellsing and the Illuminatti, or a more technologically-enabled version of the Church from Final Fantasy Tactics if you're familiar at all with that.
Robert Davis
I remember we were in the process of discussing things like that when the topic first came up. I remember Fantasy Life came up, and there's those indie games like Orcish Inn or World's Dawn. For older games, there's always shit like Legend of the River King, which is a comfy fishing sim Natsume published ages ago. Naturally, anything that has it's own bustling fandom like AC would be out, but I'm sure other there's other shit anons could think of.
Jose Davis
FL is kinda dead and now gone mobile. Indies are nice, but I don't see much discussion coming from them. Same goes for the real old games.
Going obscure would just lead to out current situation again.
Adam Carter
Logan Adams
And UnReal World, and that fucking bizarre Rune Factory: A Post-Apocalyptic Cannibalism Holocaust scenario its brief discussion led to.
Charles Lewis
People still talk about A Wonderful Life and Friends of Mineral town and both of those came out over a decade ago, so you'll have to forgive me if I don't think the discussion has dried up for older games with more overlap with Rune Factory and Harvest Moon than shit like EDF and Fate.
Adam Allen
Anything I'm forgetting when it comes to getting a reverse confession (not marriage) in SoS? >Blue Flower+ >Saw the White and Purple Flower events >Ring in backpack >Given 100+ gifts (any kind) >Sunny Saturday or Sunday
Nolan Hernandez
Playing thought Popolocrois SoS, does it have DLC?
Don't know if it's the same genre or game, but anyone excited/interested in Ever Oasis?
Easton Bell
It looked cute, but I haven't dug too deeply into what it is.
Ian Cook
>Ever Oasis It caught my eye, though I don't know what subgenre to put it under either.
Jonathan Garcia
I just went to the AZ Trump rally IRL. Not sure who I'm going to vote for at this point though -- I just wanted to see it.
Aiden Martin
Who are you aiming for?
Maybe your FP isn't high enough even though you're at blue flower. The Sunday or Saturday also can't have a holiday on it.
Chase Cox
Nadi. He's all the way at Red Flower, so I'm sure that's not the problem.
It's possible I just miscounted the gifts I've given, though I've been giving him stuff nearly every day for a year and a half now.
Jayden Ramirez
What are the requirements to get with Elise again?
Austin Young
You have to see her rival events before her flower events are available. The last of her rival events happens at the end of year two, so you'll have to wait until year 3 to start courting her.
Xavier Brown
Gavin Ortiz
pls no bully
Jack Morris
How does one increase the level of Master Orbs quickly in Ao no Kiseki?
Blake Lopez
Well they get a flat 10% conversion rate for the XP their character gets, so anything that boosts that'll help: apparently there're some XP+ quartz you can get mid-late game and you could try putting the ones you particularly want to boost on your traditional benchwarmers and carrying them through fights for powerlevelling.
Aaron Gomez
Thanks, didn't know about the conversion rate. How to get this XP Quartz?
Nicholas Myers
I'm completely new to SoS -- how do you get her rival events?
It looks a bit like Fantasy Life splashed with Dark Cloud. Honestly it may fall under a "cozy life sim general" style place.
Dominic Campbell
In addition to there's also three more you have to see for Elise.
Jacob Perry
I honestly loved the town rebuilding aspects of both Dark Clouds, and Dark Cloud 2 had a whole lot of comfy minigames. The golf was neat, and the fishing is still hands down the best fishing minigame I've ever played.
Adrian Robinson
Spheda is neat when you know what to do, if you don't it's the most frustrating aspect of the game especially with how poorly handled the mandatory event is