I just inherited 390k and an apartment complex. What do I do? I'm a 20 year old /r9k/ user. Can I live by doing nothing with this? I have no sense when it comes to money
I just inherited 390k and an apartment complex. What do I do? I'm a 20 year old /r9k/ user...
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>I'm a 20 year old /r9k/ user.
Oh boy. This thread is now about how you're going to misallocate your fortune.
>yugioh cards
>prostitute to lose virginity
>more prostitutes
>funding stripper girlfriend's son's education
>personal trainer
>helium tank
Invest everything in monero and drive up the price pls thanks.
What kind of apartment complex are we talkin here?
390k isnt enough really to start a trust you can live on, you need to find a way to hit that 2 million. Either sell the complex or be prepaired to work trying to sell it
How much does the appartment complex cost and how much does it make a year? Yes, you may have won yourself the comfy n33t lifestyle. One of the keys is to start investing very conservatively ( no cripto currency you autist) and NOT to increase spending especially on unnecessary stuff. Maintain same life style as before moneyz.
this, until you can build that stable permanent lifestyle with solid investments, continue old lifestyle.
I haven't thought so far. All I'm thinking of right now is just buying an expensive car and see what happens after. I also want a gf lol
>buying an expensive car
>doesnt even have a dream car that he wanted for all his life, most important quality of car is ''expensive''
Do you even comprehend how retarded you sound, especially on biz, you failed abortion??
>next line is ''wanna get a girlfriend''
You are either a god tier troll or you should kill yourself now and save yourself the wait since you are going to waste your very modest ammount of money on ''expensive car lololololo look at me how autistic I am''
How the fuck are women not related to money
A fucking "apartment complex" and 390k is nowhere near enough assets to attract gold-digging whores
Depends on the apartment complex.
Because they are not lol. There are countless drug addicted homeless people who smash pussy every night and countless millionaires (you heard me right) who cry themselves to sleep because nobody fuckes them even though they are rich and will tell you about it at first opportunity. The problem was never the absence of money, the problem is you.
Nah i'm serious. I'm considering spending the 390k or so on a sports car that would attract women and then sell the complex and live off that money. Is there any better ideas then this? If so then ocme up with them instead of telling me to kill myself.
This is a better idea
I've had a good day, and I will provide you free advice.
Sell the property via a local real estate agent.
Pay any all debts.
Buy yourself a reliable used car, off lease.
Put 60,250 cash into your local bank.
Put the rest into a premier class S&P500 index fund (like FSUVX).
Use the extra $250 on a whore, if you really want.
If you do anything dissimilar from the above, or do not reply to this post, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
argh. FUSVX. srry typo.
you're fucking retarded, do you even think? anyone with any sense knows that's an awful idea.
You will be broke within a few months if you follow your own advice.
Ok listen here faggot, you need to do this:
This guy gave good sensible advice. I personally would manage the appartment complex instead of selling. if I were autistic hire a company to do it for me. Having an appartment complex is a great passive income stream and in my opinion a much safer investment then going all in into the S&P500 as stock markets crush every now and then. So I would say: manage appartment complex, 350k into S&P500, dont buy a hooker just watch some stupid PUA videos even on youtube, its retarded but it works. Enjoy the rest of your life, doing anything but what I suggested or the guy above makes you retarded and a waste of space.
If you aren't attractive don't do this, you are going to wind up on the sex offender list so fast in 2016. Get a blowup doll.
I'm that guy, and this guy might have a point. Learning how to manage a MF might actually build you a skillset. But you won't appreciate it, because you didn't earn it, so you probably won't take it seriously, and fuck it up, so I'm sticking with just sell it.
And I had an interesting read about "pick up artist" techniques. I'm no expert in the field (but mrs. user seems content), but PUA in a nutshell is basically pretending like you have options when you don't, and preying on insecurities. Just hire a pro if you want to nut, and you'd be better served investing the time over in Veeky Forums, and becoming someone worth reproducing with.
Nothing worthwhile in life is easy.
That said, I find those PUA videos entertaining, and I'm not sure how I missed that.
>Put the rest into a premier class S&P500 index fund (like FSUVX).
Can I just buy XX amount of FSUVX on Robin Hood, or am I supposed to go through some institution to do this?
Some pretty good advice in here.
Put the cash in an index fund like already mentioned.
Consult a few professionals regarding the complex. Is it currently being managed by a 3rd party?
Go ahead buy your sports car. But remember there are diminishing returns so get something used and not too extravagant. Don't forget cost of total ownership.
Don't forget you are not rich , you're comfortably poor. Some mistakes are inevitable and that's ok but most 20 year olds if left to their own devices would be broke inside of a decade.
As far as girls go. a couple days a week in the gym, decent clothes, hair cut, etc is all you really need. Be patient, in 5 years you might not even recognize yourself.
Yes unless you want a tax differed account.
There's some good advice here user, don't be an idiot and take it into consideration
invest everything in Index ETF or get some education and cherry pick your companies on SP500 AND HOLD
Go to college?
why waste money on going to college when he has all the money he needs to build a sustainable future? fuck spending it on an education that he doesn't need rofl.
If this actually has happened and you're not a troll just go consult a financial advisor. The small price you pay is easily worth it to you since you sound fucking financially retarded.
Enjoy being a retard your whole life. If you're going to denounce college education at least post an alternative learning he can do for free so you don't sound so ignorant. Learning and reading is a common denominator among almost all successful people.
no don't do this, the entire market is about to collapse and equity market valuations are out of control. hold onto your money or buy gold and silver.
Google "bogger pockets" and ask them
Veeky Forums is retarded with real estate