/simg/ - Simulation Games General


A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
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BMS download links

Planefag pastebin:

Silent Hunter 3 pastebin:

Dangerous Waters pastebin:

FPSchazly's Dangerous Waters tutorials:

Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims:
Falcon BMS
DCS World
Rise of Flight
Combat Helo
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Euro truck sim
Assetto Corsa
rFactor 2
Live for Speed
SAM Simulator
Steel Beasts Pro
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
Silent Hunter
Train Simulator
Farming Simulator 2015

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm* 3
Ac* Combat
W*r Thunder
World of ____

Other urls found in this thread:


why did you fags let it die?
first for OPS





>tfw will never be a real fast jet pilot
I might just kill myself


Will there be DCS ops today?

Was that campaign mission a custom made one? It looked quality

yes and maybe

>mfw i take off and i dont know where to go and i dont see anything on the ground or in the air

We should all fly under the names of famous NASCAR drivers desu

>famous people

This is the DCS community, there is nothing wrong with the game at all!

When will delusional idiots kill themselves?

Is it just me or are Russian jets retardedly overcomplicated?

Anyone know if custom colors actually work in Cliffs of Dover with Team Fusion? They don't seem to change anything so I'm not sure if they're broken or I'm just using aircraft where they don't have any effect.

It's less that Russian jets are overcomplicated and more that Western jets tend to have more things handled for the pilot. They're not making things more complex, it's just they haven't really simplified much.

Also, when new features are added to US planes, often times the cockpits are completely redesigned, and the aircraft is given a new model letter.

When Russians add new features often times they'll just bash it together. Just look at how countermeasure dispensers are installed on the MiG-21, they re-used the JATO ignition circuit.

I would rank the complexity like this
A-10c>MiG-21>WW2 stuff>F5>mirage>baby cliffs

Are these SU-24's or Tornado's?

forgot pic


I don't know much about the mirage but are you telling me that a gen4 is less complex than a gen3?

Is there any more efficient way to make use of your rockets and bombs in the Su-25? Each pass I can only nail 1 or 2 targets, it seems I'm either missing or outright failing to damage the rest.

"Splash damage" against ground targets in dcs has been borked for the longest of times, you usually have to hit pretty much right on top of whatever you're aiming at in order to do significant damage, even if you're dropping heavier bombs like fab-500s.

As for rockets, it all depends on what kind of targets and how close they are to eachother.
An entire convoy of apcs or lighter can be wiped in a single pass with S-8OFPs.

>fukkkk, only got enough money to spare for a single module before the 20th
>can't decide between M2K or F-5
>kinda want to put off gen4 multi-role until F/A-18 appears
>I am kinda put off of M2K as I don't want to learn French or memorize foreign symbols just to fly/deploy weapons properly will it actually be worth learning/memorizing symbols?
Is this a dumb move? What to do?

it's not even symbols. just basic french

While I think that specific example user gave is a bad one (F-5 is a very simple plane, and was stylistically designed to be that way), look at the cockpit(s) of something like an F-4 to see why people would say that a 3rd gen fighter is more complex than a 4th. Shit was getting so complicated, so fast, that it became common practice to have a second guy just to operate the radar and weapons.

By the time 4th generation fighters started really coming into their own (with planes like F-15C, F-16C, Su-27S, MiG-29S, etc), computers had caught up to the complexity and were starting to automate a lot of what you needed a second pilot for.

That's why I think 3rd generation fighters and late 2nd gen are so interesting. They were the awkward transitional period between analog systems with steam gauges and increasingly complex electronic radars, weapons, and aircraft design.

Which second gen aircraft used radars and other complex systems?

There's a modded English pit available. The only things left in French would be the HUD, and almost all of that is numbers anyway.

The biggest hurdle I've found with the Mirage is that it's that procedures and quirks change every patch because it's still being worked on. I never know if something is broken or stupid because that's just how it's supposed to be, or if it's something RAZBAM hasn't finished yet.

ops when?

I was thinking specifically of the F-106 and the couple other big radar interceptors of its day, but now I remember that generation argument of the other day and don't care to go down that road again.

Quality sim.

CA ops when?

I see. But is it worth a buy? Or should I wait for F/A-18 for gen4 multi-role and enjoy F-5E's simplicity for now?

While the Mirage is multi-role, it can only carry dumb bombs and rockets, along with GBU-12s which need to be buddy lased.

That being said I would say the Mirage is definitely worth a buy.

Gods plane in French form desu lad


rip dale earnhardt


>mfw i cant dodge a sam from 10 nm away

You must re-install your game because nothing is wrong with dcs, it's your game. You'll be banned from DCS OPS until you provide screenshots of your DCS folder.

I'm having more fun with the mirage than with any module before

But I am semi novice/amateur at this stuff.

Learned to startup, take off, radar lock and shoot stuff with radar missiles in only a couple hours

I bought it last week and I fucking love it m8


>what a tough and bouncy plane

Mirage feels like an F-15 without amraams, if that's what you want then buy it. It's still very much wip but it gets huge updates every patch.

And it can do some bomb and rocket stuff, unlike F15

F-15 actually does have bombs but only in 2.0.



Lol why did you turn off nosewheel steering?

>buy mirage
>zero tutorials


I wish they would make a full fidelity F-15E and the F/A-18 can't come soon enough

I am going to get M2k, thanks for you guys' inputs. See yous in ops
mfw I still don't really know how to A-10C, working on it thou but wanted some fast jet action to change it up

>M2K has NO tutorials
Wait wut? You serious?

Dont worry about tutorial missions just use


and you will be a god in the M2000C in no time

It turns off automatically.

Damn, what a dodge
>mfw I will never be able to do that, because I don't see launches and have no clue what is considered a launch warning

>Working on Super Hornets like I do every day
>Some tards dumped APU accumulator using the brakes wrong when towing the jet
>Go underneath it and furiously pump the rod to re-service the accumulator
>Come back a short time later to remove a servo, start taking off the hyde line
>Warm, thick hydraulic fluid sprays all over my face

Jet 141, I....

A-10C is overrated and boring as fuck.

Only one plane can provide its user with the feeling exhilaration and power of flying the deadliest bird in the sky.

>not using differential braking


>the most complex DCS module up to date
Sure is Babby Cliff shit in here

think you might be pregnant bud, better check that out

It is pretty boring though.

It's too advanced, and it's basically expend mavericks go home, rinse and repeat ad nausea.

Why are there two A-10s in DCS. I know the A-10a is in baby cliffs so is it just like a way less complicated version or what?

when the fuck are we gonna get news on the f18

Its not advanced as it could be since we are using an old suite. And any jet is basically expend missile, go home, rinse and repeat.

One is for dumb niggers who want a simple striker with no systems while the other is a precise killer but requires more knowledge about what you are doing.

Yes, the A-10A is much less complex and NO clickable cockpit; in other words, all keyboard shortcuts
The C is full fidelity with a bunch of stuff and a (nearly) fully clickable cockpit

>no modules model heating or anything like that
>barely any modules model oxygen

why even play

Chuck owl guide is good for basics

Bunyapsims or whatever has a good set of videos for some of the radar/close air combat modes

like every fixed wing module models oxygen deprivation and shit though

Don't worry you just have to come to terms with the fact that all the planes are remotely piloted and what we see is merely a robot's vision, therefore there are no oxygen deprivation because we have no need for oxygen



PFM never.

yeah, but in the A10C it's basically the only thing you can do since it's not even fast.

DCS ops never

The A-10 was never meant to work alone and it relied on other other aircraft to clear the skies for it.

Not to mention the fact you wouldn't deploy A-10's into combat until you got air superiority.

Barring the pointless stuff you just typed that, i find it extremely boring, and nothings going to change that.

>not running the A-10C like it's a wild weasel plane

not my nigga

I was trying to point out that to use anything else than standoff mavs you would require the skies to be clear.


>tfw no buddy to lase for your guided eclairs


Please advise when ops habben


>not dumping flares continuing your attack run after the evading the missile

Mirage only gets 16 flares, can't dump

does that look like a mirage to you?

Disregard this, i suck cocks instead of looking at the HUD

If we do some ops will someone hand hold me through the mirage, I just got it.

>Shit was getting so complicated, so fast, that it became common practice to have a second guy just to operate the radar and weapons.
Funny you should say that, I was just thinking to myself that that pit actually looks remarkably simple only to then remember that there is a second seat where all the complicated stuff is.

>Some tards dumped APU accumulator using the brakes wrong when towing the jet
Can you explain how this works?

>Not wanting a 1/2 hornet baby

would't mind a 1/2 Tomcat baby desu


how do i make my pc run dcs?

Double click the short cut on the desktop

>Train Simulator
Shouldn't this be in plural?
>Farming Simulator 2015
Why only 2015?

well it doesn't work does it.