Looks like we are stuck with merging with /dag/ >mfw
James Baker
Might as well merge with mass effect general and make it space rpg General
James Martin
Who would take us? If you were a frequenter of another general, would you want to associate with TOR?
Chase Green
are you guys on Ebon Hawk? I was thinking about coming back to play.
It'd be sad to see /swgg/ go though, we've been around for almost 3 years.
Ryan Scott
>are you guys on Ebon Hawk?
that's where the new guild is, yes. If you remember , this one isn't quite as active as that guild was at its peak. There are dead hours. But we do frequently have people on.
Noah Bennett
I just want to slaughter Koth. Is that too much to ask?
Cameron Foster
I want to make Koth watch as I destroy Zakuul utterly and completely.
Carson Smith
And when he calls you a murderous monster, you simply shrug and respond "I was always good to the Empire."
Caleb White
>tfw you develop a crush on the thred
Liam Wilson
Most people are on Ebon Hawk, yes. Haven't bothered to join on any of my Imps, since I mostly play Pub. I was glad when he left. I wish there was an option to shoot him down. >tfw the thread has a crush on you
Josiah Lewis
oh i play pub too predominantly. I'll transfer my sage I guess.
Also when did they add cross region transfers? that's pretty cool anyone try it yet? i wish they'd bring back the 99cc transfer deal or just make it normal.
Jace Martinez
Not a terrible idea. I think the issue is that most of the shitposting happens in the guild now instead of here in the thread. Plus this place is at its most active at like 1-3 AM EST.
Jose Lee
Thread dies faster because there isn't much to do. It gets a usual spike next week with a new chapter for a week, and then another slow three weeks.
Nicholas Davis
Yep. Just gotta wait for the content.
And wait.
And wait.
Andrew Rogers
isn't there some kind of group content coming at the end of the month?
Nicholas Brooks
it was cut ;)
Jayden Peterson
no I read there's some thing about counting up darkside/lightside points
Gabriel Fisher
there's an event coming up, they haven't talked about it after revealing it so it might be some shitty solo event because BW hates grouping now
Juan Foster
Gemini is coming, so maybe. Maybe Bioware just realized the game makes a far better singleplayer RPG than it does MMO.
Easton Nelson
Does Manaan ever end? I want to get to SoR but wow this is taking a while.
Jason Bailey
Nigga why do we both have the exact same character
William Gomez
Gotta get more freckles. Good taste though
William Russell
Imps may have all the sluts, but pubs clearly got all the qts.
Jose Cook
Justin Price
Green is fine too.
Owen Allen
Christian Phillips
Yeah, we do that.
Nicholas Lee
itll be better when gemini comes out. probably. or we consider bioware space general
Isaac King
>we will never play as the most badass Jedi in the old EU ever again we lost far more than we gained with Disney's new canon. I hate it.
Landon Brown
Disney doesn't really give a shit about video games. Maybe we'll see some sort of cameo of him in a future vidya.
Tyler King
I'd have hoped for a cameo or something to appear in Rogue One, but I highly doubt it.
Blake Perry
The cliffhanger of Jedi academy (on both endings) still haunts me to this day
Connor Peterson
>tfw you will never tell your rp crush how you feel about them
Isaiah Turner
Pretty sure that was resolved in one of the 3000 books that came after it.
Henry Ward
i dated a girl i met through rp
for two years
Ryder Turner
Delta Squad came back in the Clone Wars show. That was nice.
Nicholas Kelly
thats really fuckine auticute
Landon Collins
The books usually feel like licensed fanfiction
Jack Morris
Well, that is kind of what they are.
Jacob Perez
>they walk slower than your run >they walk faster than your walk fucking why
Thomas Peterson
Yes indeed.
Ethan Price
That's exactly what the EU was 2bh
Luis Flores
why are we still here
Tyler Taylor
>doing second time through Kotfe as a pub this time God I had forgotten how great Valkorion's voice is. I could listen to that man read the dullest book all day.
Jace Hughes
Darin de Paul is good. He needs more roles. Smooth or interesting VAs are the best. I have an audiobook of Dune read by Tim Curry. It's perhaps the best thing in history.
Nathaniel Clark
Has anyone else gotten a random explosion sound in their ship? Just happening every now and then? I've heard it on the Jedi, BH, and Trooper ships.
Charles Nelson
yeah, its like the sound as if you were using the escape pod. no idea why it happens.
Zachary Campbell
yeah been happening for a while, always startles me and sometimes the explosion happens on top of the character model, usually after using the holoterminal
Christopher Harris
Happens on all ships. The reason is obvious. >bioware
Thomas Hernandez
Bounty Hunter storyline has been a long line of "In the Air Tonight" moments. I love it.
Noah Russell
Aiden Peterson
ded like mah nigga Marr.
Adam Ramirez
Ded is how we do.
Ethan Gomez
Make some space for new TopQT.
Alexander Ross
and this is the moment my Sage realized Sith were the superior order, at least he looked the part already
Ryan Thompson
Fucking top tier weapon of choice mate.
Would post some image signalling approval, but all i have on this tablet is porn and random pictures of clothes.
Gabriel Williams
>Doing KP HM >Some leet healer from some ops progression guild too busy showing his e-peen HPS parse during boss fight in chat instead of doing his job. >randoms in 208 doing a better job
Being guildless is the way to go senpai
Easton Thompson
Thank you. I'm sure they're very fashionable clothes and the porn is at least decent.
Samuel Allen
>tfw this pistol is better than any weapon in the game
Grayson Campbell
top tier armor you're wearing famalam my commando wears the same
Mason Collins
Lewd outfits in this game?
I ask because I spent over 500,000 credits on an outfit.
Also, do packs cycle, or once they're gone, they're gone?
Jacob Bennett
Looks like Magnificent dancer or the same model at least
Ethan Russell
5 million. Ain't no way I can afford that unless I erp for it.
Carson Gray
if you play Pubside you can buy basically the same thing from the Security Key vendor for pocket change. On both pub and imp side you can get slave girl bottoms which look the same, but I'm not sure how dyeable they are, if you get your character to....I think Social Level 4.
Levi Moore
Slave set is Social II
Jeremiah Sullivan
And where is that?
Owen Ortiz
So how the fuck are Koth and Lana even friends? If you did everything the way Lana wanted, Koth would just leave.
Joshua Nelson
because >bioware writing
Jordan Cook
Honestly? And it may sound over the top but I really think this is inexcuseable in game design. How hard can it fucking be for those lazy ass cunts?
Fuck this game, fuck that I'm addicted to its sluts and RP. I can't even bear to get through the post 50 stories to meet Vette again because its all so repetitive and grindy. All I do is PvP.
Brayden King
This face on BT1s will forever be associated with violent sexual exploitation thanks to this thread.
Zachary Baker
dem primary colors
James Sanchez
Apparrently through the 5 years you've been in carbonite they've been through a lot together Even though both their ideals don't mesh at all >Lana: Outlander, those Zakuul's were the ones who trapped you for 5 years. Let's go kill them! >Alright!
Jordan Russell
>not green
Ryder Harris
Grayson James
green is GOAT
Ian Smith
Gavin Martinez
did you take a prntscrn and forget to crop out the top bar?
Gavin Gomez
didn't bother
Landon Gomez
>travel to Hoth
Jack Long
Dead thread Dead game Dead guild
Michael Campbell
I'd be a sluts for cosmetic items, no lie. Having no money is painful.
Julian Sanders
I wanted to like Koth, I really did, but they fucked him up. introducing him and first bit of chapters he seemed alright, figured he was the LS to Lana's DS based on the whole reactor thing, but then you find out its only because the people were of Zakuul and if the same thing happened on one of the Core Worlds he wouldnt have given a single fuck about those people. Then the rest of his Muh Zakuul garbage, like in chapter 13 how he gets pissed that you steal Zakuul's wealth even though they stole it first by plundering our galaxy. Fuck Koth.
Jaxson Kelly
is every other general just really alive or are we just really dead.
Elijah Smith
The latter
Ryan Wright
where are the summer kids coming to try out the game because they have no friends?
Isaac Carter
Joshua Barnes
Not here
Levi White
just let it die
Grayson Peterson
Social Vendor on NS is in the cantina - the arrow shows you where to go.
Tyler Scott
are you me? the only thing keeping me in this game is designing and redesigning my strongholds and sluts
Christian Butler
I wish I had good cosmetics
Hunter Williams
mercenary is so boring to play.
Parker Jenkins
Colton Richardson
Sad isn't it the only thing keeping people in this game are sluts.
You get better sluts in Tera or Blade and Soul.
Sebastian Cruz
This. It's sucks that the only thing keeping this thread afloat is sloots but even then the sloots are outahined by sloots in Tera and FF and the like Sloots in TOR are nice but by time you see one sloot in one outfit you've seen all the sloots